Chen Haotian was astonished.

What does Lin Luo mean by saying this?

Soon, he understood.

I only saw Lin Luo stretching his hands towards the list of gods, and at the same time, the mighty power began to spread to Lin Luo's body.

This is...

Want to compete with him for the source of strength?

Chen Haotian was stunned, and then suddenly came to his senses.

Chen Haotian is the fifth rank.

Lin Luo is also of the fifth order.

The two people in this state have perfect physiques.

What holy body, what chaotic body, they are all fake.

What Chen Haotian can do, so can Lin Luo.

"Go away." Chen Haotian was furious.

He punched out.

Break the universe, shatter the sky.

However, Lin Luo smiled abruptly, shook his head, and said, "Then we have to see who has the stronger ability to absorb?"

Chen Haotian glanced at him, and the two fought again in the air.

And the broken list of gods was continuously emitting two forces, covering them.


Everyone in front of the screen looked shocked.

This war almost destroyed the entire Blue Star, even far above Mars, because of the impact of energy, a huge jet of molten lava was blasted at the position of the earth's core.

Ye Yi stared at the screen, and said to Zhang San: "I think it's a bit strange."

"What's strange?"

"Brother Lin Luo seems to be hiding his strength."

Hearing this, Zhang San said with a wry smile: "How can you hide your strength in a fifth-order battle?"

But Ye Yi said: "It wasn't just now, it is now..."

Zhang San paused, not quite understanding what Ye Yi meant.

On the screen, Lin Luo and Chen Haotian are still fighting for power crazily.

Chen Haotian is more like crazy...

He doesn't want to die.

He's been planning for so long.

Killed so many people.

He is too eager to survive in this world.

While suppressing Lin Luo, he opened his cells wide and frantically poured power into them.

Suddenly, he squinted and smiled, and said, "Lin Luo, you lost."

Lin Luo paused, but saw that Chen Haotian took out a piece of shining jade from nowhere...

Fortune jade dish.

The key to the legendary list of gods.

Before Lin Luo could react, he was suddenly forced back by that powerful force.

next second,

He was directly shocked...

"Desperate?" Chen Haotian laughed.

Lin Luo stood where he was, staring at the fortune jade dish.

In the universe, the audience who saw this scene fell into despair.

Lin Luo lost.

There was nothing he could do.

this universe...

It is also about to enter the darkest age.


"Lin Luo..."

"Lin Luo!"

Zhang San yelled frantically on the communicator.

Relying on the communicator, his voice can be transmitted to Blue Star.

His voice was edgy.


A little hoarse.

He shouted several times, and finally heard Lin Luo's response.

"I heard it."

"Let's go." Zhang San said:

"With your strength, you will definitely be able to avoid him, even this time and space."

"And then?" Lin Luo said.

Zhang San said without any hesitation: "To live is to hope!"

Lin Luo is still set there.

"General Manager Lin, I beg you." Zhang San shouted.


All of a sudden, countless voices came.


Two ways.

Countless ways.

Even Lin Luo can see the pictures in the universe through these sounds.

Lin Luo took a deep breath, looked ahead, and said slowly, "Don't worry, I haven't lost yet."

Zhang San and the others paused, but instantly saw that the communicator was cut off...

And Chen Haotian looked at Lin Luo and said, "Is the farewell over?"

"It's not ashamed to hide and be a turtle."

Unexpectedly, Lin Luo tore off his tattered top and said, "Now that things have happened, I don't pretend anymore."

Chen Haotian was astonished.

Afterwards, Lin Luo's strength was seen to increase crazily.

fifth order...

This is the real power of the fifth level of Lin Luo.


Seeing this scene, everyone didn't understand what Lin Luo was going to do.

Ye Yi's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he said: "As expected, I did not guess wrong."

Zhang San was puzzled.

"Brother Lin Luo's combat power has always surpassed those of the same level. Even if he is at the fifth level, I don't think he will be worse than Chen Haotian." Ye Yi said.

"Then..." Zhang San was even more puzzled.

After a pause, he continued: "Then it should explode from the beginning, and then kill him."

"If Chen Haotian really surpassed the power of the fifth level, then Lin Luo

Today's power is really not necessarily..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw on the screen that all of Lin Luo's strength had left his body and poured into Chen Haotian.

Seeing this scene, everyone thought Lin Luo was crazy?

On the contrary, Zhang San's pupils lit up, as if he understood everything.

He laughed loudly and said, "As expected of General Manager Lin, as expected of General Manager Lin!!"

When he spoke, his mood also changed drastically.

On the blue star, when Chen Haotian watched Lin Luobai's white power instilled in him, he was still puzzled.

Is Lin Luo stupid?

Wouldn't absorbing such a powerful force make him even stronger?

Chen Haotian laughed, but the smile froze in an instant.

Because, he felt that a part of his cell gene died completely under the powerful force...

Chen Haotian looked at Lin Luo in horror, and at this moment he fully understood.

Lin Luo smiled and said, "That's right, everything is my plan."

The shock in Chen Haotian's pupils was beyond words. He frantically wanted to stop the list of gods and close his body.

However, once the door of power is opened, it is not so easy to close.

What is Lin Luo planning?

Even if Lin Luo had the strength to surpass Chen Haotian from the beginning, he still couldn't kill him.

The fifth-order gene is the immortal gene chain...

The only chance is.

Chen Haotian gave him a chance.

If Chen Haotian opens the gate of genetic energy by himself...

The power of Lin Luo's fifth level, plus the power of the Conferred Gods List.

Then, it is impossible for Chen Haotian's cells to absorb two kinds of power at the same time.

It's like a bottle that will burst open after absorbing a lot of energy and the density is too high.

However, Chen Haotian is a fifth-order gene after all.

His cells are rapidly repairing and rapidly expanding.

If he allowed it to develop naturally, Chen Haotian could even absorb all of these two forces.


How could Lin Luo wait.

He stood in the distance, while instilling strength in Chen Haotian, while taking out the broken celestial secret.

Holding the broken blade in both hands, he looked at Chen Haotian and said:

"Chen Haotian, you counted the sky into it."

"However, you underestimated the power of people!"

"you lose!"

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