In the end, Zhang San left cursing.

But he was only angry on the surface. In fact, Zhang San was very shocked, because this time he tested Lin Luo and found that Lin Luo's strength had already surpassed the fifth level.

Zhang San was happy in his heart, because the stronger Lin Luo was, the higher their chances of winning.

However, Lin Luo's plan is shocking.

In his hands are two documents, the first titled:

Cut off the Origins program.

To put it simply, it is to find out the boundary line and contact point with the eternal world, and finally cut it off.

However, Lin Luo also said in the plan that the possibility of success of this plan is very slim.

Obviously, this is the best way, because all unnecessary wars can be avoided.

In the original nine-level civilization war, the number of dead and injured soldiers was a very large number.

Lin Luo pointed out in the plan that the way to realize this method is the advancement of technology.

Genes and technology are two major weapons of human beings.

And the opponent's Thanas system is technological.

Even if Lin Luo and the others can find the entrance to the eternal world and this Fang universe, they must research an existence beyond the Thanas system.

But it's too hard for a world that's existed for so long.

The second option is:

Kill God!

The reason for this name, Lin Luo also made it clear in the plan, for them, the eternal world is no longer a war between ordinary humans.

God is a description of the Creator.

Lin Luo's respect for this battle.

Lin Luo explained in the plan that calling them gods does not mean that they are worthy of respect.

Gods are both good and evil.

The good ones are respected by everyone.

the wicked...

It must be cut!


Floff was terrified.

He never thought that one day, he would come into contact with the apostle's cronies.

The apostles are located in the Eternal Continent, so it can be said that they are gods, and it is impossible for ordinary people to meet them.

And the person in front of him is named Carl, who is his trusted envoy.

Basically, for each apostle, there is only one confidant who manages worldly affairs for him.

"Master Carl." Floof said with a sullen head, "I would like to ask, Tana

With the Si system in normal operation, why would the apostle be alarmed? "

Carl glanced at the system diary and said, "Do you know what kind of existence Thanas is?"

"I participated once in a while before." Floof said: "But I don't know many things."

"I can't blame you for this." Carl said: "The destruction of various worlds by Thanas is not fixed. Some are similar to meteorites, some are similar to poisonous gas, and like the current Bai universe, it is black rain."

"I remember that when they destroyed a race among them, they used the illusion of meteorites." Floof said.

"That's right." Carl said, "That's the lowest level of blindness. The black rain is called Moros poison gas. I don't need to say more about the ingredients in it. Apart from causing fatal damage and forming terrifying puppets, there is also a ability, that is to inhibit evolution."

Floff was taken aback.

"If Thanas detects that the opponent is still evolving, then a second cleanup will be initiated," Carl said.

Floof suddenly realized, and asked: "What if the second cleanup is still ineffective?"

"Basically, such a situation will not occur." Carl said: "However, once there is a secondary clearing, the apostles will be alarmed."

After a pause, he continued: "At the same time, dispatched divine envoys to monitor the completion of all these actions."

"So what's the situation now?" Floof asked.

"It's weird," Carl said. "I'm on the system and I can't see the number of deaths."

Floof paused and asked, "Isn't there?"

"Too few, the real death toll, how could it be this." Carl said: "It's only a few billion. According to the time when the Thanas system was activated, at least hundreds of billions have died, or even trillions. .”


In a barren star field, there are void fragments everywhere.

It is classified as an extremely dangerous area.

Apart from these unstable void fragments, another reason is that the two creators were discovered here.

Therefore, Lin Luo believes that since the other party appeared here, the entrance is near here, and the probability will be greater.

Lin Luo found Li Dong, who was in charge of stationing here.

Participant, Yang Jun's deputy commander.

"According to what you said, we have been paying attention, but we haven't found any particularly large energy fluctuations." Li Dong said.

Lin Luo said: "If such an entrance really exists, then the other party will definitely use some cover-ups to cover it up, maybe there is no energy fluctuation."

Li Dong understood as soon as he heard it, and said: "But you didn't find the strange place you said, why don't I send someone to look for it."

Lin Luo thought for a while, if he searched alone, it would really be like finding a needle in a haystack, but he still said cautiously: "Just in case, the ones that appear this time must be equipped with fourth-level advanced masters, and the other three, three, and one The team needs to send a report every half hour."

"Yes." Li Dong saluted and walked back.

In the next few days, Lin Luo led the army to start the search operation.

During this period, Lin Luo traveled almost all the planets here, and at the same time went to various places where strange things were reported, but they were all confirmed to be irrelevant in the end.

After the thirtieth day, the search reached a stalemate, and Lin Luo also planned to take a break.

But on this day, the sky changed, only to see the starry sky that was originally covered with black rain, and suddenly a strong wind blew.

These strong winds not only made the black rain bigger, but also carried some green gas in it.

"Everyone is not allowed to leave the barracks without my order." Lin Luo was shocked, knowing that this must be a new round of doomsday crisis.

Almost instantly, he contacted the command headquarters, and Zhu Yihui came over to talk in person.

"Yes, that's right. These winds not only increased the amount of black rain by 1.5 times, but also carried some green poisonous gas."

"These poisonous gases have been confirmed to belong to the real human race."

"Once people suck it, they will enter the road of degeneration."

Lin Luo heard this and interrupted: "Undead Mecha, is it effective?"

"It works." Zhu Yihui said.

"That's not bad." Lin Luo said.

Zhu Yihui said with a look of embarrassment on his face: "General Manager Lin, the sudden increase of the black rain has also increased the energy of the entire universe by 1.5 times, and the time left for us will also be shortened by 1.5 times..."

"And now many star fields have been flooded by the black rain!"

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