Above the starry sky, the entire star became extremely crimson, and even from Lin Luo's perspective, this star was almost broken.

One can imagine what happened inside.

Zhang San and the others were extremely anxious, and even Lin Luo couldn't hold back anymore.

This battle is related to the life and death of this universe.

There is definitely more than one Hegel in the Manlo Protoss.

If it is said that they have completely entered the sight of each other, then what greets them is only destruction.

All of a sudden, red light radiated, and a huge energy impact came, and the planets in the hundreds of millions of stars in the radius were reduced to ashes in an instant.

Seeing this scene, everyone swallowed their saliva.

This is...

Is it true apostle-level power?

In the end, the stars turned from red to golden yellow again, and Lin Luo and the others looked at each other.

it's over?


Who's winning?

When they were thinking, they only saw a light and shadow appearing in the light curtain of the star, Lin Luo instantly became vigilant, and then everyone was terrified.

Because what they saw was the figure of Hegel.

"We lost!" Zhang San gritted his teeth, ready to fight.

He only hoped that Shax had exhausted the other party.

It was Lin Luo who breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I won."

Zhang San paused, only then did he realize that Hegel's eyes were closed, and behind him...

Dabai's figure was holding Hegel's body in one hand.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see a giant figure in Dabai's body.

That was once the king of this universe.

He is also the first person in this Fang universe to challenge that unfair fate for the first time!


"...None of them went back. As for how they came here, I also got information from the head of that Carl's envoy..." Sachs looked at Lin Luo and said, "Generally speaking, your luck not bad."

"Is that not bad?" Lin Luo exhaled and said, "I never expected to provoke the apostle so quickly." m.x.com

"It's to blame." Shakes looked at the blue energy body.

The blue energy body is silent.

"However, because you, the bear, awakened the perfect gene and revived my consciousness, it also revived." Shakes said: "This world is originally a causal cycle."

Lin Luo nodded, and he asked:

"Senior, you..."

"Don't even think about it, I'm already a dead person after all." Shakes said: "The reason why I appeared is that I left a ray of divine sense when I died, and it will appear when a beast steps to its peak .”

"It's just that what I didn't expect is that the ones who control the power of this world have become human races."

Lin Luo paused.

"In our time, there were also human races, but..." Sachs smiled and said, "You were a little weak back then."

Lin Luo smiled wryly.

This is a bit, I'm afraid it's a bit fake.

Judging from Shax's strength, the human race back then probably couldn't even count as ants.

"Your name is Lin Luo, right?" Sachs looked at Lin Luo.

Lin Luo nodded.

"I won't say anything superfluous, it's boring." Shakes said: "My wish is the same as yours, just want to fight against this thief God, so it took me 30 million years to extract this one source of the universe."

Lin Luo looked at this blue energy body and was slightly surprised.

This force is so powerful?

"Unfortunately, it was once absorbed by me, so it can no longer be used by you, because our racial differences lie here." Sacks said.

Lin Luo just nodded slightly.

For this kind of power, he will not force it.

He believes that if he keeps going, he will definitely surpass them one day.

Sachs looked at Lin Luo's eyes with a little more approval.

A strong person should not only have strength, but inner firmness is the most important thing.

He said: "However, a bear like you can absorb it."

Hearing this, the blue energy body snorted abruptly.

But Shakes said: "Don't lose your temper, I'm not here anymore, you're all alone, it's not interesting, it's better to start over."

The energy body seemed to be a little angry, and turned around and flew to the other side.

Shakes didn't chase it either, but smiled helplessly.

Lin Luo asked instead: "Senior, can you tell me all the information about the eternal world?"

When Shakes heard this, he said directly: "Then you are asking about the wrong dragon. Our tyrannosaurus clan is not playing tricks. If we feel that we can fight, just do it."

"...." Lin Luo and the three were speechless.

Sachs continued, saying: "However, the apostle's

You should have seen the power. My suggestion is, before you can really challenge them, don't expose them. We were exposed too early. "

Lin Luo asked: "But if the other party disappears with an apostle, will it be suspected?"

"Doubt is certain." Shakes said: "And because of the existence of their so-called Thanas system, the information that he has been to this Fang universe will definitely be found out."

When the three of Lin Luo heard this, they suddenly became nervous.

"That's all I've said. I'm going to persuade Xiaolan, let me tell you, this energy body is a little sister, and she has a very bad temper..."

"Hmph." Before he could finish his sentence, a burst of energy shot directly from a distance, directly hitting Dabai's stomach, and a strong burning smell immediately permeated the air.

Seeing this scene, Sachs laughed out loud, made a booing gesture to Lin Luo and the others, and then flew towards the energy body.

Only the three of Lin Luo and the sleeping Lin Yue were left.

After a long time, it was Zhang San who broke the deadlock and said, "Dabai woke up, and he is going to curse again, saying that someone burned his bear hair."


"...Thank you, senior." Lin Luo and the others looked at a phantom that appeared in front of them.

It's out of Dabai.

It is really big, and it looks extremely weighty in front of a planet.

Shakes laughed and said: "Actually, I really want to see how the final outcome will be. Our tyrannosaurs are too simple-minded. Your human race is different. Since my time, I have discovered your human race. The mind is different."

Lin Luo said: "On the day of victory, I will personally pay homage to my predecessors and tell the news of victory."

"Okay." Shakes continued to laugh, and then a blue light appeared in front of everyone, and his voice became serious, saying: "It... I'll leave it to you."

"Everything in the world has a spirit, as long as there is consciousness, it is a spirit."

Hearing this, Lin Luo looked at Shakes and didn't speak for a long time.

Until, Shax's figure slowly dissipated, and the blue energy body was crying softly.

And Lin Luo and others bowed their heads slightly, respectfully sending off the former king of this world.

"If we can't do it, you can!"

It spoke, and it was also the last sentence he left in this world.

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