This is definitely a big piece of news.

If it is said that the first apostle also supports Lu Kahn, it is definitely a piece of heavy news for the people of the eternal universe, and even for other apostles.

Lin Luo waved his hand, motioning for Carlo Lin to go down first.

While pondering, Zhang San walked in, Lin Luo told the whole story, after Zhang San heard it, he said: "It seems that the general trend has been settled."

"Look at this." Lin Luo handed it to Zhang San.

Zhang San saw that this was a report about the Black Iron Legion.

According to the data, the Black Iron Legion was created in the Hegel era and was used by the royal family.

Moreover, only the so-called royal family is recognized.

Those who can enter inside must be those who have been investigated and are loyal to the royal family.

Later, after Lucas died, this legion remained, but it continued to weaken the strength of the legion, and finally disappeared directly.

This was also done by the apostles by default.

"You really doubt Camilla?" Zhang San said, "Is it possible that Mandal stayed behind?"

Camilla looks weak and gentle with people, she doesn't look like this kind of person.

"I don't want to doubt her." Lin Luo said: "It is unlikely that this legion will be under the jurisdiction of Mandal, because the real meaning of this legion is the Royal Forest Army. If it is under the jurisdiction of other surnames, then they It also lost its original meaning.”

Zhang San nodded and said: "With Lu Kahn's character, if it was really him, he would have shown it to the world."

"That's right." Lin Luo said: "Throw away all the incorrect answers, then this answer is the only one left."

"What should we do?" Zhang San asked.

"Lu Kahn must not inherit the power of Lucas." Lin Luo said: "We need an eternal world with scattered people, not a unified eternal world."

"Are you going to make a move?" Zhang San was startled.


Time passed quickly, and Lin Luo also disappeared into the shrine. No one knew what he did, including Zhang San.

And the day of the final inheritance is getting closer and closer.

Lin Luo is back, and Zhang San can feel that his aura is getting stronger and stronger.

"You seem to be suppressing something?" Zhang San asked.

"It's suppressing something." Lin Luo said so.

"Ah?" Zhang San was astonished.

"Have you done everything I told you?" Lin Luo asked.

"It's done." Zhang San said: "I will let the shrine enter a state of silence for a few days."

"Okay." Lin Luo thought for a while, walked a few steps, and said, "If you say... I mean if..."

Zhang San immediately interrupted him and said: "There is no if, but I know what to do."

Lin Luo looked into Zhang San's eyes, the two of them smiled lightly and hugged each other, everything was kept silent.

At night, Lin Luo and Zhang San were drinking. They looked at the starry sky, which was more beautiful and pure than the blue star, and said, "I suddenly understood, did our ancestors feel like us at the beginning?"

Zhang San said: "Do you mean ancient times or modern times?"

"It's all there." Lin Luo said.

"China has always had legends." Zhang San said: "We are already legends, aren't we?"

Lin Luo raised his wine glass and said flatly, "That's true."

Then, a night of silence.

When it was dawn, only Zhang San was sitting there alone.


God Opportunity Center

The tower of the gods stood tall, and countless people gathered here early in the morning.

Mandal also got up early, looked at Lu Kahn next to him, and said, "Don't worry, my son, the restoration of the royal family will be unstoppable starting today."

Lu Kahn should have been very happy when he heard this, but today he is a little abnormal.

"Is the emperor worried?" Mandal said.

"How did father die in the first place?" Lu Kahn said.

"The great emperor fought all his life, and it is inevitable to leave injuries." Mandal said: "This is the injury that killed him. The most important thing is the heart disease, your mother's departure..."

When Lu Kahn heard this, he clenched his fist and said, "I will inherit my father's behest, the world owes him."

"That's right." Mandal nodded, then looked around and said, "Where's your sister?"

At this moment, in the shrine, Camilla was putting on makeup, and the leader of the Black Iron Legion knelt there and said, "Your Highness, you can't go."

"Why not."

"Everyone knows how powerful the emperor's inheritance is." The leader continued: "If he really gets it, then all your plans will come to naught."

"He can't get it." Camilla said: "But I don't need to make a move."

The leader paused and said, "Then I'll go?"

"There is something that you really need to do." Camilla said, handed him something, and leaned into his ear, whispering a few words.

In the rear, the two maids who were changing Camilla's clothes had already fallen down. There was no pool of blood, but there was no breath of life either.

Outside, the white starry sky suddenly turned black, and the entire eternal universe turned black all of a sudden.

Above the sky, auspicious clouds intertwine, golden air currents leap under the black starry sky...

"It's started." Camilla said, walking outside.

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