"terribly sorry!"

"It's also a pity to meet you here."

"The Thanas system is no longer under our control, and the destruction of the universe is unstoppable."

"Here, I will send you a coordinate. This coordinate can go to other universes and take refuge temporarily..."

When Mandal spoke, he felt extremely old and weak.

He knew that in this universe, there were countless people scolding him.

However, things are irreversible.

"Really... is there no cure?" Mandal smashed the table angrily, and sat down on the ground weakly.

And the supercomputer next to it shows:

20 percent

30 percent

"We should go too." The member of God's Chance said to Mandal: "My lord."

"Yeah." Mandal nodded.

He wanted to turn back, to witness this Fang universe again at last.

He saw that the black cave was sweeping towards the tower of God Chance.

Mandal was heartbroken.

The divine tower, that is the symbol of the civilization of the Manlo Protoss.

He couldn't bear to look directly, and even closed his eyes, until he heard the member of Shen Chance shouting, "God...God!"

Mandal opened his eyes.

Into the eyes, is a golden light.


"God, a miracle!"

"what is this?"

"Whatever it is, run."

"No, the earth is recovering, the earth is recovering."

Countless Manlo protoss were preparing to escape, but suddenly they realized that something was wrong.

The mountains and rivers engulfed by the black hole below seem to be constantly recovering.


To return to the original appearance.

Looking at the center again, the shrine tower is shining, illuminating the entire land.

"It's the emperor."

"It's the emperor."

"Even if he is gone, he still wants to save us."


"Heaven will not perish, my Manluo protoss."

These people were so excited that they all knelt on the ground and worshiped towards the center.

But at this moment, in a place where books are densely packed, a man stood quietly in front of the door, watching this scene.


It is Mitheus.

The place where he is at the moment is the Tiandao Library that he got in through the deal with Mandal.

His gaze became a little blurred, or...


"Lucas." Mitheus exhaled and said, "Are you dead or not?"

While speaking, he looked at the book in his hand again. The title of the book was:

Lucas' life.


When they saw the golden light, the smiles of Lin Luo and Zhang San were restrained at this moment.

Lin Luo knew it was an accident.

He thought about many kinds of accidents. For example, the people of the Manlo Protoss were so good that they could crack the Thanas system and prevent all this from happening.

However, Lin Luo never imagined that all this turned out to be...


Lin Luo naturally didn't believe it was a miracle, but saying anything now was meaningless.

He asked, "System, can you continue?"

Looking at the system again, it's only 60%.

"It's still far away. I can feel the power of the Thanas system recovering on its own, and pushing me out." The system said.

"You take everything you can," Lin Luo said.

However, he also knows that many data in the system are integrated.

If it cannot be done 100%, it is impossible for the final system to complete the upgrade.

The system did not respond to his words, Lin Luo only saw that the data was still rising, and Zhang San beside him was already scolding his mother.

After nearly half an hour, Lin Luo saw that the Divine Research Institute in front of him was also being repaired constantly.

Meanwhile, the system is stuck at 79 percent.

"It's a pity." Lin Luo said.

"The Thanas system is too complicated, and it takes so much time." The system responded.

Lin Luo was silent.

He knew that this might be his last chance.

Because he no longer has a plan in his mind to break the Thanas system.

Could it be...

Their failure was doomed from the start?


Lin Luo and Zhang San flew back sullenly, and when they landed, Carlo Lin and Ye Yi were already waiting.

"Not leaving." Lin Luo said.

"No." Carlone said, "We are waiting for you here because someone is looking for you inside."

"Mandal?" Lin Luo asked.

"You'll know when you go in." Carlone said.

Lin Luo glanced at them, thought for a while, and walked in by himself.

However, when he walked in, he froze for a moment.

It was none other than Camilla inside.

At this moment, Camilla's face was extremely pale, and bloodshot eyes could even be seen.

"His Royal Highness." Lin Luo was taken aback.

He didn't expect that Camilla was still alive and...

Will come and find her.

"I can't last much longer," Camilla said.

Lin Luo was silent.

He can see it.

However, it's not that Camilla couldn't hold on.

It's that she doesn't want to live anymore.

In this society, at her level, it is too difficult to die, as long as there is one breath.

"Have you decided?" Lin Luo asked.

"Well." Camilla said: "I have no attachment in this world."

"Then you come to me..." Lin Luo said.

"I want to know..." Camilla looked at him firmly and said, "Who are you?"

Hearing this, Lin Luo's expression hardly changed. He smiled and said, "If you call me Uncle, I am naturally Hegel."

"You can fool other people with this, but you can't fool me." Camilla looked at Lin Luo and said.

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