While talking, the fourth child drank a glass of wine and said: "The main productivity of modern times comes from technology. At the beginning, many people thought that if the fourth technological revolution happened in China, then China would have a chance to take off. This is true. Right." m.x.com

"But is that really the case?"

"Judging from the technological situation at that time, the priority birth rate of most advanced technologies still lies in the developed world. At the beginning, the military research and development expenses of the Eagle Country were basically equal to the whole world, and they absorbed the world by virtue of their titles. elite."

"In such a situation, how to overtake on a curve? The probability of this is about 1%..."

"At the beginning, I thought there was a way out, and that was the energy revolution."

Hearing this, Lin Luo said: "The energy at that time was mainly oil and gas..."

"That's right." The fourth child said: "Suppose, our country took the lead in today's controllable fusion technology, what would happen?"

Lin Luo heard something.

If it is said that the birth of controllable nuclear fusion technology, then China's productivity has entered a terrible stage.

Even, because of this, the next world war will break out.

Lin Luo also heard Chen An mention these things back then.

"I believe that when God closes a door, he must leave a window." The fourth child said: "In the past, when people saw oil and gas, they thought it was a dangerous thing. Who would have thought that it would become a treasure later?"

Lin Luo suddenly woke up.

Yes indeed.

The beginning of the universe did indeed allow those Manlo protoss to obtain enormous energy, but it did not mean that they obtained the only power.

"I think I can't accompany you to dinner anymore." Lin Luo said excitedly.

Seeing Lin Luo's expression, Zhang Ming and the others also understood him, and the fourth child was even more happy that his words could help Lin Luo clear his mind.

After finally drinking a glass of wine, Zhang Ming and the others left under Xia Qian's farewell.

And Lin Luo sat in front of the desk and wrote a line:

Future, new route!


"What?" Zhang San was startled when he heard Lin Luo's words.

Lin Luo actually said that he was going to the eternal world.

"What are you going to do, looking for death?" Zhang San said.

"Of course not." Lin

Luo said something about his plan, and Zhang San was very surprised when he heard it, and said, "Are you too idealistic?"

"We are different from the Manlo Protoss..." Lin Luo thought for a while, pointed to Dabai, and said, "Look at this stupid bear, who usually eats and drinks, but his intuition is much more sensitive than ours. This is the race." different."

"We can't see the existence of bacteria with the naked eye, so you think there is no creature on the blue star that can see the existence of bacteria?"

"Of course not." Zhang San said subconsciously: "There must be species that can see the existence of bacteria." x.com

"That's it." Lin Luo said: "The Manlo Protoss can absorb the source of the universe and gain powerful abilities, but when the universe was born, I don't think there was only one kind of power. If we can get this power, Maybe it will make a huge change for us humans."

"I...I agree with it for now." Zhang San said.

"Except for this." Lin Luo continued: "The other party has lost an apostle, and we can't hide it for too long."

"Aren't you going to..." Zhang San's mouth formed a circle in surprise.

"That's right." Lin Luo said with a smile: "What do you think, I will be the apostle?"

"..." Zhang San was speechless, Lin Luo was playing for real?

After thinking about it, Zhang San said, "First of all, we can modify the appearance, but how can we hide it from the other apostles?"

"Even, we don't even know each other's information."

Lin Luo felt embarrassed when he heard this.

This is a problem. I forgot to ask Shakes about the apostle.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a dull voice said: "I can help you with this matter."

Lin Luo looked up, only to see a blue energy cluster floating not far away.

Now it shows a blue human figure, but without facial features, it looks like a cartoon person.

Lin Luo directly named him Dalan.

"How do you know?" Zhang San asked.

"At the beginning, Shakes absorbed the memory named Carl, so it was also transmitted to me. After all, he and I were once one." Big Blue said.

Lin Luo was overjoyed.

Big Blue said again: "However,

You can't pretend to be an apostle at all, you need to take me with you. "

After speaking, Da Lan explained: "To a certain extent, the apostle's aura is the source of the universe, and I can cover it up for you more or less."

Lin Luo and Zhang San were happy, this was shocking good news.

On the third day, Lin Luo convened high-level officials and began to study the stealth plan this time.

First of all, in terms of candidates, Lin Luo intends to bring Zhang San and Ye Yi over.

"I can understand Zhang San. Why did Ye Yi go to increase the risk of exposure?" Chen An said.

"In terms of technology, he is the only expert." Lin Luo said: "Nowadays, it is necessary to take risks."

Chen An nodded and said, "Okay, we can completely leave the matter here to us, I'm just afraid..."

"It's okay." Lin Luo said: "We didn't act in a hurry. We can wait for the hope biological base to produce results. We get information about the structure of the apostle and his abilities. We will make a perfect plan before we start."

Chen An smiled wryly. Although he didn't want to admit it, Lin Luo's idea was really bold.

"At the same time, we, Fang Universe, implement this plan." Lin Luo handed Chen An a plan.

"Space Navigation Program?" Chen An was taken aback.

"Yes." Lin Luo said: "Although what we are looking for is likely to be in the eternal world, I don't want to miss any chance." x.com


Lin Luo asked Ye Yi and the others to explain what needed to be done, and he was also extremely excited.

After all, now that there is a new direction, it is more important than anything else.

At night, Lin Luo sat there, still thinking about every detail.

Unexpectedly, the system suddenly sounded: "Are you really planning to go there?"

"There was this plan before, but with the arrival of Hegel, this plan must be implemented." Lin Luo said.

The system continued to speak at this time: "But, even if you find it, do you think Ye Yi can really develop a system that is even more powerful against Thanas?"

Lin Luo paused, and then asked, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"What do you think of me?" the system asked.

The corner of Lin Luo's mouth twitched, and for a moment he was not used to the tone of the system's speech.

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