"Morning, Professor."

On the International Space Station, Michelle woke up early. He smiled when he heard the greeting from the people next to him. He poured a cup of coffee while admiring the scenery on the blue star.

From this angle, Blue Star is really beautiful.

The whole planet is surrounded by blue sea water.

If Blue Star can always...

Drip Drip Drip~~~

Suddenly the machine flickered quickly, Michelle was shocked, turned on the computer in an instant, and saw a red dot flying out of the computer.


faster than the speed of light.

This is from the position in the direction of Jupiter. Michelle suddenly remembered that the Vanguard was there, and quickly said: "Identify the substance."


The staff acted quickly.

Today, with their technology, they cannot sail such a long distance, but they can be identified through a large number of detectors and satellites.

Soon, they came to a conclusion and said: "The size is the size of a space station, and it is suspected to be a meteorite."

Michelle breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "The direction?"

A meteorite the size of a space station will not pose any threat to Blue Star at all.

"Blue Star." The staff member said.

"Lock its exact location, report the location to Blue Star, and do a good job of defense." Although Michelle is from Eagle Country, he still has Blue Star in his heart.

"Yes." When the staff was about to calculate the trajectory, their eyes froze suddenly.

His hands were shaking, and he even panicked.


He yelled, and the people next to him paused, wondering what was wrong with him.

Looking at it again, everyone was dumbfounded. The cup of coffee that Michelle was holding fell directly on the ground, and the hot coffee splashed on his skin, but he didn't feel it at all.

All I could see was that there were densely packed red dots on the screen.

There are countless.

He swallowed heavily, and said in a terrified tone:

"They... finally came!!!"


Drip Drip Drip~~~

Blue Star's Eagle Country headquarters immediately received a report from space, and the whole country entered a state of emergency.

A joint organization meeting was held at the same time, and Temes attended this meeting in person.

"Now, it's really time for humanity to be in crisis."

"I need all countries to contribute, not to hide."

"But don't worry everyone, our Eagle Country will definitely protect your safety."

"Hold danger in outer space."

This meeting was also broadcast live globally, and the world exploded immediately.

"Are aliens really coming?"

"what happened?"

"Look at the video given by the Eagle Country Space Department."

Just an hour ago, the Eagle Country Space Department sent back a video of a space detection instrument, which was exactly what Michelle saw.

Those countless red dots.

"A meteorite or their spaceship?"

"I'm a little scared."

"We're really going to fight."

"What if they didn't come to invade?"

"When you fucking go to someone's house as a guest, will you bring so many people with you?"

The whole world has exploded, but Eagle Country has only one strategy:


They will not let any aircraft fly into the blue star.



Lin Luo is training his Dragon Fist. Since he has spent a lot of points on the power of flying, the only move Lin Luo can learn is Dragon Fist.

In Lin Luo's Points Mall, there are several more exchanges.

dragon blood power


and many more

These skills are also extremely expensive, and many can reach tens of millions.

However, Lin Luo is not too greedy, and being able to master one skill now is one more means.

"Master Lin!" Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Lin Luo turned around and saw a soldier with the Purple Gold Dragon Medal standing outside with a respectful face.

Lin Luo frowned slightly.

"The car is waiting for you outside." The soldier said.

Lin Luo got up, and Xia Qian who was next to him immediately helped him get his coat. Lin Luo said to Xia Qian while walking, "Let Ye Yi come to me."

"Okay." Xia Qian nodded.

Lin Luo got into the car and realized the seriousness of the matter.

After a while, Lin Luo came to the position of the Institute of Military Strategy. When he stepped in, he saw everyone's faces were ugly.

Lin Luo saw that Ye Yi was here.

Yang Jun, they are all here.

Lin Luo walked over, and Ye Yi came over with the computer and said, "This is the image sent back by our Southern Dipper."

Lin Luo looked over and saw a group of densely packed red dots.

Just like ants.

"What about the size?" Lin Luo asked.

"Not much,

It is almost like an ordinary meteorite, coming straight to the blue star. "

Lin Luo frowned, the other party's purpose was already obvious.

"I'm sure, is it a meteorite or..." Lin Luo glanced at Ye Yi and said, "Spaceship?"

Everyone was looking at Ye Yi, expecting the answer.

The eighteen-year-old boy was silent for a while, and said: "I'm not sure, our current technology can only identify so many."

"If all of them fall, how much threat will it pose to Blue Star?" Lin Luo asked.

"At least..." Ye Yi said: "At least most areas will be covered. If there are no huge explosives, the damage will not be great."

"What time?"

"Two weeks!" Ye Yi exhaled.

Lin Luo paused.

two weeks.

Faster than expected!

On the other hand, Chen An who was next to him said: "Eagle Country has already arranged an interstellar interception network, and we use the celestial system to try to intercept them out of space."

Lin Luo didn't speak.

After a long time, Chen An looked at Ye Yi, who let out a sigh of relief and said, "The opponent's speed exceeds the speed of light, we... probably won't be able to intercept them."

Chen An became anxious at this moment, and said, "Then what's the point of our Tianbing plan?"

"Of course." Lin Luo said with bright eyes:

"As I said before, the opponent's purpose is definitely not destruction, but a high probability of enslavement."

"So... get ready to meet the enemy."

At this moment, the old man suddenly turned around, stood at the highest point, and swept across the audience:

"Chen An!"

"Here!" Chen An stood still.

"The whole country has entered a state of first-level alert, and everyone has entered the air-raid shelter."


"Mr. Yang!"


"The Celestial Army Corps took over national security affairs, scattered all over the country, and entered a state of emergency."

"Everything is headed by the safety of the people."



"Lin Luo!"

The old man glanced at Lin Luo, and everyone looked at Lin Luo.

"Yes." Lin Luo looked at the stage.

"All actions in this plan are your responsibility."

"Anything, anyone, all accept your command and dispatch, and no one should disobey."

"Offenders will be charged with treason!"

"The code name of this operation..."


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