In the distant starry sky beyond the blue star, countless people are standing here at this moment, looking at the blue star.

There was their former homeland, but now it has become a dangerous place.

"We have already vacated the planet, and the people from Blue Star will just move there." Mark Carey said to Zhang San.

"Okay." Zhang San nodded.

Today, the energy of the annihilated black hole is too great, and it has begun to affect the normal ecology of the solar system.

In just three days, Zhang San worked out the Blue Star immigration plan.

However, Zhang San didn't want to leave this area.

He felt that Lin Luo was not dead yet.

In the battle of the nine civilizations, Lin Luo was able to survive. Zhang San believed that the current Lin Luo would also be able to survive.

However, the current Hole of Annihilation is not within his reach.

"Then I'll go first." Mark Carey sighed secretly, and he was also extremely sorry.

For him, Lin Luo is a person with great kindness.

"Okay." Zhang San nodded, still looking far away.

At this moment, a burst of colorful light suddenly bloomed in the distance.

After Zhang San paused, a female staff member next to him said, "It's so beautiful."

But Zhang San didn't have such a mood, he looked at the light in the distance, he was both shocked and terrified...

Surprisingly, there are variables.

Scary, this variable is bad.

At this moment, suddenly a white figure flew out of the sky, Zhang San looked over and found that it was Dabai.

Although Dabai still has injuries on his body at this moment, Dabai has already recovered.

"Dabai, this is..." Zhang San seemed to have thought of something.

But Dabai changed from his previous silly appearance, and nodded towards Zhang San.

Zhang San was overjoyed when he saw this.

He wanted to rush over, but Dabai grabbed him.

"Why? Can't we go now?" Zhang San was astonished.

Dabai yelled twice, Zhang San was stunned.

"The beginning of chaos?"

For the first time, Zhang San thought he had heard wrong.

And behind, Dahuang Qingniu came, looked at the light in the distance, and said: "This is a new beginning!"


one day

two days

A month has passed.

There is still no new movement in this newly opened land of chaos.

However, Dabai's attitude made the whole Blue Star happy.

Lin Luo is not dead.

Almost every day and night, people came to Lanxing to take a look.

Especially the old men like Chen An, they came here almost every day, which made Ye Yi feel annoyed.

"No, no, Dabai

Having said that, Brother Lin Luo is fine, so it is fine. "Ye Yi said.

"What's your attitude?" Chen An said.

"Yes, what is your attitude?" Yang Jun also nodded immediately.

Ye Yi rolled his eyes and said, "I...I didn't say anything."

"You have a bad attitude, young man." Chen An said.

"Eh..." Ye Yi smiled wryly.

On the other hand, the old man next to him laughed and said, "I said Ye Yi, you are not young anymore, are you looking for someone?"

"Ah?" Ye Yi scratched his head, and then said: "Brother Lin Luo doesn't have one, I...I don't."

The old man and the old guys glanced at the same time, as if they were confirming their eyes, and then went to discuss the issue.

Seeing this scene, Ye Yi secretly rejoiced that he had escaped, and said in a low voice: "Brother, you should come back early, or you won't be able to stand it anymore."


Lin Luo also wanted to come back sooner.

Unfortunately, he can't.

This annihilated black hole possesses enormous power.

The reason why Lin Luo said that the ancient ancestors were powerful...

To be precise, Lin Luo was an eye-opener.

Because in ancient times, they actually created the weapon of causality.

Nuwa's sky-replenishing stone and Pangu's sky-opening ax are weapons of causality.

Although it can reverse the cause and effect and start over, it takes time.

In fact, with Lin Luo's fifth-level genetic power, these things can be completely ignored.

Because even if he is broken into a cell, he can be fully resurrected.

But Lin Luo is a man with a heavy heart...

"I don't know if this broken system can be revived." Lin Luo thought.

Suppose, this broken system is a computer.

It lent its strength to Lin Luo.

If it gets energy, it might be able to recover.

Deep down in his heart, Lin Luo is no longer grateful for this system, but a kind of companionship...

During these years of battle, not everyone was by Lin Luo's side.

However, this system has always been with Lin Luo.

Lin Luo thought so, so he stayed here for a few days to study the power of the law of cause and effect.

But on the fifth day, he could sense that chaos had just opened.

This also means that this world is about to restart.

Lin Luo knew that it was time for him to leave.

He stood up, looked at the starry sky outside, and finally turned his head.

"Perhaps this is the new era."

As Lin Luo said so, he took a step forward.



"Get out." Lin Yue stepped on the bull's head.

Since Xiao Qingniu returned to Blue Star, he has gradually released the seal in his body over the years, and even...

Became a big boss.

However, with Lin Yue, he still has no status.

There is no way, Lin Yue is equivalent to his sister, and he grew up being beaten.

The little green cow patted the cow's head depressedly, then walked outside.

Walking outside, he happened to see Chen An passing by, and just wanted to say hello, but Chen An left without even looking at him.

"This group of people ignore me, it's too hateful." Little Qingniu was full of resentment.

"What did you say?" Suddenly, Lin Yue's voice sounded, and the little green cow panicked when he heard it.

"'s nothing." Little Qingniu hurriedly said, "Uncle Chen An was in a hurry to leave just now, I wonder what he is doing."

But Lin Yue said: "They don't have time now. Now, stabilizing the order of the universe is what Blue Star should do. And you haven't noticed that the starry sky has changed?"

When Xiao Qingniu heard this, he was stunned.


When the colorful glare appeared, the aura of the entire universe changed dramatically.

Perhaps the current human beings don't have any sense yet, but they, animals, have a deep sense.

At this moment, on the temporary central base of Mars, Zhang San, the old man, and Chen An were sitting there.

"Do you think that there may be new changes in human beings?" said the old man.

"Well." Zhang San said: "I have confirmed with Dabai and Lin Yue that the changes brought about by the opening of chaos may be a subtle change of the human body, and the future direction of human beings may change differently. ...."

"It seems that there will be chaos in the future." Chen An said. Biqu library

"However, I don't know how many years it took to reach this point." Zhang San said: "After all, people's hearts are unpredictable."

"If only that kid Lin Luo was here..." Chen An said suddenly cursing, "I don't know where this kid went to play, really."

Zhang San and the old man just smiled, but in the next second, their bodies stopped because they all felt that someone appeared behind them.

Almost at the same time, the three of them got up straight away, and Chen An was staring at him with excitement on his face.

"Uncle Chen, it's not a good habit to speak ill of people behind their backs."

A slightly teasing voice sounded, completely causing the tears of the three to flow down.

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