
someone yelled.

Lin Luo raised his head and swallowed involuntarily.

The stars in the universe actually formed two huge vortices.

These two vortexes naturally represent the cosmic power of the Manlo Protoss and Troy.

The vortex emits two beams of red and blue light, which shine straight into the holy city.

"It's started." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San said: "In history, Lucas is the true god, and I don't know if Gray can win."

At this moment, a group of elite squads came out and came to them. The captain said: "Patriarch, we are ready."

"Let's go." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San paused and said in surprise: 'Where are you going? '

"Do you think they will really have a fair chance of confrontation?" Lin Luo said.

Zhang San came to his senses, and blurted out a name: "Hegel."

"The current Hegel should still be immersed in the shadow of Emily's death." Lin Luo said: "But if it is said that the race is in danger, it must be able to wake him up."

"Are you going to fight him?" Zhang San said, "No..."

Lin Luo has no strength at all now.

Lin Luo said before that it is possible that the person who brought them here deliberately deprived them of their power.

They are not people of history, they can only be a bystander to influence this battle.

"Let's go." With the support of the elite team, Lin Luo jumped up.

Zhang San and Ye Yi could only keep up.



Above the sky, the two vortices are getting bigger and bigger, and black lightning can even be seen.

The area centered on them, with a radius of one million kilometers, is almost enveloped by huge energy.

This is the confrontation of the strongest kings since the birth of this universe.

The result is also unique..


Only one person can come out alive.

Under the leadership of the elite team, Lin Luo kept moving forward.

In just a few hours, he went straight into the city.

However, there are not many elite squads left.

"Let's go." Lin Luo said.

"Our task is to protect the patriarch." The team leader said.

Lin Luo looked at the palace in front of him and said, "It's impossible for you to beat Hegel."

"At least, we tried our best. We Trojans, there are no cowards." The captain said seriously.

Lin Luo ignored him.

He looked up at the sky, and he sat down.

The next thing to do is to wait for the young Hegel to appear.

One hour.

two hours.

In the third hour, the sky cracked open, and only the two vortexes of the stars were seen pouring out a large amount of energy, and the magnetic field of the entire world became chaotic.

Lin Luo stood up because he felt a very powerful breath.

Lin Luo flew straight up, this simple flying ability, he can still do it.

After he reached the high altitude, a black spot gradually approached in front of him.

It's a pity that Hegel didn't even look at him.


Lin Luo was too weak, so weak that Hegel didn't want to look at him.

Until he sees Lin Luo's true face clearly.

General East.

This is a dead person.

Hegel stopped slowly, looked at him, and said: 'You have come to seek death? '

Lin Luo said: "It's hard to say who is looking for death."

Hegel glanced at Lin Luo, quite surprised.

Such a weak person, why dare to stand in front of him.

"If you go there now, Lucas will definitely be alive, don't you want to watch him die?" Lin Luo said.

"I'm not a fool." Hegel said: "If the Manlo Protoss is defeated, I will die."

"Now there is a best-of-both-worlds solution here

inside. Lin Luo said: "Wait until their battle is over." "

Hegel paused.

"If Lucas wins, he will definitely not have much power to deal with you." Exit the transcoding page, please download the app to read the latest chapter.

"It's the same if Gray wins."

"Overall, you're the biggest winner."

Lin Luo said.

"You think I'll believe an enemy's words?" Hegel said disdainfully.

'I don't need you to believe it. ’ Lin Luo said: “Because no one can deal with you except them.”

Hegel was a little shaken.

Emily's death was his greatest pain.

Lin Luo continued: "Lucas is the destiny of the Manlo Protoss!"

Hearing this, Hegel's pupils shook violently, showing a bit of rage from inside. With a wave of his hand, Lin Luo's body was almost dismembered. He said, "I am!"

Lin Luo endured great pain, gritted his teeth, and looked into the distance again...

"Grey, win, even if it's not true."


"It's time to end."

At the center of the vortex, Lucas seems human but not human.

His pupils are full of intricate patterns, and his body grows something like a monster.

Huge energy enveloped him, making him look like a demon god.

And Gray is similar, they also have obtained the power of the beginning of the universe.

At this moment, they all hold a huge energy vortex in their hands...

Their battle this time is not for the individual to watch.

Instead, it mobilized the power of the universe above the stars.

Who's winning.

Race wins.

Their cosmic power can also continue to survive.

"Come on." Gray said loudly, the moment the vortex in his hand was thrown out, the entire universe star was cut off from the middle.

like a canopy...

One side is red and the other side is blue.

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