Lin Luo frowned as he looked at the star meteor beast who was indifferent.

Is this meteorite beast so greedy?

"64 points, you can't be too greedy, although it's not my thing, but..." Lin Luo looked up and saw that the meteor beast was still indifferent.

Lin Luo got angry, and said, "It's 50-50 at most, my bottom line has been reached."

At this time, the star meteor finally moved, he rolled his eyes, and then a ball of energy flew out of his mouth, and finally landed in front of Lin Luo, he said: "This is Hegel's energy breath, it can help If you open that mechanism, it will also help you better cover up in front of outsiders. Although you have the protection of the source of the universe, it is difficult for you to disguise yourself in front of the real apostle. If you can't make a move, try not to make a move."

"You know it even if it doesn't make a move?" Lin Luo was surprised, but at the same time secretly pleased...

This star meteor beast is actually not greedy for money.


"Because..." The Starfall Beast said, "I am a creature born in the source of the universe."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Luo took a deep breath.

If this is the case, the star meteor beast is indeed of extraordinary origin.

Lin Luo looked at the ball of energy, turned around and was about to leave. At this time, the meteor beast said again: "Hey, boy."

Lin Luo turned around.

"Do you want to set off a storm in this world, or do you plan to overthrow the world?" said the star meteor beast.

Lin Luo thought for a while and said, "Do your best, but don't obey the destiny."

After finishing speaking, Lin Luo left straight away, while the star meteor beast behind him smiled slightly.

It's a good one to do one's best and not to obey the destiny.

He began to value this human race who didn't know where he came from...

Anyone can talk.

But people with a strong heart will never talk about what they have, because they already have a direction in their hearts.


After going outside, Zhang San saw Lin Luo appearing, so he flew forward and said, "I'm scared to death."

Suddenly Lin Luo was flying unsteadily, Zhang San hurriedly grabbed his arm, and looked at his face again, he was startled.

Because Lin Luo's arms were cold, his face was even paler.

"I'm fine, but this beast is too powerful." Lin Luo said.

"Even you can't beat him

? "

"He directly destroys a star system, how do you fight him?" Lin Luo said.

"It's not so exaggerated." Zhang San sweated.

The two flew forward, Lin Luo said: "Compared to the power of the apostles, I am indeed far behind."

"After all, others have lived for so long." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo nodded.

"By the way, I've been reading the history books of the Eternal World recently. Do you know what the purpose of their anniversary celebration is?" Zhang San said.

"Anniversaries are just anniversaries," Lin Luo said.

"No." Zhang San said: "The original purpose of today's anniversary celebration has even been forgotten by many Manluo protoss. The original anniversary celebration is said to be to commemorate the soul of their first-generation leader, Emperor Lucas the Great."

"Lucas?!" Lin Luo paused, he had never heard of this, at this moment Big Blue said: "What he said is right, you should know about this."

Lin Luo said: 'Why? '

"Because ordinary people can forget the existence of Emperor Lucas, but you, as an apostle, cannot." Da Lan said.


"Think about it, why did they become apostles?" Da Lan said.

Lin Luo thought about it carefully, and suddenly realized, he said: "Hegel followed Lucas?"

"I'm not sure about this." Big Blue said in a more serious voice, "My memory is from Carl, but there must be some special connection between the apostles. If there is any difference, then Only the first apostle..."

Lin Luo frowned, he had heard from Da Lan that the first apostle came later.

The lower the number of the apostles, the stronger their power.

Lin Luo returned to the shrine, and when he entered, he saw Carlo Lin kneeling there. He tried his best to hide his discomfort and asked, "What's the matter?"

Carlo Lin said: "I got back the research and development warrant, but..."

"Dearns' people still dare to stop you?" Lin Luo was furious.

Carlo Lin said: 'That's not true, but they requested that we belong to a third-level warrant and can only research products around the third level. '

Lin Luo frowned slightly.

This eternal world is really not simple. There is a Thanas system in management, which can monitor the abnormality of the entire eternal universe.

In the current situation, the system will classify Lin Luo as a place where third-level warrants can be manufactured because of the third-level warrants. If there is an explosion above the third level, it will be notified to the Academy of God.

Lin Luo waved his hand and said, "I see."

"Yes." Carlo Lin was about to get up, but she heard Lin Luo say again: "Go find some women and come back, I want something better."

Carlo Lin was obviously unwell when she heard this, but she still said: "Yes."

After she left, Zhang San said: "What are you going to do with those girls?"

"If you don't kill them, don't kill them first." Lin Luo said: "Although we are racially opposed, to some extent, it is really difficult for me to deal with such weak people."

Zhang San smiled and said, "Who can deal with a soldier who came from a military background?"

He also understands that Lin Luo is not a woman's kindness, and when it's time to make a move, he will definitely make a move, and he will not bet on their lives.

"By the way." Lin Luo looked at Zhang San and said, "Bring me a copy of those history books you mentioned."

Zhang San paused and said, "You can just ask Carlo if you can get it?"

"This Hegel is a womanizer, and I even suspect that he is illiterate." Lin Luo said.

"Hahaha." Zhang San smiled and said, "Then I'll secretly send you a copy at night."

Lin Luo nodded.


eternal universe

center continent

This is the largest continent in the Eternal Continent.

Due to the different structure of the universe, other universes mostly use galaxies and planets as structures.

The eternal universe is a piece of continent.

Like this Central Continent, it is extremely exaggeratedly large.

It can be said that the entire Milky Way is less than one-tenth of it.

Therefore, when Lin Luo came to this world and saw this scene, he was extremely shocked.

In the middle of this central continent, a tall tower stands tall, capable of piercing the sky and linking the stars.

Around this high tower, there are all golden stone temples, low and ancient.

Here, is no man's land.

But recently, there are gradually people here.

Here is the rumored resting place of Emperor Lucas.


The number one enemy of the eternal universe, the only true god in the eyes of the Manlo protoss.

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