A few days passed, and the entire universe was in turmoil.

Things about Lu Kahn spread throughout the universe.

The media of the eternal universe is more developed, and the media of the Central Continent even publicized Lucas' heroic deeds again.

Undoubtedly, this is God's chance to do it.

On the surface, this is a very exciting and united scene. The son of the emperor will be revived, and new opportunities will appear in the eternal universe.

This is exciting for the public.

But for the top echelons of the major forces, this is not the case.

During this period of time, everyone is guessing what other people think.

In the past, Lu Kahn was not able to take the position, so what should happen in this life?


On the twentieth day, Lin Luo opened his eyes and saw Ye Yi coming to look for him.

Lin Luo has never seen him since he went to the laboratory. m.x.com

During this period of time, Lin Luo found many helpers for him, relying on the influence of the apostles, Ye Yi's research also advanced by leaps and bounds.

"What's wrong?" Lin Luo asked.

"In the past few days, I have started to move towards the fourth-level product, but I feel more and more difficult." Ye Yi said.

"Why?" Lin Luo was puzzled.

Energy may be different, but technology is man-made.

Ye Yi smiled wryly: "Most of their technology is also searched, in fact, many of them don't have the bottom code..."

Lin Luo was stunned, and then remembered that the eternal universe would occasionally go to other universes.

In this way, in addition to slaughtering them, they will also be harvested.

"Can you continue to study?" Lin Luo asked.

"Yes." Ye Yi said, "But it's meaningless."

After finishing speaking, Ye Yi's expression became serious, and he said: "If we really want to research the latest, it will take at least a hundred years.

, even millennium, I can wait, but... Blue Star can't wait any longer. "

"What's your plan?" Lin Luo asked.

"Find the central control room of the Thanas system, and then destroy it." Ye Yi said: "Most of the world's technological sources come from it."

Lin Luo exhaled.

Ye Yi's statement is unrealistic, because the system once said to Lin Luo...

Only with the upgraded system can it be possible to deal with Thanas. m.x.com

But Ye Yi got to the point, the most important thing right now are two things:

First, find the source of special power that may exist in this universe.

Second, help the system to complete the upgrade.


In the blink of an eye, thirty-three days passed quickly.

The night before, Lin Luo was standing on a tall building, already smelling some bloody wind.

"My lord, are you still going?" Carlo Lin asked.

Lin Luo said: "Any news about other apostles?"

Carlo Lin said: "Most of the apostles were present before, but it must be different now."

Lin Luo pondered and asked, "Then do you think I should come out?"

"I don't dare to guess the mind of Lord God," Carlo Lin said.

She really didn't dare to answer.

In the past, she only thought that Hegel was irritable, but after observing it in recent days, Carlo Lin felt that Hegel had become different.

it seems...

In his lecherous eyes, there is still a lot of wisdom.

Carlo Lin sighed in her heart, it really is different for someone who can become a big shot.

Lin Luo said: "If you tell me, you can say it."

Carlo Lin quickly knelt down and said, "Then I will be bold."

Taking a deep breath, Carlo Lin said, "I think, Lord God should go."


"Because God's opportunity is currently in the hands of the eternal universe

Lifeline, an apostle alone, cannot fight against it. "Carlo Lin said: "The little princess took the initiative to show her favor to you. When you go over, one is to be invited, and the other is to be invincible. If you want to quit, then just quit." "

Lin Luo said: "But the restoration of the royal family is not a good thing for the apostles."

"There is no such easy thing." Carlo Lin said: "This world is no longer a world."

Lin Luo glanced at Carlo Lin approvingly, and the latter felt a little excited when he noticed this look.

However, Lin Luo said: "However, you missed the key point."

"What is it?" Carlone was puzzled.

"I think, God Chance may not want me to show up." Lin Luo said.

Carlo Lin paused, and then was completely puzzled.


When the east wind blows, the west sun rises.

The stars of the eternal universe rise from the west.

This is a very miraculous thing, but in the vast universe, it is not a big deal.

Mandal stood on the central seat of the temple, and looked at the ten seats in front of him.

Ten apostles, how many will come? x.com

Mandal naturally felt that the more the better.

However, the only thing Mandal didn't want was Hegel.

Because of Hegel's embarrassing history, and Hegel himself does not have much power alliance in this continent, it will not be of much help to Lu Kahn's rise to power.

On the contrary, Mandal was worried that the other party was here to make trouble.

At this moment, the whole square is full of people coming and going.

Those who can enter here are all big forces.

And outside the square, billions, even tens of billions of people centered on this place, surrounding the outside tightly.


It is the anniversary of the birth of the eternal universe.

They came here to witness the greatness of their universe!

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