Lin Luo is waiting for the completion of the apostle's outer armor, and is also making preparations before departure.

This time Lin Luo went out with a heavy task. In addition to finding a way to enhance human power, he also had to find a way to help the system improve its capabilities.

Therefore, Lin Luo is pestering Dalan, a group of energy bodies, almost every day.

"Okay, okay, don't ask, don't ask." Lin Luo sweated, thinking how could this broken energy body still have such a temper, no wonder Shax said it was just a little sister who likes to lose his temper.

While speaking, Lin Luo kicked innocent Dabai who was sleeping on the ground, and said, "Fat bear, wake up."

Dabai was very reluctant to turn around and continued to sleep, but he was already awake.

"When I'm not around, I'll leave this place to you," Lin Luo said.

"Woo woo woo..."

"You don't have any ambitions, do you? After I leave, you can turn this place into the world of your fat bears." Lin Luo said.

Dabai rolled his eyes and ignored this fellow.

Lin Luo continued to say to himself: "If there is any accident and you can't stop it, just hide first..."

When Dabai heard this, he opened his eyes and looked back at Lin Luo.

it mean...

it won't.

Lin Luo breathed out and said, "You can't even beat me, but you can beat them? You know, to be a bear, you must know how to judge yourself..."

Dabai still didn't speak.

Lin Luo patted it on the shoulder and stopped talking.


Three months later, Ye Yi notified Lin Luo that the apostle's outer armor was completed.

When Lin Luo rushed to the Science and Technology Department, he came in and saw Carl standing there, which shocked Lin Luo.

"Zhang... Zhang San?" Lin Luo was taken aback.

"Cunning Bluestar, didn't expect me to die." Carl laughed loudly, and then waved his hand, wanting to attack.

Lin Luo was speechless, and said: "You are not childish."

Carl continued to laugh, and it was indeed Zhang San who was hiding inside.

Ye Yi from behind came and asked, "Brother, how are you doing? Isn't it very realistic?"

Lin Luo nodded, touched Carl's body, and said, "It does look good."

Turning around, they followed Ye Yi in, and when they entered the door, they saw a lump of covered things, and the staff lifted him away, revealing Hegel's appearance.


Really exactly the same.

Lin Luo observed carefully, and finally touched the other person's eyes.

"We refer to the technology of the undead mech hooking up with the human body. When you want to open your eyes, it can open them." Ye Yi said, asking Lin Luo to try it on.

Lin Luo came to it, and Ye Yi said: "Its password is: Blue Star, start it!"

"Blue Star, activate." Lin Luo said.

At this moment, the apostle's outer armor glowed, and then instantly turned into a phantom, covering Lin Luo's body.

This feeling is quite different from wearing a mech.

Lin Luo looked at himself in the mirror in front of him, and was stunned.

Almost one piece.

Lin Luo walked back and forth, even using huge strength, but found that there was no flaw at all.

"Very good." Lin Luo finally opened his third and fourth eyes. Although it was just a cover-up, he was able to do it.

"Blue Star, terminate!" Lin Luo said, and at this moment he automatically returned to his human body.

"Besides, I also made two spare sets, which belonged to the two Manlo protoss in the past." Ye Yi said.

Lin Luo looked at it, nodded, and said, "You put on one of the suits..."

"But the problem now is that my strength is too weak." Ye Yi said.

"Don't worry." Lin Luo said, "I've inquired from Da Lan. The apostle is a very powerful existence in their place. Generally, they don't interact with other people. If the other party knows that you are mine, it is impossible for them to dare shot at you."

"That's good." Ye Yi breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't want to be the source of Lin Luo's exposure during their trip.

After all, he was in a different world. If he was discovered, he would most likely die.

"When are we going to leave? Master Apostle." Zhang San entered the scene quickly, wearing Carl's body at this moment, knelt down on one knee, and said, "Is that what you said?"

"Kneel on both feet." Lin Luo said with a smile.

"It's nonsense, Dalan just said one foot, you don't want to take advantage of me." Zhang San said.

Everyone laughed.

Lin Luo also laughed, and then said: "Two weeks to get used to using the body, if there is no problem, we will set off."


Two weeks passed by in a hurry.

Lin Luo opened his eyes, looking at this still not quite

Adapted body.

After all, they are human beings, and they are still not used to incarnations of other races.

Lin Luo opened the door and saw many people coming, including star masters big and small in the universe.

However, these are high-level.

This action is not confidential, because Lin Luo intends to give this Fang universe a new hope.

Something new is new hope.

It's just that he didn't expect so many people to come.

"I, Mo Ke Star Lord, send off General Manager Lin!"

"I, Star Lord Talis, send off Commander Lin!"


All the star masters knelt on the ground.

And ahead, Lin Luo saw images of all places, galaxies, blue stars, etc., on those big screens.

These places are all protected by the Jiuzhongtian defense system.

If there is no Nine Heavens defense system, many people here will die.

They knelt on the ground, prayed devoutly, and shouted loudly:

"Congratulations to General Manager Lin!!!"

Lin Luo exhaled, and his mood became different at this moment.

He is giving hope to this group of people, and this group of people is also giving them strength.

It may not be possible for the universes to unite in the future, but for now they share the same goal:


Lin Luo jumped away, he scanned the ground, and said: "When I return, it is time for us to counterattack the eternal world!"

After the voice fell, the whole world, the whole universe cheered in unison!

Lin Luo didn't linger, and flew towards the starry sky under the farewell of everyone.

Beyond that star, Chen An and the others are all waiting.

What should be explained has already been explained.

However, Lin Luo hugged them one by one.

"It's time to go." Lin Luo said.

"Yeah." Chen An let go of Lin Luo, then smiled and said, "Good luck!"

"It does take some luck." Lin Luo smiled, turned around, looked at the prepared apostle armor, and said, "Blue Star, activate!"

When Lin Luo and the apostle's outer armor were perfectly integrated, Zhang San and Ye Yi were also ready.

For a moment, standing in front of them were three Manluo protoss.

Lin Luo didn't look back, but was the first to walk in, and Zhang San and the others quickly followed.

Chen An looked at the three of them and smiled slightly.

This is indeed...

Light of hope!

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