In the universe, there are busy figures everywhere.

As predicted by Lin Luo, these monsters have extremely high growth, they can absorb environmental factors, etc., and have great power.

It's just that the gap between living things and energy bodies is completely covered up by the undead mecha.

"No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives." Zhang San said as he watched the situation get better and better.

Lin Luo also smiled, and said, "Can you try it with a kitchen knife?"

Zhang San laughed and changed the subject: "For now, I don't recommend continuing to stimulate their growth. It would be great to change to another place to train our soldiers when it's almost done."

Lin Luo nodded.

The main god's space, coupled with this large-scale battlefield that can avoid casualties, is exactly what they need.

In just two weeks, the undead mechs they produced began to gradually disperse to most areas of the universe. For a time, the number of casualties in the universe was greatly reduced.


Lin Luo punched these monsters with one punch after another, which was a bit like gaining experience.

The system said that human beings themselves have been completely wiped out of energy contact with the laws of heaven...

Human beings of the fifth level cannot overcome this physically.

Therefore, it can only be comprehended by acquired adaptability. Biqu library

However, this process is very torturous.

"System, if I don't succeed in the end, I will scold you every day." Lin Luo said while looking at his blackened hand.

The system dinged and said, "That can only prove that your talent is limited."

Lin Luo paused, wondering if you would chat.

At this moment, there was a sudden bang, and Lin Luo froze for a moment, then looked at the starry sky and was shocked.

All I saw was a huge explosion that swept away the Heavenly Soldiers.

Lin Luo was shocking. This force was like a huge nuclear bomb falling into the urban agglomeration.


This energy is countless times stronger than that of a nuclear bomb.

"Let's go!!!"

The heavenly soldiers in the rear were in a mess, because the energy was too huge, and it came too suddenly.

The worst thing is the civilians on this planet, because they are too weak to have time to evacuate.

Lin Luo flew over quickly, punched out, tried

Tu abruptly broke up the explosions.

A deputy commander from the rear flew over, Lin Luo said: "Hurry up and organize people to evacuate first, I will hold back here first."

"Okay." The deputy commander nodded and began to command frantically.

Lin Luo glanced at the black energy cluster in front of him and asked, "What did you do?"

"We didn't do anything, just practice as usual." The deputy commander said.

Lin Luo was stunned and didn't understand for a while, he could only deal with the explosion in front of him first.

Finally, after 30 minutes, Lin Luo also had to let go, soaring straight into the sky, and looking below, the black energy was like a huge meteor falling, directly smashing a quarter of the planet an area.

Fortunately, because of the timely evacuation, there were not many casualties.

"Check." Lin Luo said: "I must know who did what at that time."

"Yes." The deputy commander's face was extremely ugly. Don't even think about it, you know that someone may have violated the rules.

But when the deputy commander went to investigate, he only saw two planets in the distance, which exploded one after another.

Lin Luo was startled, and seemed to understand something. Picking up the communicator, he heard Chen An's report from the command room: "There is an accident."

"Unknown explosions have appeared one after another in various parts of the universe."


Lin Luo looked at the explosion map shown above, which really covered most of the universe area.

They were still thinking about the source of the explosion. At this time, a technician said: "Why do I feel that this picture is very familiar?"

Lin Luo and the others all looked at him.

The technician scratched his short hair, and after a while, he finally said, "By the way, I remembered, isn't this the map of the area where the black monster appeared at the beginning? No wonder it's so familiar."

"What did you say?" Lin Luo asked.

"I have a good memory. When I was in charge of sending the data map to Coach Zhang, I saw it a few times."

"Are you sure?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes." Although the technician knew the pressure was great, he insisted.

Lin Luo and Chen An glanced at each other, and the former asked, "What do you think?"

"If you look at it in terms of time..." Chen An thought for a while and said, "Didn't you say that if the Creator allowed these creatures to progress infinitely?"

Melt down? '

"Now it seems that these black monsters will survive for a short time."

Lin Luo nodded and asked, "How many days?"

A staff member at the back said: "The exact time is... 90 days!"

This was just a guess, but Lin Luo soon confirmed it.

They found a monster that had survived for 89 days.

Sure enough, on the second day, the monster exploded.

Seeing this scene, Lin Luo suddenly realized.

It has to be said that these creators are indeed very scheming.

It's like this Fang universe is a map, but...

It is monitored by a huge database.

Lin Luo and the others are the players inside.

Once a player reaches the full level, the system will clear the action and reset it to zero.

But for a simple black rain, there are as many as three ways to destroy it.

Lin Luo's complexion became very difficult, because the plan that had been made originally needed to be changed again.

In this regard, the only way they can deal with it is to calculate the time when monsters appear in each area, and then alienate the crowd in advance.

However, there is also good news.

That is....

After three months of infinite demonstrations, the defense system of the Nine Heavens is finally about to be activated. Biqu library

The defense system of the Nine Heavens will be the first step for human beings, this Fang universe, to fight against the Creator.


"These creatures actually found a way to deal with it."

On a broken star field, two creators stepped in.

The one on the left is named Stan Nuff.

The other one is named Al Cotter.

These two surnames are high-ranking surnames in the eternal world.

It was Naf who said this.

He was a little unhappy.

A set of undead mechs can actually resist their invasion.

"The IQ of this cosmic creature is beyond our imagination." Cotter said.

"Maybe it's just luck." Nuff said disdainfully.

"However, they will eventually be destroyed. When the power of the black rain reaches a certain level, this Fang universe will explode, and no one will be spared." Kurt said.

"However, it is very annoying that this group of so-called human beings dare to provoke us."

When Naf was speaking, he said so while grabbing the head of a heavenly soldier.

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