"What?!" Zhang San was very puzzled, and said, "We are looking for power, but we can't find it at all."

Lin Luo said with a smile: "Are you too impatient? There is no free lunch in this world. What is the reason why our Blue Star can go out of the universe?"

Zhang San was stunned, Ye Yi had already looked at the skeleton and said, "Gene?!"

"That's right." Lin Luo said.

"But you said that our human genes have almost reached the limit, and we cannot continue to evolve." Zhang San was still puzzled.

Before Lin Luo opened his mouth, Ye Yi already said: "Do you think so? Although the power of Tianlu is controlled by the Manlo protoss, the power of Dixuan has never disappeared, but it can only be absorbed by the Troy clan."

"That's right." Lin Luo said: "Although this possibility is just speculation, it is very likely to be true."

"As long as we can decipher the genes of Troy and use them on humans, then we will most likely be able to obtain the power of the Earth Mystery."

Only then did Zhang San come to his senses, looking at the white bones in front of him, he was so excited that he was trembling when he spoke, he said: "But, after so long, can the genes still be extracted?"

"Of course." Lin Luo said, "You underestimate our genetic analyzer."

After speaking, Lin Luo carefully picked them up and packed them up, saying: "It seems that we have to go back."

Zhang San said: "Can't we extract genes here?"

"Of course." Lin Luo said: "But we still have to apply it to humans in the end, so we have to go back."

Zhang San suddenly realized.

"Let's go." Lin Luo said happily, his smile froze suddenly, and he shouted, "Be careful."

And this time

, Zhang San looked up, and he saw a group of people.

The group of people above were also looking at them.

headed by...

It is the Great Master of Divine Opportunity.

He was ordered to come here and found that there was a different energy in this sandstorm, so he came to have a look.

more importantly...

Lin Luo is not Hegel in disguise.

"Who are you?!" The Great Master looked at them with murderous intent.


Lin Luo glanced at Ye Yi, handed the skeleton to him, and gave him a look at the same time.

Zhang San also understood instantly.

In any case, this incident is the only life-saving straw for mankind, and there must be no accidents.


This battle cannot be avoided.

"I didn't expect to make a move so soon." Lin Luo took off his disguise, stepped straight into the air, and said, "I haven't used this face for a long time, and I feel a little strange."

Zhang San also laughed. He looked at the people around him and said, "I'll delay it for you, but it's still up to you."

"Enough is enough." Lin Luo said.

These days, he and Zhang San are not idle.

They found that after they came to this Fang universe, their strength improved by leaps and bounds, because Lin Luo himself is in control of the law of heaven, and he can obtain a lot of resources through Hegel's identity.

As for Zhang San, he seldom made shots after reaching the fifth level, but that didn't mean he was incapable. On the contrary, even Lin Luo was afraid of his ability.

The Great Master could tell that Lin Luo was about to make a move, and while he was surprised, he still said: "I am the Great Master of Divine Chance!"

"I know." Lin Luo said.

The Great Master glanced at Lin Luo again, then at Zhang San, and when he still didn't quite understand, suddenly

Suddenly smelled a powerful force.

this force...

It's at the level of an angel.

Master Dadi knew that something was wrong.

In this universe, the power of the god envoy level is not everywhere. On the contrary, those who can obtain the power of the god envoy level will be registered in the register for easy management.

Just as he was about to speak, he saw Lin Luo coming in front of him in an instant, and the continuous force of the law of heaven on his body directly suppressed the great emperor.

Only then did Master Dadi realize that something was wrong.

It's also at the Angel level, but Lin Luo is much stronger than him.

"You can't kill me, I am the Great Emperor Master." The Great Emperor Master shouted loudly.

Lin Luo clapped with one hand.

For a long time, no one at the same level could match Lin Luo.

Seeing this scene, Zhang San, who was on guard at the rear, felt that the pervert Lin Luo had become even more perverted, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

Because, he doesn't need to make a move.

I only saw that after Lin Luo suppressed the Great Master, with a wave of his hand, countless energy clusters appeared.

Everyone was desperate and wanted to escape.

However, in the face of real power, any resistance is superfluous.

After the afterglow of the energy dissipated, Lin Luo grabbed the unconscious Great Emperor, and Zhang San asked strangely: "Don't kill?"

"It's still useful to keep it." Lin Luo said.

Zhang San didn't ask any more questions, he said: "I don't know why this team is here, it's better for us to leave first."

Lin Luo nodded, he jumped up, and looked back at the desert again. .

Behind, the desert is as silent as smoke, only the dust billowing...

Here is the beginning of the universe.

Now, because of the war, it has become deserted!

"Perhaps, our arrival is also God's will."

Lin Luo thought so, leading them to disappear into this piece of world in an instant.

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