"We've found an alien beast." The soldier said excitedly, and suddenly saw Lin Luo, his pupils shrank, and he immediately stood up and said, "I've seen Commander Lin!"

The voice that spoke was trembling with excitement.

Lin Luo nodded slightly, which made the soldier even more excited, and he asked, "Have you killed it?"

"It's dead." The soldier said, "But we didn't kill him!"

Both Lin Luo and Yang Jun were taken aback for a moment.

When they went to the scene, they couldn't help but gasped, there was a pile of blood on the ground, and there were very obvious signs of fighting here.

The alien beast died in a terrible state.

"Are you sure it wasn't our people who did it?" Yang Jun asked.

"Okay, I've checked it out," said the soldier.

Lin Luo squatted down and glanced at the neck of the alien beast, which had a five-claw scratch, and then looked at the blood on the ground, some were green and some were red.

The red one is obviously not from an alien beast.

Afterwards, Lin Luo entered the village, and the old village chief was obviously very excited when he saw Lin Luo and the others.

"Aba Abamos!"

"He said that the mountain god is a god, the god who protects the earth, you can't hurt him!" said the translator next to him.

Lin Luo smiled slightly and said: "Village Chief, we didn't want to hurt him, but the monster hurt it, maybe it needs our help."

"Amokaba." The old village chief obviously didn't believe it.

How could the mountain god be injured?

Lin Luo said at this time: "Some time ago, did you hear the howling of wild animals and fire. That is the mountain god protecting you. Look, it killed this monster."

Lin Luo showed him the photos, but the old village chief was still skeptical.

Seeing this trick, Lin Luo didn't believe it, so he pulled Yang Jun out and said, "We are Chinese soldiers, and we will never lie."

This time, the old village chief finally believed it. He told Lin Luo that he had indeed heard the sound of fighting a few days ago, but it was too dark that day, and there was a fire, so he dared not go out and ordered the village people, don't go out.

"Is there anyone missing in the village?" Lin Luo asked.

"Ba Luxi." The old village chief shook his head and said.

Lin Luo put his hands together, thanked him, and finally left.

Yang Jun next to him said, "Fortunately, he came here because of the fool."

Lin Luo looked a little more cautiously, and said: "What I said is not fooling around."

Yang Jun paused.

"This alien beast is a fish that slipped through our intelligence network. According to the time, it was driven out by us. It should have aimed at this village.

. "

"However, the mountain god killed it outside the village."

Hearing this, Yang Jun was stunned, and he said: "Do you really believe that there is a god in this world?"

"No." Lin Luo shook his head and said, "But all living things have spirits. Is there really no other super advanced species on this blue planet besides human beings?"


In Simokoli, a group of people were ashamed to see Hua Xiabing eating meat crazily.

It's not that they are stingy, but that this group of heavenly soldiers are too edible.

Just such a group of people ate nearly 10,000 people's meals.

"Can you become so strong if you can eat it?" Captain Mao Xiongguo, who survived the catastrophe, was already very familiar with them.

The leader of the Huaxia team paused, then grinned in an instant, and didn't say anything.

If Mr. Lin doesn't say whether he can say it, then don't say it.

After he was full of wine and food, he stood up and said to Jonarev next to him, "Have all the alien beasts been loaded into the car? We are going back."

"Please say hello to your elders instead of me." Chonarev said gratefully.

He knows that the friendship between countries is actually very fragile.

Basically, profit comes first.

This time, Huaxia took the initiative to help, and Jonarev understood how wise it was to become an ally with Huaxia at the beginning.

He said: "In addition to the alien corpse, we also packed some oil and your favorite food as a thank you gift."

"In addition, please convey to your superiors that I hope to personally visit your country's petition."

After finishing speaking, Jonarev stood at attention, everyone stood at attention, he made a salute, even bent down and said: "Thank you for saving us and Smoko!"

The Huaxia soldier also stood at attention and returned the salute, saying something polite, but he didn't mean to refuse.

It's just that they didn't know how exaggerated some of the materials Jonarev said were.


above space

The Apocalypse star searched the entire solar system, even beyond this solar system, but they did not find any biological stars.

This can't help but make them a little disappointed.

If two civilizations can be enslaved in this kind of galaxy, then returning to Apocalypse must be a great achievement.

"...Looking at it this way, the current Blue Star civilization is new." Wobala Mida looked at the fragments in his hand, feeling a little panicked, but soon he laughed again: "But it is There is a little connection, maybe this time we can find the treasure civilization."


The deputy captain and others were all ecstatic.

"Let's go, locate..." Wobala Mida said, "Blue Star!"

"There are still a few planets on this route. You can take a look at them along the way. After all, although this solar system is now in decline, it must have been brilliant in the past."

"It's almost time. The Blue Stars should have been frightened by our combat slaves and couldn't wait to surrender to us."

"Yes." Turning around, someone was operating.

Wobala Mida glanced at the fragments in his hand while speaking, only the deputy captain who was sitting next to him hesitated to speak.

He found that suddenly many sources of signals disappeared.

The source of these signals is the device that controls the sub-green stars.

Normally, if they disappear, it means they are dead.

However, according to their previous information, the strongest force on Blue Star is a country called Eagle Country.

But it is this strongest force that does not pose the slightest threat to them.

"Did something go wrong?" The deputy captain thought for a while, and could only come to such a conclusion.

The distance is too far, and the signal may not be sensed.

After all, this solar system...

It is an extremely remote desert galaxy.

However, even if the sub-green beast died, they didn't care.

After all, they are just slaves.

That's all.


For several days, Lin Luo searched in the valley. He knew it was a needle in a haystack, but he found it on the last day.

He even went up to the top of Zhu Feng.

There are cliffs here, standing on the top of the mountain, you can really see the stars and the moon up close.

But looking down, people with fear of heights can't accept it.

After careful searching, they found nothing. Lin Luo was about to return to Tianjing. At this time, the soldier next to him said, "There is still red in this snow?"

Lin Luo turned his head and looked over, his pupils dilated suddenly.

On the white cliff, a huge figure merged with the snow mountain. If it wasn't for Lin Luo's amazing eyesight, he wouldn't be able to tell that there was a creature attached there.

The creature seemed to sense that Lin Luo saw it, and its eyes widened suddenly.

At this moment, the eyes met.

One side is surprise, the other side is surprise.

The surrounding soldiers were all stunned, but the creature jumped up and was able to stay in the air.

it has no wings....

It can fly!

At this moment, Lin Luo was ecstatic!

And the creature actually stayed in the air for a moment, looking at Lin Luo provocatively, with a bit of teasing.

That look means:


Come and chase me!

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