In an instant, Blue Star's space fell into a completely collapsed state of nothingness.

At this time, the entire blue star trembled.

"The law of causality weapon is so powerful?" Ye Yi was also dumbfounded.

The causal law weapon is to instill powerful power by relying on causal points.

As for the origin of the causal point, it is generated by the node generated by time.

Generally, only causal physiques can collect causal points, such as Lin Xi and Cheng Susu.

Even if Zhang San inherited part of Nvwa's power, he would not be able to complete it at all because of his non-causal physique.

"How do they use it?" Wu Shan asked in surprise.

Ye Yi pondered for a while, and then said: "This is why this plan is made into a perfect human being."

"I heard Brother Lin Luo say that there are actually many different physiques in this world, such as the ancient Eucharist, although I don't know how he knew it, but he said that the physique of the Eucharist is comparable to that of the physical body. powerful...."

"And a few others."

"The formation of these physiques is actually the result of genetic mutations."

"Different genes lead to different physical qualities for different people."

"The fifth-order gene can be said to be a kind of complement..."

"That is to say, today's Chen Haotian and General Manager Lin are both perfect physiques, possessing all physiques, including..." Zhu Yihui next to him said: "Causal physique?"

"That's right." Ye Yi said, "This is the most reasonable explanation."


"Now we are also at the crossroads of this world, human beings, and life towards different futures."


Boom boom boom...

The lingering sound is three unique, the oscillating energy continuously impacts every part of the blue star, and the sunken space can swallow a fourth-level senior person into it.

Lin Luo did it.

Destroy the enemy with strength.

The sharp edge of that day even cut off the mysterious list of gods.

To a certain extent, heavenly secrets are offensive weapons, while the list of gods belongs to the category of magical weapons.

The so-called magic machine, maybe you can think of it as a system-like creation.

Chen Haotian looked at Lin Luo's flickering white light, looked at the secret in Lin Luo's hand, and said coldly: "Your strength, after all

How did it come here? "

Hearing this, Lin Luo smiled and said: "Chen Haotian, you guessed the future through the list of gods and calculated the entire universe, but you still can't see through my existence, can you?"

Chen Haotian frowned.


At first he calculated...

His resurrection, hundreds of millions of years later, will be completed by a person named Lin Chen who is called the perfect human plan.

However, what I never expected was that a Lin Luo appeared on the way...

You know, this is far from the time guessed by the Conferred God List.

Chen Haotian is very clear.

Lin Luo and Lin Chen, although there is only one letter difference, they cannot be the same person.

At this moment, both of them are concentrating on attacking together.

They continuously absorb the causal points between heaven and earth...

Today, the world is full of energy.

The two sides looked at each other, Lin Luo suddenly smiled and said, "I can still answer another doubt in your heart..."

Chen Haotian paused.

"How did I get out?" Lin Luo said.

Chen Haotian's expression changed slightly.

The exile space created by the Gods List, if Lin Luo didn't have the power of the fifth-order gene, it would be impossible for Lin Luo to appear...

And Lin Luo is the fifth-order gene that transformed in front of him.

"In your time and space, you should remember Lin Xi." Lin Luo said.

When Chen Haotian heard this, his expression changed slightly.

Lin Luo frowned.


What kind of existence is Lin Xi in normal time and space?


Know Chen Haotian?

"How could I forget it?" Chen Haotian revealed a trace of humanity in his eyes, and said, "But unfortunately, I can't save her."

Lin Luo paused.

Lin Xi in normal time and space was actually saved by Chen Haotian?

"What a cute little girl, what a pity..." Chen Haotian said coldly, "God has no eyes."

When speaking, Chen Haotian became a little more angry, and then fell into deep thought.

"Her physique, the gene lock can't save her at all."

"But she didn't deserve to die."

"It was her damn big brother who abandoned her, and she fell to the streets. By the time I found her, she had already..."

Chen Haotian clenched his fists and said: "That was the first time I killed someone. I killed all the people who punched and kicked her."

Lin Luo was silent.

Chen Haotian


That's right.

If it was Lin Luo, he would have killed all these people too.


That is, these negative energies are changing the innocent and kind Chen Haotian.

A thought about life and death.

good and evil...

It's also just a thought.

"She... saved you?" Chen Haotian asked.

"You are wrong." Lin Luo said.

"Lin Luo...." Chen Haotian stared at him firmly, and said, "Do you still remember that sentence you said?"

Lin Luo was astonished.

"Don't persuade others to be kind before they have suffered."

Lin Luo's heart was touched.


He is not qualified to define good and evil...


Lin Luo's pupils straightened up in the next second.

"If you want to destroy the world I want to protect, then you can't."

When speaking, Lin Luo held up the secret.


Looking at the two huge vortexes, the entire Blue Star was divided into two vortexes, red and white.

In front of Chen Haotian, when causal points were continuously injected into the seal of the rune in the middle, he could only see a huge halo formed outside the list of gods.

"When I was designing the Gods List, I set it as the most perfect weapon..."

"Attack, defense..."

"God level."

"This trick is called life and death!"

When Chen Haotian spoke, he shouted loudly, only to see a steady stream of power surrounding the circle of light.

And Lin Luo, standing there, looked up at the sky.

He could feel that the sky was trembling.

he saw...

Su Chen's shadow.

Like Lin Luo, he holds the secret.


"You're here too."

In the pupil, Su Chen's phantom showed a smile.

Lin Luo also smiled...

At the same time, the movements of the two people are highly unified...

Holding the sword of heaven in both hands.


"Heaven and earth are smashing!"

At this moment, Lin Luo and Tianji have truly become one with the sword.

The so-called perfect...

It's all a lie.

How can there be perfect people in this world.

Even if you have a perfect body, your mind is not perfect.


the same.

"Tianji, break it!"

Lin Luo shouted, watching the halo of the Gods List wrap around him.

space lock..

The cage of life and death!


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