This day, the sky is clear.

Blue Star, came back to life.

Although, the revived Blue Star has no buildings, no urban agglomerations, and no previous achievements of human civilization.

However, with the current resources of the Blue Star people, it is only a matter of time before they want to rebuild the glory of the Blue Star.

The time came to 12:00 Blue Star time.

This is also the recognized rotation time of Blue Star 00:00.

Lin Luo looked at the yellow mud and high soil in front of him, and at the mountains, rivers and lakes in the distance.

At this moment, countless people are waiting for him in the distance.

Zhang San was in the distance, wearing the uniform of the Dark Night Army. After seeing Lin Luo, he walked slowly, raised his hand, and made a military salute.

Lin Luo nodded and returned a military salute.

He looks at the stage.

At this moment, Chen An and his seniors were all sitting there, nodding towards Lin Luo.

Lin Luo put down his hand and walked slowly.



"It's really Commander Lin!"

"Hahaha, I just said it, General Manager Lin is a god-man, how could he be killed by such a bum."

"General Manager Lin is as handsome as ever."

The whole Blue Star cheered.

At this moment, Blue Star really no longer distinguishes between skin, surname, and race.

Lin Luo stepped onto the laid red carpet, looked at the countless cameras in front of him, and looked into the distance.

For the first time, he actually closed his eyes, then slowly opened them.

"Hi everyone, I'm Lin Luo."

The sound rises and the sound falls.

However, it echoes in everyone's heart.

Then, the stars rejoiced.

It seems that these cheers can pierce the stars of the universe.

"Boss Lin!"

"Boss Lin!!!"

"Boss Lin!!!"

Everyone shouted loudly, and when Lin Luo's voice sounded again, everyone fell silent.

Lin Luo said slowly:

"I used to think about one thing, which came first, the chicken or the egg."

"This question has troubled me for 18 years, because nothing can convince me."

"Until one year, Apocalypse came!"

Hearing Apocalypse, everyone's expressions changed.

When some heavenly soldiers heard this, their eyes were red.

These years, the heavenly soldiers are not without losses.

Some of their comrades-in-arms were forever buried in the monument.

"I realized that the chicken and the egg are a community."

"Humans and Blue Star are also a community."

"I know that mankind has come to a turning point in history."

"In the long history, Blue Star

A great number of wars have broken out in the world, no matter it is east or west, ancient or modern. "

"However, we all retain a restraint."

"I know that once the blue star is occupied by aliens, there will be no living space for the creatures on the blue star."

"Luckily, we won."

"We have won the apocalypse, and we have won, the key to the future for mankind!"


Many people's eyes are red.

Yang Jun, Li Donglai, etc., these soldiers who have been fighting all the year round, only shed blood, not tears.

Now, some can't hide it.

In those days, it was really a desperate fight.

"... Later, we went through battle after battle, and we gradually came together."

"Today, we have come together."

"We no longer differentiate between colour, region, race..."

"Maybe one day, we human beings will still kill each other and fight each other as before."

"However, it is impossible for people to get rid of their selfishness and desires while living in this world."

"It is impossible for humans to be perfect."

"Even if it's me, it's the same."

When Lin Luo said this, his expression became serious, and he said slowly:

"I believe that many people are expecting the future of Blue Star."

"I can explain one thing first, Bluestar's future is bright." Pen Fun Library

"What we have to do is try our best to avoid war..."

"Avoid disaster."

"Of course, anyone who wants to provoke us, we should kill!"

Speaking of this, Lin Luo's eyes radiated light, making many galaxy masters swallow their saliva.

In fact, who would dare to play Blue Star's idea now?

"From today on, Blue Star is still Blue Star, and we are still the same."

"We still welcome all friendly races...."

"So far, that's all I have to say today."

At this point, Lin Luo paused. At this time Xia Qian came up, Lin Luo took off his military cap and handed it to her.

Xia Qian took a step back with her military cap. At this moment, a voice sounded.

This is Huaxia's charge horn.

Of all the people present and in front of the screen, no one left.

They looked up silently, looking at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo finished speaking.

However, there is still something to be done.

At this moment, the flag of Blue Star was slowly raised, Lin Luo raised his head, and everyone raised his head.

They looked towards the center of the square,

There is a sky monument that has just been erected.

There, densely packed words are written.

Layer after layer, Ye Yi used self-cultivation technology to stack these words together, shining brightly.

Here, known as the center of Blue Star, the only center.

Lin Luo walked over slowly, stroked the Tianbei, and finally he took a step back and said:

"To the ancestors!"

"To those warriors who died for peace, for Blue Star, and for mankind..."


At this moment, the horn of the charge reached its loudest, resounding all over the starry sky.

Everyone raised their hands.

The audience was instantly silent.

Many people were weeping quietly.


The years of war are finally coming to an end! ! !


After the ceremony, the whole Blue Star was immersed in a higher celebration. Lin Luo returned to his residence, and Xia Qian who followed behind said: "In your itinerary, there is a dinner tonight, do you want to go?"

"Forget it." Lin Luo rubbed his temples, glanced at the desk that was exactly the same as before, and then looked at the drawer, even the chains were the same, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Chen An made it?"

"That's right, he ran a lot." Xia Qian smiled, looked at Lin Luo's exhausted appearance, and said, "Tired?"

"I want to take a break." Lin Luo said.

Xia Qian nodded, took a step, and then looked back at Lin Luo.

She walked out, and at this moment, there were fireworks everywhere in the sky above the blue star, and above the sky, Lin Yue was playing with a large number of animals.

The breath of human beings resounded throughout the land once again.

Xia Qian smiled, straightened her military cap, and walked briskly towards the distance.

At this moment, Lin Luo was looking at the plans in the office and the human genetic map, with his hands on the table.

Thinking about it, he suddenly became sleepy, and his eyes closed in a daze.

Until, he heard a ding.

"Come in!"


Afterwards, Lin Luo woke up directly from the chair.

this voice...

Could it be...

Lin Luo couldn't believe it until that voice sounded:

"Ding! Host, you owe the system points, when will you pay them back?"

Lin Luo couldn't help but smile when he heard this, he quietly looked into the distance...

In the distance, the sun rises in the east, and the sun is slowly rising, illuminating every corner of the blue star.

(End of the book)


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