On the land of the universe, there are desperate cries everywhere.

Black Rain is the first wave of crisis in the universe. x.com

Well, now comes the second wave of crisis.

Compared with Black Rain, these black humanoid monsters can sense the existence of living things and then kill them.

In such an environment, too many people died.

The data Zhang San saw was correct.

Above the Blue Star, it is indeed the least in number.

In the deep space of the universe, those innocent lives are being killed by these black monsters.

"The order given above is..."

"Retreat temporarily."

The deputy commander dared not look directly at Lin Yue's face.

On the first battlefield, the troops led by Lin Yue were the first to encounter these monsters.


The order given by the Blue Star headquarters is to retreat temporarily.

Lin Yue couldn't bear to look at the fallen life in the distance.

However, an order is an order.

In the military order of the Blue Star Legion, once it comes from the headquarters, a clear and reasonable military order must be accepted unconditionally.

Lin Yue raised her hand slowly.

She knew that if she waved her hand, maybe life on this entire planet would die because of it.

However, she, Lin Yue, had no choice.

It is impossible for her, Lin Yue, to risk the lives of the soldiers and choose to save them.


With red eyes, she gave the final order.

At the same time, the mighty dragon character army began to withdraw from the entire planet.

What is left is only endless desperate cries, and...

On that sky, black rain was constantly falling.


inverse physics.

Inverse creatures.

Inverse logic.

This is what Lin Luo thinks at the moment.

In the depths of the bottom of the sea, there is a long trench, where a large amount of water flowing from the black rain lies quietly. At this moment, the black water is slowly condensing into a human body...

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo instantly understood everything.

The so-called black monster that came out had nothing to do with the Creator at all.

It turned out to be...

A monster bred by rainwater.

Lin Luo looked at the trench and wanted to destroy it directly, but after thinking about it, he soared into the sky.

"Commander." Wang Gang hurried forward and asked Lin Luo.

Lin Luo glanced at him and said, "People who evacuate here, immediately."

"Already in

okay. "Wang Gang said: "How is it? Is it tricky? There are big guys in there? "

Lin Luo said briefly, and then said: "I leave it to you here, try to avoid personnel engagements, because these engagements are meaningless."

"I understand." Wang Gang nodded.

Lin Luo flew towards the air headquarters at this moment, and before he landed on the gate, he saw Zhang San approaching in a hurry, and said: "I have ordered all the troops to maintain their combat effectiveness first."

Lin Luo nodded.

Zhang San is still smart, he should have realized it.

"Connect to Ye Yi." Lin Luo said.

The video call was quickly connected. Lin Luo looked at Ye Yi and said, "Ye Yi, do you know the situation?"

"I'm watching." Ye Yi was locked in the room to study all the details about the main god's space. Now that he saw the information sent over, he glanced at it and said, "Brother, what do you want to ask?"

"Why do creatures created by energy have intelligence?" Lin Luo asked.

Ye Yi thought for a while and said, "Brother, do you still remember the theory of causal weapons?"


"In a simple sense, you can understand that each of these black monsters is a small causal weapon."

"What?" Zhang San was stunned when he heard this.

"These monsters have a unique sense of smell, hearing, and even... vision."

"They rely entirely on energy to perceive the outside world, and then transmit it to the so-called system, and then issue instructions."

"This system is their brain." Ye Yi said.

"But, where is the system?" Zhang San asked.

"Brother Zhang, this is just an example." Ye Yi said: "All their systems are issued by the large system trapped in our Fang universe, so..."

"If the black rain doesn't stop, they won't stop."

"We may face..."

"It's a constant stream of monsters that can't be killed at all."

Lin Luo took a deep breath and said what Ye Yi didn't finish.

"At present, it is like this." Ye Yi said: "Do I need to go back?"

"You can't do much when you come back." Lin Luo said, "Concentrate on studying your work well."

"Okay." Ye nodded, looked at the communicator, thought for a while, but stopped talking


At the last second, he still said: "Actually, the current situation is not the most dangerous. If we say..."

"If this system can allow these energy bodies to grow in infinite battles, that would be the scariest."

"But don't worry, at present, there is no such possibility."

"Why?" Zhang San asked puzzled.

"Because if it is said that these monsters grow infinitely and can even reach the fifth level, do you think they will resist the person who controls them once they have mastered wisdom?" Ye Yi said.

"I hope..." Lin Luo exhaled and said, "I hope so."

After hanging up the communication, Ye glanced at the above data again and again, and finally exhaled:

"The energy of Tianlu is indeed terrifying."

"It's not just anti-physics, but it's truly the pinnacle of the combination of biology and energy."

"The so-called living things are no longer just living beings."


Lin Luo didn't procrastinate. After determining the nature of the opponent, he immediately organized an accurate defense policy.

"Because the solar system was the first to construct the Nine Heavens defense system, we have the least black rain and the least black monsters here." Lin Luo said: "We are currently going to eliminate the formed black monsters, and then pass through the star gate, Pass the black rain through the star gate and discharge it into the designated area."

"Can it be done? Wu Shan."

"Yes." Wu Shan said: "We have no problem running a planet, and we have no problem guiding these black rains."

Lin Luo nodded, turned to Zhang San and said, "Zhang San."

"Yes." Zhang San nodded.

"The birth of the black monster brought chaos to the originally stable cosmic order."

"What we need to build is the universe's confidence in the blue star, so as to facilitate our next heavenly plan."

"I ordered you to be the commander-in-chief of this battle. The main task is..."


Lin Luo said.

"Yes." Zhang San raised his hand and made a military salute.

Lin Luo's tone sank a little, and he said, "We must hurry up and save as much as we can."

Zhang San nodded and left directly.

In the rear, Lin Luo also flew directly into the blue star.

His task is heavier.

He needs to find a way to completely solve these energy bodies.

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