"Are you serious?" Lin Luo was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, he saw from the system that he was really minus 1.5 billion.

"Damn it." Lin Luo scolded directly, and said, "You can charge a fee, but it's too expensive to charge 500 million at a time."

"The host is a smart person. You have to know that if this system hadn't provided you with this information, you would never have known it," the system said.

Lin Luo pondered for a few seconds, and finally said slowly: "Then can you erase my memory?"

The system is speechless.

However, Lin Luo is naturally not distressed about the points.


If you can owe it, you can pay it back whenever you can.

"System, I'm curious about a question." Lin Luo said: "Now you, can you still kill me?"

"Do you know why Ye Su didn't choose to finish his last work?"

"Isn't it because Chen Haotian killed him?" Lin Luo said.

"No." The system said: "Because Ye Su already had a premonition that after its works were born, they would fall into an uncontrollable stage, and he didn't want things beyond his control." m.x.com

"Then how did you do it?" Lin Luo said.

"This is the secret of heaven and earth." The system said: "How can you understand it as a mortal."

"?" The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, thinking that you are a broken system, what are you talking about, he thought for a while, and said again: "You have to tell me some clues."

"Why don't the system tell you where the note is?"

"It's not impossible." Lin Luo smiled.

However, his smile quickly subsided, because he didn't speak after this broken system.


Half an hour later, Xu Han walked in and bowed slightly to Lin Luo.

"Sit down." Lin Luo stood up and poured him a cup of tea. Xu Han took it with both hands and let out a breath of air.

"Dr. Xu's health seems to be very bad." Lin Luo glanced at him, extremely worried.

Although Xu Han is an archaeologist, many people cannot match the efforts and contributions he has made in the growth of Blue Star.

However, due to age and talent, plus long-term work in deep space or some dangerous places, my body has gradually failed over the years.

"Thank you, Commander-in-Chief, for your concern." Xu Han said with a smile, "I have been here all my life.

In pursuit of history, I have dug the Eastern Emperor Bell, seen the minds of ancient great men, and even witnessed the birth of a great blue star, this life is enough. "

When speaking, Xu Han was a little moved.

When he first came into contact with Lin Luo, he only felt that the other party was full of vigor.

Looking back now, what Lin Luo has done is not equal to or even surpassed those great men in history.

"That's why you need to survive." Lin Luo said: "The universe, and the history of species, are more than that."

"You mean..." Xu Han regained his energy when he heard it.


Some shock.

Lin Luo is implying him.

Lin Luo patted him excitedly, and said: "This is a matter of the future, and I have something to ask you now."

"You ask." Xu Han said.

"Over the years, have you found out the exact address of Honghuang Temple?" Lin Luo asked.

"Didn't you say it was in the west?" Xu Han said, "And the Blue Star has been repaired once, so I don't know if it's still there."

Xu Han was a little strange, because Lin Luo knew about these things.

Soon, Xu Han understood and said, "You mean, deep space?"

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "I know a piece of information, the founder of Honghuang Temple may be secretly researching a weapon."

"According to this weapon or information, it should not stay on Blue Star." x.com

Xu Han heard this and said, "Let me think about it."

"Hmm." Lin Luo said, "This matter is very important."

Xu Han nodded, he knew that Lin Luo was not putting pressure on him, but wanted him to do his best.

With Lin Luo's temperament, it must be extremely crucial for him to mention it like this.


Xu Han returned to the office and saw that there were not very busy people inside.

Due to the outstanding achievements of the History Department several times, a lot of talents have gathered here.

"Everyone, come to the meeting room." Xu Han said.

Everyone paused, then got up quickly.

After the new era, in fact, the role of the History Department has been greatly weakened, and the tasks have been reduced a lot.

"Is there a mission above?" A group of people were excited.

"Yes." Xu Han said with an extremely serious face: "This time, General Manager Lin talked to me personally."

Everyone was excited when they heard the words General Manager Lin.

Lin Luo is an idol worshiped by countless people. Even if he meets him once, he can boast for a lifetime.

"Are you going to disband us?" someone asked.

"That's not enough." Xu Han said with a wry smile, "General Manager Lin has always been optimistic about us." x.com

After finishing speaking, Xu Han said again: "This time, his mission to find me is..."

After hearing this, everyone was in deep thought.

The Great Desolate Palace completely disappeared after that fifth-order genetic war.

Although the entire Blue Star has returned to its original appearance, many historical relics have disappeared.

"Most likely, it's Venus." Someone said: "We found a lot of products back then, where did they come from?"


"But Venus we've turned upside down."

"Venus is so big, can you say that you have searched everywhere?"

As they talked, they started arguing.

Xu Han also hesitated.

Now that everyone is investing in the Nine Heavens defense plan, if it is not necessary, Xu Han does not want to apply for reinforcements.

Suddenly, his view inadvertently caught a girl standing behind.

She is a new intern.

"Cheng Mumu, do you have something to say?" Xu Han asked.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Cheng Mumu in unison.

Cheng Mumu's face turned red all of a sudden, she raised her hand slightly, and said, "I...can I say it?"

"Of course." Someone said with a smile: "Don't look at us arguing fiercely, but it's just for work, for the truth."

Everyone also looked at her encouragingly.

Only now did Cheng Mumu pluck up his courage and said, "I've read some information, and I think Ye Su and Donghuang Taiyi have a very good relationship."

"How did you see it?"

"The Donghuang Bell should be one of Ye Su's most proud works, plus some descriptions of materials..." Cheng Mumu said slowly, the more she said, the less afraid she was. After talking about it, she said: "If you say, the predecessor Ye Su Su is really studying something..."

"In the original situation where the world was divided into nine parts, it was impossible for the solar system to keep secret."

"So, foreign..."

"The outer galaxy is the best place."

Everyone suddenly realized.

Cheng Mumu's words are very reasonable.

Xu Han said, "What does that have to do with Donghuang Taiyi?"

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