August 15

The whole world is moving slowly along the track of history. The planet plan has turned all countries into wooden string dolls. People are beginning to realize that what the Eagle Country said at the beginning was a huge deception.

This scam cost them a lot of things.

labor force.



However, they have no choice.

The reasons include the fear of aliens and the powerless resistance.

From time to time, they also tune in to Temes's self-righteous speech.

Once a month.

Just like today.

It's just that what's different today is that the first thing to appear on the screen is another screen.

All I saw was an extremely fast fighter jet in the sky flying at extremely high speed.

Suddenly, an electric spark flashed, followed by a huge explosion from the fighter jet.

And something flashed across the screen, so fast that it was difficult for their eyes to capture this speed.

"What is this?"

"Aliens are coming?"

"The one that exploded just now seems to be the sixth-generation fighter jet of the Japanese Manchuria."

"What? Didn't Riman country advertise that it was the best in the world?"

The whole world exploded, and this picture suddenly appeared, what does it mean?


Everything in the picture, the figure of Temus and his voice emerged.

"Everyone, what you see now is indeed the sixth-generation Japanese fighter jet!"

"However, it is the background of today!"

The picture was cut again, and a kx-18 aircraft appeared, and the position of the eagle country's national flag was given a special shot.

This scene caused countries all over the world to explode.

"Eighteenth generation fighter jet, Warhawk No. 18, kx18!"

"Everyone, this is the result of the Planetary Project!"

"It will help defend the aliens in the depths of the universe!"

"It will ruthlessly tell those aliens that Blue Star belongs to us humans!"

Everyone swallowed their saliva and had to admit that Temus was very talented in speech.

Even if, everyone knows, he is just drawing cakes.

"But it's going to help us with one other thing before the aliens arrive."


"That's right! A certain country in the east holds the secret of g3."

"It seems to have blocked the country, but occasionally sends people out, saying yes

Exchange resources. "

"But everyone knows that it's blackmail."

"Naked extortion!"

"Now is the time for humanity to unite as one, and we will absolutely not allow this to happen."

"So..." Temus' eyes turned cold, and he said loudly: "My friends, we will use this latest fighter to make them hand over the g3!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was in an uproar.

Is the collision between things inevitably born in the end?

It's just that the majestic posture can be vaguely seen in the former eastern country. After a year of retreat, is its majestic posture still there?


under the arctic

Mao Xiong Guo

"Can't get through!?"

"Keep fighting."

"Still can't get through!"

Inside the meeting hall, there was a dead silence.


Jonarev slammed one hand on the table, his eyes were a little more angry and anxious, and said, "What the hell is Huaxia doing?"

"We don't care about it, we are just alliance..."

"What do you know?" Jonarev turned his head and yelled at the congressman: "After Huaxia, it's us!"

Everyone was silent again.

"Forget it, we have tried our best." Jonarev sighed and said, "I really don't understand what this nation thinks, how it behaves so well, and suddenly closed the door."

"Perhaps, they will understand when the flames of war really reach their territory."

"It's like..."

"Just like back then."


Early morning of August 18

Didi Didi~~

woo woo woo~~

Many people got up and heard the air defense siren, and then saw that every section of the road was taken over by police cars or soldiers.

"what happened?"

"War time?"

People start to panic.

However, those police Uncles and military Uncles just smiled and said to them:

"It's not wartime."

"Just training."

"Don't worry, trust the country."

Even so, anyone with a discerning eye knows that something big must have happened.

However, the consciousness of the Chinese people is very high. In just one morning, a large number of people were transferred to the air-raid shelter to cooperate with their work.

"This way." A policeman is escorting a

Tong's mother entered the air-raid shelter.

"Thank you Uncle." The child was very polite, and made a military salute, and said to the policeman.

"You're welcome." The police officer Uncle said with a smile: "Listen to what mother said, stay here obediently, and you can come out soon."

"En." The child nodded, and when he was about to turn around, he suddenly saw an army moving quickly and orderly behind him.

"Uncle, what army is that?" the child yelled.

The police officer Uncle and his mother looked back together. There was no army anywhere, and there was no one at all.

The child naturally understood that they didn't believe it, and he said, "Really, I saw one...."

The policeman Uncle and his mother just smiled and said, they believed it.

And across the country, such things are repeated in more than one place.

....... Pen Fun Library

"Target: 100 nautical miles."

"Target: 90 nautical miles."

"Target: 60 nautical miles."


"The target is about to enter our waters!"

In the Tianjing wartime command center, Yang Jun stopped and walked behind, with no uneasy expression on his face.

Even, there is a little excitement.

half a year.

In half a year, the Heavenly Soldiers Legion has been established.

He is an eagle country, so what is there to be afraid of?

He looked at the screen and said with a smile: "Pretend to resist, let go of the sea!"


Give an order, and it will be conveyed to all places immediately.

On the other side, Lin Luo stood on the top of the hill, and Ye Yi stood beside him, and said to Lin Luo: "kx-18 is about to enter the airspace, do you want to launch a celestial attack!"

Celestial attack is a powerful technological weapon designed by Ye Yi to target alien attacks.

Its function and power only exist in theory, and no one has seen it.

However, against the little kx-18, there will be no problem.

"No need." Lin Luo soared into the air at this moment, this scene made Ye Yi and Xia Qian behind him startled.

What is this person up to?

Is he going to shake kx-18 hard?

Both of them swallowed.

In the past six months, they have seen all kinds of geniuses born in the Heavenly Soldiers Legion.

However, no one saw Lin Luo make a move.

In their eyes, Lin Luo is just a chief engineer.

A scientist!

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