Above the stars, everyone was staring at the front.

"Star xh695."

"Target locked."


"Report data."

"All data is normal."

Along with the shouts, Lin Luo also clearly felt that Wu Shan became tense.

There were originally two kinds of science in this world, one was modern science, and the other was cultivation technology.

Unlike genes, the new genetic engineering subverts pre-biology, so after so many years, many of those old biologists have chosen to retire.

Because not everyone is Zhu Yihui.

In science, it is the same.

If Wu Shan could not accept the changes in cultivation technology, he would have been eliminated long ago.

Wu Shan's ability to stand here shows that he is successful.





"start up!"

After giving an order, I saw only a huge planet on the edge of the sky passing by quickly, flying towards the star mark of xh695.

Afterwards, everyone's eyes turned round, and Wu Shan's hands were tightly held together.

"800 stars away from the target."



"1 star!"


When the sound fell, everyone was staring at the front, only to see that huge planet firmly fixed in that position.

The crowd didn't cheer, but the quality inspector quickly flew into it.

The atmosphere also suddenly became dignified.

After a while, Wu Shan's communication rang: "All data is normal!"

"Movka Planet, the data is even better than predicted!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a tsunami-like shout.


"Hahaha, we really did it."

"It was difficult for the ancients to move mountains, but we actually moved a whole planet."

"It's incredible."

The staff cheered and hugged each other, Wu Shan also clenched his hands, and the smile on his expression could not be concealed.

Lin Luo said at this time: "If you are happy, you should shout out."

Wu Shan glanced back at Lin Luo, and said with some embarrassment, "You're laughing."

"I'm serious." Lin Luo said.

But Wu Shan said: "I can't be like their young people anymore." m.x.com

Lin Luo smiled and said: "For

For those with genes, lifespan is not a big deal. If it is based on the lifespan of a normal human, you are probably about to die, but you are living well now. "

"Actually, you are no different from them, but your appearance is fixed here."

Upon hearing this, Wu Shan smiled and said, "What the commander-in-chief said makes sense."

Lin Luo glanced ahead and said, "Ye Yi should have told you."

"Yes." Wu Shan nodded, and said, "Next, I need to complete the Jiuchongtian defense system."

Lin Luo said: "According to the data collected before, the amount of black rain has reached the maximum value, and there has been no change for many days, so our defense work can be carried out as normal, and you don't have to worry about it. pressure."

"Yeah." Wu Shan was also overjoyed, and said, "Even, the situation is even better than expected."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Luo's communicator rang. Lin Luo took a look and saw that it belonged to Lin Yue.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother." Lin Yue said in an anxious and hoarse voice, "Something went wrong!"



A soldier rushed to the front, but before he could react, he was pierced through the heart by a black hand.


A soldier next to him yelled and wanted to rush over, but the soldier grabbed the black monster next to him and said, "Go, go!"

"Tell Coach Lin to withdraw!"

"Our legion is not their opponent."

"But..." The soldier wanted to speak, but he saw that the soldier was torn in half by the black creature.


The soldier shouted aggrievedly, turned around and flew away quickly.

After flying for more than 3,000 miles, I finally saw Lin Yue who was fighting the monster, and said, "Commander, we..."

"Withdraw." Lin Yue said with eyes like gods.

The soldiers looked down, only to realize that the signal to evacuate had already been sent.


Today's Lin Yue is no longer the ignorant little dragon she was back then. Now she understands very well that advance and retreat must be rational.

When all the soldiers retreated, Lin Yue turned her head and looked at the black monsters that kept emerging from the ground.

Biting his lip hard, he said, "What are these things?"


drip drip drip....

When Lin Luo walked into the base, everyone was busy.

"Area b3 is under enemy attack."

"Monsters are coming from the western star area." x.com

"Eastern Star District Ye sent a report."

"Hello, please wait a moment, find a safe location as soon as possible, and we will immediately send the Blue Star Legion to rescue you."

The base started to get busy, and Zhang Sanben was also commanding quickly. When he saw Lin Luo coming, he quickly stepped forward and said, "You know everything?"

"Lin Yue told me."

"Are they fighting?" Zhang San said.


"what's the situation?"

"I can't kill you," Lin Luo said.

"The report I got here is also true." Zhang San handed Lin Luo a picture and said, "It looks like a human being, with five senses, but no eyes."

"According to the memories of soldiers who have fought, they seem to have no heart, and they are not afraid of anything, nor are they afraid of pain."

"Which star field was it in the first place?" Lin Luo asked.

"In the northern half of the region." Zhang San said: "It is this pair of Tedar Stars who were discovered."

While the two were talking, a staff member next to him quickly said, "Blue...Blue Star also appeared."

Lin Luo and Zhang San looked up at the same time.

Blue Star is their base camp.


Blue Star has always been heavily guarded, and the starry sky has not fallen, so how could someone invade Blue Star.

"Image." Zhang San said.

When the portrait was called out, I saw the scene of a battle on the Northern Continent. Those black monsters had no shadows, and they were all black...

"What about Star Defense?" Lin Luo asked.

"The coach on duty today reported that he didn't see any abnormalities, and he has confirmed it countless times." The staff said.

Lin Luo and Zhang San glanced at each other.

The task of defending the blue star is generally given to trustworthy people, so there is no possibility of other problems.

Lin Luo said: "I'll go there, and I'll give you command here."

"Okay." Zhang San nodded, watched Lin Luo leave, and then looked back at the monster on the portrait, feeling extremely curious...

What are these monsters?


Give him a familiar feeling?

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