Lin Luo's words instantly lifted everyone's spirits.

A famous scholar once said that when people predict the end of the day, what they do before the end of the day will be more terrifying and crazy than the end of the day.

This is human nature.

"Can we really win this fight?"

"I heard that their fifth-order gene lock is the starting point."

"It's impossible to win."

"That's not necessarily true. Who can imagine that Blue Star can grow into what it is today?"

There was an endless stream of discussions.

Some are afraid.

There are apprehensions.

There is also renewed hope.

But, more, it is worry and fear for the future.

On the screen, Lin Luo's words continued.

Every word he said will be quickly translated into every language of the universe on the camera and reach their ears.

"I, Lin Luo, hereby issue a call, hoping that more people can join this war, no matter young or old, men or women, whether you come with hatred or not, I hope that at this moment, we can stand together in order to survive. "

After Lin Luo finished speaking, he thought about it.

"Commander Lin, and..." The broadcaster wanted to speak, but Xia Qian interrupted her with her hand from a distance.

At this time, Lin Luo raised his head again and said, "I believe that we will be able to win this victory!"


After this speech, the media in the universe exploded directly.

After so many years of hard work, today's universe has already become a shared network era.

Due to the high-level deployment of defenses in advance, no riots were caused after causing a huge commotion.


"We recruited too few people on the first day." Chen An handed Lin Luo a copy of the data.

According to Lin Luo's plan, the number of people fighting this time must be at least tens of billions.

That's right.

This is a cosmic battle.

According to Lin Luo's calculation for the Manlo Protoss, tens of billions is a very conservative estimate.

However, they only recruited a million on the first day, and those without talent had to be excluded.

But Lin Luo said: "Don't worry, I believe that under the doomsday, people will not only feel hopeless."

"I hope." Chen An said so.

This situation lasted for five days, and on the sixth day, the situation changed, from an average of one million registrations per day to 80 million per day.

This data doubled after the tenth day, and it continued to rise.

For a while, Blue Star's Hope Biological Base almost fell into difficulty in employing personnel.

You know, Hope Biological Base has recruited enough people for this plan.

However, as long as the evolutionary reagents are produced in large quantities, that's enough. These things can be produced in the genetic factory.

Seeing that everything was on track, Lin Luo also breathed a sigh of relief.

An army of tens of billions.

An army of tens of billions of power beyond the fifth rank.

If in the past, such a thing would not have dared to think about it.

"Times are changing so fast." Lin Luo looked at Xia Qian and said.

"You seem to be worried about something." Xia Qian said.

"Actually, besides a large number of troops, what really determines the outcome is the top part." Lin Luo said.

"How far are you from the apostle you mentioned?" Xia Qian asked.

"I have met the first apostle before." Lin Luo pondered: "I can feel that even I am now, it is impossible to be his opponent."

Xia Qian bit her lip when she heard this.

Lin Luo has always been the Kong Ming Lantern of Blue Star's strength. In this regard, no one can really help him.

When they were silent for a while, Wu Shan walked in excitedly and said, "I found it, I found it."

"What did you find?" Lin Luo asked.

"Nuwa Stone." Wu Shan said excitedly: "The last weapon for the evolution of Tianji."

Lin Luo paused when he heard this.

Before Lin Luo left here to go to the eternal universe, he entrusted Wu Shan with the task of the evolution of the secrets.

Over the years, they have successively found the Kunlun mirror and so on, and made the heavenly secret evolve up to nine times.

However, the Nuwa stone has never been found.

According to the speculation at the time, the Nuwa stone should have been destroyed when Blue Star was reborn.

Therefore, Lin Luo was a little surprised when he heard about Nuwa Stone.

"Where is it?" Lin Luo asked.

Wu Shan looked up at the sky.

Lin Luo was a little puzzled, Wu Shan pointed at the moon and said, "I never thought that, the inside of the moon is actually a Nuwa stone."

"What?" Lin Luo was shocked when he heard this.

According to legend, the appearance of the moon near the blue star is a mystery, and it was later confirmed that it was done by the ancient human race.

However, who would have thought that the moon is actually a Nuwa stone?

"I think that Nuwa Stone should be a kind of space repair, and it can even be said that it was formed slowly because of huge space distortion..." Wu Shan said quickly: "The energy contained in it is even beyond the One trillion times that of our current top material, high-energy stone."

Lin Luo asked excitedly: "That means..."

"The final evolution of Tianji can be completed." Wu Shan said: "Senior Ye Su's most exciting blueprint in his life can be completed!"

Lin Luo also smiled when he heard this.

Ye Su has two blueprints in his life.

The first one is the secret.

The second is the system.

But unfortunately, even Ye Su himself didn't know that the system itself was born.

And these two things are about to reveal their final form.

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