Zhang San also didn't understand when he heard the news. Isn't Lin Luo's words like this shaking the morale of the army?

Zhang San could even see the fat on General Xi's face trembling.

However, now that wartime has entered, many plans and troop deployments have been fully determined, and many people ignore this.

Even General Xi didn't say a word, and went straight to the fight, as if to vent his anger.


"You said he wanted to be the patriarch?" Gray was covered in blood at the moment.

Behind him is the main force of the enemy.

The plan Lin Luo and he made was to attack on both sides, one of which was empty, and the other was the main force.

Gray personally led the formation, and he would confuse the other party, but he was the first to rush into the holy city, so now the three barracks he led have suffered countless casualties, and there are not many left.

If this goes on, within three days, they will all be sacrificed.

"It's too much." The deputy commander next to him said excitedly: "He really went for his position."

"Shut up," Gray said.

"Patriarch!" The deputy commander was anxious, but seeing Gray's face, he didn't dare to say more.

Gray mused.

"It's not doing him any favors if he asks for it."

"He is a smart man. If he really wants this position, he can slowly devour the power of the Trojans after the war."

"If he does this now, he will only lose his popularity."

Gray whispered while thinking.

"Is it possible that he was dazzled by the desire for power?" the deputy commander said.

"Impossible." Gray said: "His wisdom will never allow him to do such a thing."

"The only possibility is..."

When Gray said this, his face became anxious: "He wants to expose himself!"



"Found it."

"General Dong is not dead."

"He has mastered the Trojans."

"As for Gray, he was besieged by us at the northern city gate."

The people at the information desk knelt and faced Lucas.


Lucas killed Emily himself.

He once again took control of the clan.

Hearing this, Lucas thought for a while, and said, "Impossible, General Dong committed suicide by myself."

"Then...then I don't know, but the people from the Ministry of Information saw the existence of the other party with their own eyes." The soldier said.

Lucas was a little restless.

The dead are resurrected?

He personally reduced General Dong's bones to ashes.

Unless the other party has the supernatural power of resurrection...

But in this world, such a thing cannot exist.

"Patriarch, what should we do?" the soldier said.

"How about the adjustment of troops?" Lucas asked.

"Most of the main forces tracking Gray have already been transferred back. I believe that after three days, they will be able to keep up with the main force..."

"We need to get through these three days."

said the soldier quickly.

Lucas mused.

In three days, there are too many variables.

Today, it is the Trojans who are more powerful.

Lucas' pupils lit up, and he said, "Send me an order to summon the Black Iron Squad."

"Heitie?" The soldier paused, then nodded in understanding.

After a while, a masked man walked in.

Behind him, there are four or five men.

They saw Lucas, kneeling on the ground.

If Lin Luo is here, he will be very surprised.

Because such a mask...

He has seen it before.

Right inside the scene of the Bruce family.


"...he is not cruel."

"On the contrary, he's very smart."

"He wants to regain the hands of Troy

To control power, you must give up Emily, otherwise Hegel will not let it go. "

Lin Luo said.

"Then there's no need to kill her, she is his beloved woman after all." Ye Yi said.

"Because Emily can no longer belong to him."

"And her existence will only affect his prestige in the clan."

"Today's Manlo Protoss does not need a king who is as tender as water, but a king who concentrates on his career." Lin Luo explained: "So even if it is destroyed, he will not put Emily back."

Ye Yi suddenly realized, and then said: "Then what's the point of you deliberately exposing yourself?"

Lin Luo looked up at the sky and said, "I guess it's already here." '

Ye Yi paused, and then heard a commotion.

Then, someone shouted loudly: "There is an assassination! There is an assassination!!"

Ye Yi understood everything at once, and at the same time was worried. iread novel app read the full content

Lin Luo doesn't have much strength to deal with these assassins now, this is what Ye Yi is worried about.

As Lin Luo said, if they die in this world, they may really die.

But, even so, can they really win?


A day passed.

Lin Luo has encountered nearly thirty waves of assassinations.

The worst wave reached Lin Luo's camp.

Looking at the blood-stained inside, Lin Luo was expressionless, just waiting for them to move the corpse, Lin Luo said: "Wait."

The Trojan soldiers paused, only to see Lin Luo standing up and turning over a corpse.

At this moment, his pupils shrank.

Because, he saw that mask again.

"The user of this mask has already started in this era?" Lin Luo felt a little scared.

He felt that besides him, someone else was playing a big game of chess.

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