"This project is you?" Lin Luo looked at the screen and seemed to understand everything.

"That's right."

"The law of heaven is not the power of this world?"

"I said, there is only one power in this world, but the lower races are not qualified to know it, let alone let you witness their existence." The system said.

"Don't think we just want to know him." Lin Luo sneered.

"But now, the switch has been triggered," the system said.

Lin Luo was stunned for only a second, then suddenly realized, and said: "The fifth level...is the way to turn on the switch?"

"You finally understand." The system said.

"Nuwa, Pangu, and even many people know the way to reach the fifth level."

"The reason why they try their best to stop Chen Haotian is not only Chen Haotian's desire, but also because they all feel the switch of that world."

"But why didn't they tell me?" Lin Luo said.

"I told you, so what?" The system said: "When the switch is activated, the power of the Law of Heaven will completely occupy this world..." m.x.com

"This is equivalent to..."

"The computer restarts."

"The universe where you humans are located will also be restarted."

"All living things, matter, will disappear."

"This is the worst consequence that fifth-order power can bring to the universe..."

"The fifth-order genes have touched the barrier they set for this world, and the system of destruction has been activated..."

"The end... is coming!"



tick! !

Everyone anxiously listened to the sound of rain.

Until, there was a click.



Lin Luo appeared in the middle of the door, and everyone was overjoyed.

Zhang San walked up immediately, but he didn't ask what Lin Luo was doing inside, but said, "I've already arranged an underground shelter. According to the current strength, it's about a kilometer underground, which can completely resist Erosion of power."

Lin Luo nodded, and Zhang San handed over a document.

Lin Luo picked it up and took a look.

Here are reports and drawings of the construction of subterranean defense passages within the body of the solar system.

With a light glance, Lin Luo left, and then looked at the people behind him. Except for some people who were sent to emergency command, all of them came.

"Do you need me to report the current situation to you?" Zhang San asked.

"Is the universe the same?" Lin Luo asked.

Zhang San paused for a moment, and he was relieved to hear this.

If Lin Luo could guess it, it meant that he knew well and was still saved.

At this time, Ye Yi sent a message, Zhang San projected it directly, and heard Ye Yi say: "Brother Lin Luo is out?"

Seeing Lin Luo's figure, Ye Yi quickly stood up straight.

"Say." Lin Luo said.

"This crack runs through the universe..." Ye Yi said, "The black rain is coming out of it."

"Can it be blocked?" Zhang San asked.

Ye Yi gritted his teeth and said, "You can give it a try, but...the success rate is not high."

Lin Luo said: "According to the current speed, how long can the fortifications below a kilometer last?"

"These black rains are not powerful in matter, but in the energy inside them. If there are too many, the environment suitable for human beings will change..."

"I estimate the time is: half a year to a year."

Lin Luo shook his fist when he heard this.

If the longest time is only one year, isn't it too short...

"Ye Yi, bring the people from the scientific research department over here." Lin Luo said, "Wait for me in Tianjing, I need you to do a good job in data analysis."

"Understood." Ye nodded and turned off the communicator.

Lin Luo turned his head, glanced at everyone, and said, "Sit down."

Everyone sit down.

Lin Luo said: "I know you have many questions, but what we need to face now is the occurrence of this disaster."

No one in the crowd spoke.

"Zhang San."


"All the fortifications within the scope of the solar system are entrusted to you, and the heavenly soldiers are responsible for the construction of the fortifications and the transfer of the masses." Lin Luo said: "At the same time, use the communication system to stabilize the hearts of the people."

After finishing speaking, he said to the old man next to him and Chen An, "I need your help in this matter. Although Zhang San has great influence, you will make the masses feel more at ease."

"Okay." The three stood up, made a military salute, and then sat down.

"Yang Jun, Li Donglai, Xia Qian, Wen Tiancheng." m.x.com

"Yes." The three stood up.

"You are in charge of things

The defense of the four universes north and south..." Lin Luo said.

The four of them were taken aback.

"You don't need to do too many things, you just need to assign some people to help them establish channels, and at the same time tell the major galaxies how to temporarily evacuate." Lin Luo's voice suddenly became louder, and said: "Got it?"

"Yes." The four saluted and sat down at the same time.

"Zhu Yihui, Chen Xiaoya."

"Yes." The two stood up tremblingly, because they didn't expect Lin Luo to call them.

"Go check on the wounded, and find out the influence of the black rain power on human genes..." Lin Luo said: "I need a detailed report, and it will be delivered to me within three days. Can it be done?"

"Yes." The two nodded.

Lin Luo glanced at the others again, and said: "Others, each perform their duties. What is needed now is to stabilize the stability of the solar system and... the stability of the universe."

"If there are troublemakers, kill them directly!"


Everyone stood up, seeing Lin Luo hesitate to speak, they all looked at him.

After a few seconds, I finally heard Lin Luo say that sentence:

"I believe that human beings have broken through themselves once, and they can continue to break through the next self..."

Everyone was baffled.


How could they understand.

Only Lin Luo himself understands...

At the beginning, human beings embarked on the road of evolution and gained a new life.

Now, they have come to the end of the evolutionary path, breaking the label they set as a lower creature.


This is the real reason why they were destroyed.


After seeing them off, Lin Luo flew towards the largest conference room in Tianjing.

Along the way, he saw the surging crowd.

I saw people struggling and suffering in the black rain.

Lin Luo's heart was bleeding.

There are many people who can survive in this black rain.

However, some weak ones will die completely.

Even if Lin Luo could save one of them, it was impossible to save them one by one with his own hands.

The person who untied the bell and replaced the bell...

To solve the problem, we have to solve it from the root.

Lin Luo stepped into the meeting room, and the scientists headed by Ye Yi all stood up.

Lin Luo looked up and saw the name of the project given by the Huaxia Research Group displayed on the projection screen:

Nine Heavens Defense System!

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