The sky had just cleared, and there was a gentle breeze above the earth.

Mandal sat there, looking into the distance.

At this moment, the Great Emperor Master hurried in, knelt on the ground, and said, "My lord, there is a mess outside."

Mandal said: "The chaos is expected, but it's hard to say what kind of power these people come from and what motives they have."

"Since ancient times, people's hearts have been the most unpredictable."

The Great Master nodded and said, "The time limit we gave to the apostles is seven days, none of the ten apostles has replied yet."

"No rush," Mandal said.

The Great Master thought for a while, and then said, "Are you worried about the first apostle?"

The first apostle, ever since he killed the third apostle with one punch, has never made another move, leaving behind a lot of legends all over the world.

Unlike Hegel and the others, the first apostle is a newly promoted apostle, so in the eyes of the great emperor, what he dislikes the most is the reappearance of the emperor's son.

And his attitude is also the most critical. Biqu library

Mandal just said one word: "Wait!"


Carl is here.

This ninth apostle.

He walked in Hegel's shrine, scanning everything in front of him.

"Hegel, it's rare to see that you're not playing with women when I come here." When Carl spoke, he looked at Hegel with contempt.

In Ba Carl's view, apostles should be a matter of great status, and they should try their best to save power and influence, while Hegel's indulging in wine and sex is disgusting.

Lin Luo naturally noticed it, and he said: "How can you be in the mood when something like this happened recently?"

Carl smiled and said, "That's why I came here."

Lin Luo motioned him to sit down and said, "What's your opinion?"

"The times have changed, I will not forget everything that Lucas the Great has done to us, but..." Carl said: "If he is really in power, the world will not be in chaos? How many people will be convinced? "

"As long as God has the opportunity to support them, that's enough." Lin Luo said.

"It's ridiculous." Carl said: "The old man Mandal looks like he has abdicated, but he is actually manipulating power. He has already caused dissatisfaction among many people. Don't think about it this time, it's also his idea."

"Other than that, what information do you have?" Lin Luo asked.

Ba Carl was not surprised, thinking that Hegel never liked to collect information. He said: "It is said that God has a chance to predict that there will be crises and opportunities coexisting on the Eternal Continent."

"Crisis?" Lin Luo frowned.

"Opportunity is the most important thing." Carl smiled.

Lin Luo also just smiled and said: "Yes, the eternal universe is now impenetrable and unshakable."

"What's your attitude?" Carl looked at Lin Luo and spoke slowly.

Lin Luo narrowed his eyes and said, "What about you?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, but stopped talking.

They are both apostles, and what they do and say will determine the direction of this universe, so how can they be easily revealed.


Soon, seven days have come.

Mandal sat in the temple of God's Chance, looking at the reply letter on the desktop, absent-minded.

In fact, these are replies from some big forces.

However, their reply is not important.

What matters is the attitude of those ten people.


They are the biggest forces on this continent.

After a while, I saw a dark-skinned Manlo protoss descend. He knelt on the ground on one knee, and then handed over a letter respectfully.

Mandal glanced at it and opened it.

I only saw one word returned above:


Mandal smiled.

After a while, a person fell down. He also knelt on the ground, paid homage to Mandal, and handed over a letter.

The mandal was disassembled, and there was only one word on it:


Mandal still smiled, disapprovingly.

After a while, a few more came one after another.

Until, Carlo Lynn falls.

"How is Hegel recently?" Mandal said.

Carlo Lin paused. She didn't know why Mandal suddenly asked, but she was a low-level person who couldn't get in touch with Mandal. She simply thought that Mandal was greeting, and she said, "Master God is doing well recently." Pen fun library

Mandal smiled, took the letter in her hand, and the moment he opened it, his pupils shrank slightly, and then he said: "Is this Hegel's true meaning?"

"My lord said..." Carlo Lin said, "You should stand right now."

"It's a good one to stand immediately." Mandal said rather angrily: "Has Hegel completely forgotten what happened back then?"

Stand right now.

If you don't want to stand, don't stand.

Carlo Lin knelt on the ground, shivering, and then left.

At this time, there were nine tickets on the table.

Four cards are available.

Five non.

Mandal raised his head, at this moment, a divine light descended from the sky, and everyone knelt on the ground.

Carlo Lin hurriedly knelt down thousands of miles away.

This breath is the apostle.

The apostles come.

Mandal also stood up, and standing in front of him was an extremely young Manlo protoss, with black hair and complete facial features, not even the third eye of the Manro protoss.

And strangely...

He is somewhat similar to a human like Lin Luo.

Mandal's attitude towards him was completely different.

first apostle....

He actually came in person.

Mandal did not condescend, he said: "Why do you have to come in person for this kind of thing?"

The first apostle didn't speak, and didn't even scan the table curiously. He just said, "The times have changed."

Mandal's face darkened.

Unexpectedly, the young man spoke slowly again, and said: "God's decision, you can do it, but I don't care about the matter of the universe."

Mandal took a bite.

What kind of attitude is this?

Before he could speak, the figure of the first apostle slowly disappeared and completely disappeared, leaving only his voice:

"Stand immediately."


Above the tower, there are ninety-nine stories.

If calculated by distance, the ninety-nine-story building is equivalent to the distance from the blue star to the sun.

Therefore, it is enough to see how tall this tower is.

This is not the end.

Ninety-nine represents vitality.

power position.

as well as...


It was quiet here, until a few seconds later, footsteps sounded.


The figure of Mandal appeared.

He opened the door, and when he entered, he saw two sarcophagi.

One, pulled by the Kowloon beast, similar to the dragon,

One, pulled by the Nine Phoenix Divine Beast.

Lying here are the emperor's son and daughter.

Mandal knelt directly on the ground. He looked up at the sky and saw a red light.

Mandal burst into tears and said: 'Great Emperor, are you really still there? '

However, it was quiet here, and no reply was received.

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