Falling into the earth, it was even more desolate than imagined.

Above this piece of land, the sky is gray.

"Did these monsters really develop wisdom?" Zhang San spoke with some trills.

There are two differences between wisdom and non-wisdom.

If it is said that these monsters are born with intelligence, then the current universe must have fallen long ago.

Those monsters before would only attack people mindlessly and then explode.

But today's scene is obviously not created by someone with a heart.

Lin Luo glanced at the sky, and a force hit him.

However, the gray mist remained motionless.

"Want to go in and have a look?" Zhang San asked.

"Okay." Lin Luo nodded and was the first to fly inside.

In the distance, in a daze, Lin Luo saw a black spot above the sky.

Lin Luo paused, and felt a little angry in an instant.

Zhang San noticed Lin Luo's emotions, and was about to ask something when he suddenly felt a huge pressure.

At this time, he finally saw clearly.

Above that sky, a person was tied to a cross and suspended at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

this person...

It is Yang Jun.

Seeing this, Zhang San couldn't help being extremely angry.

Lin Luo looked around and said, "Aren't you waiting for me?"

"I am coming!"

"Why don't you dare come out and see?"


Everyone became vigilant when they heard Lin Luo speak.

This means that there are people nearby.

However, they can't see it at all.

Let alone them, even Lin Luo couldn't see them at all, he could only feel their breath.

After a while, Lin Luo raised his head suddenly, and a colorful halo suddenly appeared in the sky, followed by a huge force.

Lin Luo frowned, shaking the energy with one hand.

Suddenly, with them as the center area, a powerful storm formed.

Zhang San and Dabai can still hold on, but the others are miserable.

However, with Lin Luo protecting them, their lives are still safe.

This collision lasted for three to four minutes, and then the sky gradually became clear.

Lin Luo looked up and saw two figures gradually became clear.

Some transparent figures, plus different facial features.

Three eyes?

Zhang San was taken aback for a moment, then said: "This should be

Could it be the final form of these black monsters? "

Lin Luo clenched his fists and stared at them. The next second his voice made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"Do not."

"They...should be the Creator!"


A stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Lin Luo's words made their entire bodies tremble.

The reason for such a change is not only the content of the words, but also a kind of coercion.

This is an invisible coercion.

When the Creator possessed great power, he did not erase the right to survive of other creatures, because they knew that such an extreme approach would inevitably suffer backlash from the universe.

They set a strong seal.

bio seal.

There is a suppression layer in the genes of all living things.

This suppression layer, when facing them, is equivalent to a worm seeing a dragon.

This is grade crushing.

Even Zhang San couldn't avoid it at all.

Only Lin Luo, he stood there, nothing changed.

"It seems that you are the one who triggered the Thanas system." Naf looked at Lin Luo and said with interest, "Your breath is a little weaker than I imagined."

Lin Luo glanced at them, and then at Yang Jun.


Yang Jun still has the breath of life.

"As God's reward for your coming, he will pay you back." Nafu waved his hand, and Yang Jun flew over automatically.

Zhang San caught it and yelled frantically: "General Yang, General Yang, wake up, wake up..."

Afterwards, he sensed his breath of life, and said to Lin Luo, "It's okay, I'm in a coma."

Lin Luo got an affirmative answer, looked at Naf and said, "What about the others?"

"Aren't you going too far?" Nuff said, "However, you don't care about other people's lives."

Lin Luo frowned upon hearing this.

"You don't need to act here. I have seen too many high-ranking people. Once they have the strength, who would want to take care of the people at the bottom." Naf said.

Lin Luo didn't answer his words, but just said to Li Dong: "Take them and leave quickly."

"But..." Li Donggang wanted to speak, then stood at attention and made a military salute, lifted Yang Jun up, finally gritted his teeth, and led the people away.

standing here he

We couldn't even stand, let alone help.

He turned his head while flying, and the panic in his heart could not be concealed.

The Creator...

Is it too strong?

Nafu and the two watched Li Dong and the others leave without stopping them.

For them, the only thing they are interested in is Lin Luo.

However, after taking a closer look at Zhang San and Dabai, Naf's expression changed slightly, and he said, "It turned out to be a special physique."

Lin Luo glanced around and said, "How did you get here?"

Naf couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and said: "It seems that the people who can trigger the Thanas system are really different, you can even know our existence." x.com

"That's right, otherwise that Yang Jun wouldn't have said the word Creator."

His words admitted in a disguised form that they were the creators.

Both Lin Luo and Zhang San had a bit of fear in their eyes.

What they know about the Creator is too limited, and the only way is the system.

"Very good, you actually have a way to deal with the destruction system of our Thanas. I thought that when I came here, almost everyone was dead." Naf said with a smile.

"Are you sent here?" Lin Luo asked tentatively.

"You underestimate us too much." Nuff said with a smile: "Do you really think that we will care about Fang Universe like you?"

"In this world, time is too long."

"We have existed since the birth of heaven and earth."

"And what about you?"

"The year of your birth can be traced back to the source."

"If we need to take action every time we destroy a universe, our Creator will be too busy."

In the end, Naf was full of pride and contempt.

Lin Luo continued to ask: "That is to say, there is indeed a passage leading to the eternal world in this world."

"This is a barrier, you can't say anything about the passage."

"Those who are capable can go wherever they want."

Nuff continued.

"Thank you for your answer." Lin Luo took out the secret at this time, looked at the two of them at the same time, and said, "Since you came here secretly, it will be much easier."

When the two of them heard this, they were taken aback for a moment, and then they were angry and funny.

this person...

Are you thinking about solving them?

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