The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

If we use simple words to explain Sarato's behavior.

An insecure and lonely girl with spiritual sustenance in her heart, who is full of defense against most people.

A stranger broke into her heart and her comfort zone, disrupting her previous life.

Some actions that she could do with peace of mind before, but now she feels heartbroken.

Because Wei'an, who broke into her heart now, is an unexpected person.

The boy she fell in love with unexpectedly, but she had never experienced the relationship before. Even if she was obsessed with CP in books and notebooks, it was just watching other people's sweet love.

When it was her turn, she could only be flustered and panic.

So when Vian told Lexington about some of Saratoga's behaviors, she, who knew her sister, explained all the behaviors that Gaga had done to him.

For example, some behaviors that Vian thought were alienating, Lexington told him in great detail that it was Gaga's way of saving face and suffering, but she had not yet adapted to the way of getting along with him.

Even Lexington had lived with Saratoga for a long time, how could she not see the changes in her sister?

Just like Saratoga knew Lexington's love for Vian.

People who understand each other must be sisters.

She had long discovered that Saratoga's attitude towards Vian was changing, and even during this period of time, there was no usual intimate atmosphere between the two.

The smile also disappeared from her sister's face.

Even after discovering that Saratoga was not in a good state, she deliberately observed her sister's condition, often sleeping beside her, and could hear her talking in her sleep late at night, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.

The whispers in her mouth were all Vian.

She confirmed her sister's situation, Saratoga fell in love with Vian.

But this is a girl's concern after all. Her sister is soft all over, only her mouth is hard. It's too difficult for her to admit it so easily.

After all, she is best at using her heartless side to divert other people's attention.

And tonight Vian was caught by her and explained to her what happened between him and Saratoga.

As she expected, it was that hard mouth that made the current situation.

As Saratoga's sister and Vian's wedding ship, she certainly hopes that they can be fine, after all, she knows that Vian likes Saratoga very much.

Usually she is most excited when she wears Gaga clothes.

Just like men usually have a mouth full of sweet words, only when they are subconsciously the most real, how can she not understand Vian's heart?

As the wedding ship of this bad boy, what can she do?

Spoil him!

After all, Saratoga is her sister, and there was no clear relationship between Vian and Saratoga. Now is a good opportunity.

An opportunity to make the relationship closer.

She will definitely be busy helping Vian deal with all the big and small things in the garrison in the future. It is impossible for her to be with Vian and watch him 24 hours a day.

But with the addition of Saratoga, it will be different. Vian will have her little eyes by his side.

She can know what Vian did and what important things happened every day, so that she can take better care of Vian and solve his troubles.

Even Saratoga is an aircraft carrier.

If she has to be busy in the garrison, Vian must have someone to accompany him when he goes out. She doesn't trust others, and Gaga can also be a backup flagship.

And the most important thing is that now, not only Saratoga herself is distressed and regretful, but even Vian is also confused.

As a middleman, she hopes that both of them are happy.

As the person who formulated the pig-raising plan for the useless admiral, this would also help Vian to be inseparable from her. After all, she sacrificed her sister for Vian's happiness.

How could Vian not love his good wife more?

So until Vian finished telling her what Saratoga had done, she told Vian directly.

Saratoga liked him.

It was not one of the three confusing illusions in his mind.

Even to be on the safe side, they began to observe for dozens of hours, and now they have confirmed what Lexington said.

He really confirmed that Gaga was not alienated from him, but liked him.

His already troubled heart became even more chaotic.

The reason why Saratoga became like this was on him, but he did not take care of the girl's feelings in time and let her be alone.


His dream is to be the Lord of the Rings, but now he has a daughter's heart that he did not find in time, which makes him think whether what he did before is really right.

This passive acceptance of the girls' feelings, let them express their feelings actively, and he just follows the girls' mood.

Now Saratoga has undoubtedly given him a blow.

He doesn't know enough about this group of girls, or he still thinks like an admiral before, thinking that girls will express their feelings when they like him, and alienate them if they don't like him, and be frank and true.

And Xuefeng, Lexington, and Hood all did this, which also made him firm in this idea. Even Baicai did not escape this law, and subconsciously made him feel that this was the right thing to do.

Now there is a unique ship girl who escapes this law, a girl with her own girlish thoughts, who will not express her inner heart frankly.

A girl who silently wronged herself but dared not say that she liked him.

Like a hedgehog, using hard thorns to protect her fragile heart.

Not all of these girls are as honest as he knew before, and not all of them can express their feelings.

Although he would not be wrong to do nothing, it often makes the girls who like him secretly sad and never dare to take that step.

Even in Wei'an's memory, there are many such girls, but he often does not notice their timidity.

Just like Clemenceau, who always wants to show strength in the eyes of others, her timidity is because she is afraid that others will look down on her.

Saratoga, who is not interested in all feelings on the surface, is the one who cares about feelings the most but dare not face them.

This is the pure feeling after putting aside the purpose that she has never experienced in decades.

As a boy whose dream is to be the Lord of the Rings, or a boy who has lived two lives, can he still not understand girls?

So after knowing Saratoga's feelings clearly, he already has a plan in his mind, how to deal with this kind of stubborn and arrogant girl's plan.

Even his heart can't help but sigh, how many reasons does he have for Saratoga to become like this?

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