"The war is on!"

Standing in the distance, Lin Luo witnessed the turmoil in the holy city.

Gray was standing next to him, he glanced at Lin Luo several times, and said, "We still can't win, right?"

Lin Luo didn't speak, but sat down and said, "What do you want to say."

Gray said: "Even if they have internal turmoil, when we dispatch, they will respond quickly. How much time do we have?"

"Three hours?"

"Two hours?"

"I guess, maybe less than an hour."

Speaking later, Gray's voice became extremely low, and said: "So, we can't win this way."


"You're waiting for me to say it because you can't," Gray said.

Lin Luo raised his head slightly and said, "You don't doubt me anymore?"

"I doubted you." Gray said: "But I am not that you suspect that you are a traitor, but I know that you are not Lao Dong."

Lin Luo caressed the cup and said, "Oh, really?"

"However, you have no malice towards us." Gray said: "On the contrary, you want to help us."

Lin Luo was silent.

Sure enough, people who can achieve great things are not easy.

Gray said at this time: "I'll go."

"My ideal person is General Bei." Lin Luo said.

"I'll go, the chances of winning will be better." Gray said: "For us, it is good to have an extra chance of winning."

Lin Luo was silent again, and after a long time, he said: "If the Trojans win, you are gone..."

"Isn't there you?" Gray said.

"Who will convince me." Lin Luo said.

"Although I don't know who you are, my intuition tells me that if you want to, you can take my position as the patriarch if you want," Gray said.

Lin Luo looked at him and fell silent again.

For some reason, Lin Luo couldn't bear it at the moment.

"Have you thought about it, the Trojans won, and the future

What is it like? " Lin Luo asked.

"No." Gray said, "I'm thinking about... keeping the Trojans alive."

When Lin Luo heard this, he couldn't help feeling a burst of emotion.


Looking at the simple two words, how many heroes have been stumped.

Gray stood up, raised his glass, and said, "Here, have a drink, toast."

Lin Luo stood up, holding the cup in both hands.

Under the light of the stars, the two clinked glasses.

Lin Luo knows...

This scene cannot occur in history.



All the generals and lieutenants knelt on the ground.

They looked at Gray, at Lin Luo.

"This is war!"

"This is an order!"

Gray roared, with a bit of anger in his tone, and said, "Have you forgotten the oath we made?"

Everyone's eyes were red.

Lin Luo was also slightly moved.

In terms of tactics and leadership, Gray is not very good.

However, his feelings and passion are real.

"Third Battalion, follow me, others, follow Lao Dong's command." Gray said.

Everyone looked at Lin Luo in unison.

This sentence undoubtedly made everyone mistakenly think that Lin Luo directed it this time.

"Old Dong, you bastard." General Xi stood up and punched hard.

Lin Luo stood there, not dodging, because someone would help him block it.

Sure enough, before he could swing his fist, Gray stopped him with one hand, and said angrily: "If you continue to mess around, this battle will not be fought."

When General Xi heard this, he was so angry that he raised his head to the sky and screamed.

Gray looked back at Lin Luo, and finally left, and Lin Luo looked at his back.

Thirty minutes later, all the troops were ready.

Lin Luo went to see Gray for the last time.

"Can you tell me who you are?" Gray asked.


can. "Lin Luo said.

"The old Dong..." Gray looked forward to it.

"He is dead." Lin Luo said.

"Sure enough..." Gray was a little frustrated.

"Do you trust him?" Lin Luo asked.

"Of course." Gray said: "He is our bravest general, otherwise, he would not be the leader of the four armies."

"Then you should trust me too." Lin Luo said blankly, "As long as I am here, the Trojans will not lose."

Gray smiled, and then he stepped into the air, flying thousands of miles away.

The moment he got off the ground, the soldiers of the three barracks flew together, and the black spots in the sky were like countless locusts, densely packed...

Lin Luo didn't have much reaction, because he had seen this kind of scene a lot.


"Zhang San, you follow them."

"Remember, you can't die, because no one can be sure that if we die here, we really die."

Lin Luo said.

"Okay." Zhang San nodded and followed General Xi's army.

Lin Luo looked at the final direction and said, "Wait."

"Waiting for what?"

"When the fireworks are in full bloom!" Lin Luo said, looking at the Holy City.

But at this moment, inside the Holy City, there was great chaos.

Not just a foreign war, but more importantly, a civil war...

"Hegel, have you had enough trouble?" Lucas' hair was disheveled.

He is like a demon god, looking at Hegel unkindly.

It can be said that as long as there is an opportunity, Lucas will kill it.

However, Hegel is not easy to mess with.

"Big deal, die together." Hegel said indifferently.

Emily, is his bottom line.

his dignity.

He does not allow anyone to take away his power and trample on his dignity.

Seeing Hegel's indomitable appearance, Lucas suddenly became anxious.


Trojan army...

Here comes the kill!

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