Lin Luo didn't know what a terrible thing he had done.

From a system perspective, this behavior of breaking the biological brand is extremely terrifying.

The shackles carved by the Creator are almost unbreakable.

Lin Luo, basically crawling through the gates of hell.

But, no shame.

Because in the long river of history, not all races have come to this point.

It's just that what happens to most of them is...


"System, these two creators should not be weak, they died here, will they know about it?" Lin Luo asked.

"Judging from the current situation, it is unlikely." The system replied: "From the data recorded in the body of this system, although their family is precious, in the long-term development, the population is too large."

Lin Luo thought the same, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

If it is said that this battle will not arouse the hatred of the enemy, then it is excellent news for Blue Star and this Fang universe.


Their losses are still heavy.



Yang Jun knelt on the ground on one knee, his body was covered with bandages.

Behind them, countless soldiers knelt on one knee, in the black rain, before the grave.

Here are the subordinates led by Yang Jun.

Inside, there is a large group of elites from the Heavenly Soldiers Legion.

Many of them are veterans.

From Yang Jun's pupils, not only sadness, but also guilt and anger can be seen.

This is not his Yang Jun's fault.

But the dead are gone, and they will never come back.

Zhang San in the back held an umbrella and walked up step by step. He came to the tomb, bowed deeply, then looked at Yang Jun and said, "It's not your fault."

"I know." Yang Jun said with a hoarse voice, "I just..."

"I just feel very hopeless, don't you?" Zhang San said.

Yang Jun looked up at Zhang San and said, "I...I don't know what to do."

Zhang San was silent.

He turned around and scanned the audience.

Down there, countless soldiers were looking at him.

"Stand up!" Zhang San said.

Everyone was stunned.

"Stand up!!!" Zhang San repeated again, his voice suddenly became louder.

all in unison

Looking at Zhang San.

"Remember, the history of our humanity?"

"Remember how we got here?"

"In the past, we couldn't even set foot in the starry sky, but now?"

"We can ignore the vacuum, the vast universe, and those advanced civilizations that once looked down on us."

"Who can know the injuries we have suffered and the hardships we have suffered?"

Zhang San's pupils were extremely serious and powerful, and he continued to say loudly: "From the moment I saw the Creator, I was also in despair."

"However, until I saw General Manager Lin."

"He hasn't conceded defeat yet."

"He will always walk in our first place. When did he complain to us about the hardships he has suffered and the injuries he has suffered?"

"He, isn't he really tired?"

"Comrades, soldiers..."

"Our commander-in-chief hasn't fallen yet, and we... can't fall either."

"One day, we will be able to trample all these superior races, just like those advanced civilizations, under our feet."

While speaking, countless soldiers stood up from the ground.

The black rain in the sky is getting heavier.

However, at this moment, their hearts had a higher and firmer goal.


When Lin Luo opened his eyes in a daze, he saw Zhu Yihui and Chen Xiaoya.

"elder brother..."

"Academician, Academician."

Chen Xiaoya shouted excitedly, Zhu Yihui hurried over, saw Lin Luo's eyes wide open, and said with a smile: "Master Lin, you're awake!!"

Lin Luo wanted to nod, but only then realized that his genetic repair was still under a huge load, and his body simply didn't have the strength to make unnecessary movements.

Lin Luo asked, "How did I survive?"

Zhu Yihui checked Lin Luo's situation, knowing that since Lin Luo opened his eyes wide, it meant their plan was right, so he quickly told everything that happened before.

"...All the genes are necrotic, and new genes are injected..." Lin Luo thought about it carefully, and then said: "Zhu Yihui, I saw you right at the beginning, you are indeed a genius."

Zhu Yihui was taken aback for a moment, a little puzzled.

Lin Luo sighed helplessly and said, "You still don't understand?"

On the contrary, Chen Xiaoya seemed to suddenly realize, even

Zhi became excited and said: "Brother Lin Luo, don't you mean to say..."

"If this plan is implemented, then we will be able to have more security guarantees in the future, allowing more people to impact the fifth-order gene?"

Lin Luo wanted to nod, but couldn't move, Zhu Yihui suddenly realized.

I paid too much attention to Lin Luo's situation before and ignored this point.

The most difficult hurdle to break through the shackles of genes is that the genes of the body cannot withstand the negative effects of evolution and eventually go to destruction.

If they have a backup plan to prevent these deaths, those people can unscrupulously attack higher genetic shackles.

Zhu Yihui was as excited as a child, and Lin Luo said: "What are you still doing, take care of me?"

Zhu Yihui hurriedly bowed slightly, and then said while running: "General Manager Lin woke up, and all the medical teams really helped. In addition, all the backbones of the genetic team will gather at the headquarters for a meeting within three hours..."

Seeing Zhu Yihui leave, Lin Luo glanced at Chen Xiaoya beside him, and said, "Aren't you a backbone?"

"I..." Chen Xiaoya paused, she wanted to stay and take care of Lin Luo, but looking at Lin Luo's eyes, she suddenly understood something.

She got up and said with a smile: "Brother, when you recover, we will come to you with a complete report."

Chen Xiaoya still waited until the medical team arrived, and Lin Luo also saw Zhang San, Chen An and others who were busy walking in. They were excited when they saw Lin Luo wake up.

"I just said it, the scourge will last for thousands of years." Chen An smiled, and changed his words: "No, thousands of years."

Lin Luo smiled, glanced at the back, did not find Yang Jun, and asked, "How is Yang Jun?"

"He's fine." Zhang San said, "It's just that this time, a lot of people died, and there are still many soldiers."

Lin Luo was silent, and everyone was also silent.

After a while, Lin Luo said: "This is our trial and error, not a bad thing."

Zhang San and others nodded, Chen An said: "You just woke up, can we talk about this?"

Lin Luo said: "It's okay, I was quite tired after sleeping. Now that I am in this situation, I should take it as a rest and relax."

When everyone heard it, they felt uncomfortable.

Lin Luo's burden is too heavy. He used to be the pioneer of civilization.

Today, he is the trailblazer of this aspect of the universe.

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