The moment he raised his hand, Lin Luo looked like thousands of troops.

Lin Luo was startled.

what is this?

Chess game?

At this time, Dalan's voice sounded: "I think, you are lucky."

Lin Luo paused, and then said pleasantly: "Could it be that you mean..."

"I can feel that the original energy here is very heavy." Da Lan said: "But you should also know that you are also in danger now."

Lin Luo put away his smile, he was thinking about a question.

It can be said that since ancient times, many people from the Manluo protoss should have set foot here, why did he meet him?

Lin Luo believes that the chess game in front of him is so strange that it is impossible not to attract the attention of the Manlo Protoss.

He put away his thoughts and started playing chess seriously.


What is the point of playing chess?


The so-called bureau is to see far.

Your next step, what you want to see is, your next next step, even...

third step.

At the same time, you have to capture the opponent's psychological thinking and how to respond.

Therefore, ancient emperors and high-ranking officials liked to play chess, because the chess game can make them think clearly and exercise their minds.

And the reason why Lin Luo likes to play chess is...


When he was young, he could only play chess by himself because he didn't have any toys.

Sometimes alone, sometimes, grabbing a small partner to play.


Although Lin Luo has lost a lot of white pieces on the board at this moment, he has already killed almost all the golden pieces of the opponent with the remaining pieces.

However, Lin Luo still lost.

"It's a pity." Zhang San didn't know when he woke up, and said this behind him.

Lin Luo turned around, looked at Zhang San and said, "When did you wake up?"

"When you take the third step." Zhang San said.

Lin Luo got up and said: "This is just a game of chess, and

And it is a game of chess that must be lost. "

Zhang San was stunned, and then said: "Why did I give you a game of chess that you must lose."

"Because if I kill these Huangzi, I will win." Lin Luo said: "Of course, this is just my guess."

Zhang San looked around and said, "It's indeed your guess. If you win, something should change..."

Zhang San hadn't finished speaking when suddenly wind and sand blew up.

Lin Luo felt countless dust hit in his pupils...

Lin Luo subconsciously opened his eyes.

"Zhang San!" Lin Luo yelled, subconsciously grabbing Zhang San and the unconscious Ye Yi.

But in an instant, his head was dizzy.

With Lin Luo's strength, not everyone can make his consciousness fall into a coma.

When Lin Luo became conscious, what he heard was not the sound of sandstorms, but human voices.

"Hey, hey, you're not dead, are you?"

It's a female voice.

Lin Luo looked up and saw a woman squatting in front of him.

" are..."

"Don't talk, you are seriously injured." The woman quickly put her hands on Lin Luo's chest, and after waiting for three seconds, she said, "General Dong, your life is not in danger."

"Come here, take General Dong back."

The woman shouted and walked to the other side.

Lin Luo paused and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, his whole body was shocked.

Above the starry sky, there is a big ball of light.

The entire universe is enveloped by the light of the ball of light...

The starry sky is so beautiful.


It is even more shocking.

"Could it be..."

Lin Luo felt that he couldn't move. He was carried on something like a stretcher. While moving, he looked at the stars and said to himself: "The universe first opened?!"


"...Hahaha, I knew you weren't dead."

Lin Luo see

Holding his fat man, he was a little caught off guard.


Who are you.

Lin Luo wanted to ask this question very much.

However, he can't move now, so he still doesn't want to offend anyone.

Moreover, this person seems to be very familiar with him.

Lin Luo tried to call Big Blue, but found that it was not there.

"Hey, break the system." Lin Luo called.


Amazing, this system actually followed.

Lin Luo was overjoyed and asked, "What's going on?"

"Have you ever heard that people have wronged souls?" the system said.

"I've heard of some." Lin Luo said: "If a person has something to do before he dies, then he will accumulate some grievances."

"You can simply understand that when the universe first opened, there were many kinds of power, and the result is..." the system said: "The power of the Manlo protoss won."

"You mean, I'm in the resentment of another force?" Lin Luo was startled.

He was shocked.

These energies are intelligent, and they are actually true.

Lin Luo pondered, then patted the fat man on the shoulder, and then said, "That... fat man, I seem to have lost my memory!"


Several hours later, Lin Luo clearly understood what this place was.

Sure enough, as the system said, he was in a created illusion.

To be precise, this is a checkpoint.

The other party was the Manlo Protoss who had already gained the upper hand.

The formation that Lin Luo is in is called Troy.

This race is also the only one among the hundreds of millions of races at the beginning of the universe that can confront the Manlo Protoss.

"This, the other party's chief patriarch is..." Fatty said, pointing to the portrait in front of him. Biqu library

Lin Luo was surprised to see that the person above was not an unfamiliar face.

Rather something like...

"Hegel?!" Zhang San and Ye Yi next to him were also surprised and recognized it.

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