As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 16 Guardian of Destiny (5,000 words)


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Herman even sprayed it directly.

Why did Virgil's attitude change so drastically?

You said before that Ron was just a despicable cultist and suddenly he became a good person?

So shameless!

Are you changing your face too quickly?

At the same time, Herman felt the strong anger of being betrayed. Vergil was obviously on his side, so why was he speaking for Ron now?

Damn bastard, Irelia, Vergil...

Why do they all betray themselves?


[Beep, the system prompts, congratulations to the host for successfully surviving and receiving the mission reward, including a tenth lottery ticket. 】

[Congratulations to the host, the lottery function is enabled! 】

Little crisis solved!

The system has opened new functions!

Virgil's stiff face forced a smile that was uglier than crying: "Mr. Ron, what happened before was all a misunderstanding. There is another thing you said wrong. I am a priest, how can I kill people easily?"

"Don't accuse someone of their innocence out of thin air!"

These hateful strong men always like to play tricks like pretending to be pigs and eating tigers! Will teasing weak people like themselves bring them great spiritual joy and satisfaction? What kind of shitty fetish is this.

Doesn't their conscience hurt?

Ron didn't care about the changes in the system for the time being, he just scoffed at Virgil's words.

Desecrating people's innocence?

Do you think you are Kong Yiji?

Those who return to the priesthood will not kill people easily?

In the entire Church of the Goddess of Dawn, there are the most murderers. Followers of the Lord of Blood and Destruction have to call you "ancestor" when they see you.

In the game, Vergil is a very different character. In the early stage, his strength was not too strong, but this person seemed to be blessed by fate. The original Ron turned into an evil spirit, causing the tragedy of Larnaca City, and thousands of priests were killed. The man dies, Virgil lives.

Then the entire city of Larnaca was destroyed, and the most powerful Gerald also died here, while Vergil was still alive.

With the decline of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn, a large number of forces encircled and suppressed, and the masters suffered heavy casualties, but Virgil was still alive.

Until the fourth part, the Church of the Dawn Goddess fell to the bottom, and the time for Virgil to rise finally arrived. Relying on his strong strength, this guy quickly wiped out all opposition voices within the church, led the Church of the Dawn Goddess, and used absolutely ruthless means to destroy the Church. The hostile forces were cleared one by one.

Fight wherever you go, until no one dares to be an enemy of the Dawn Goddess Church, until the Dawn Goddess Church regains its foothold.

It's a pity that this guy caused too many murders, and the Church of the Dawn Goddess has always taught kindness and tolerance. This made Virgil a thorn in the eyes of many conservative clergy, and was eventually burned on the stake by his own people!

All in all, this is a guy with a bright future.

And Jianghu is not just about fighting and killing, it is also about human relations!

Ron didn't want to completely break up with such a guy. He smiled and retracted his arms: "You are just kidding, you won't mind, right?"

"Actually, I have no ill intentions towards the priests of the Goddess of Dawn. I just have a small conflict with Herman."

"If possible, I hope to maintain a good relationship with the Bishop. This will be good for both of us, isn't it?"

Virgil breathed a sigh of relief: "This is my honor, dear sir."

Then he lowered his voice and asked in a low voice: "Sir, how do you know about Isaiah? How much do you really know? What else do you know?"

"I only know what I know."

Seeing that Virgil seemed a little incomprehensible, Ron sighed a little disappointedly. It felt a bit lonely with no one to answer his questions.

He coughed softly to relieve the embarrassment: "Mr. Virgil, I know Isaiah is a very beautiful nun, but... do you really know her?"

Virgil said confidently: "Of course, I am not a fool who will be dazzled by beauty. I have investigated Isaiah's background and it is very clean."

"What if I said Isaiah would burn you at the stake?"

Virgil's eyes suddenly shrank, his expression was gloomy, and he was thinking about something with his rapidly flashing eyes: "Why do you say that?"

"Isaiah is a spy planted by the Spang Theocracy and the Heart of Nature Church..."

"If others know that you have in-depth communications with spies from the Spang Theocracy... Bishop Virgil, what do you think will happen?"

"This is a crime of treason and apostasy."

Vergil was smart, but he had no doubts about the woman next to him. After all, when Vergil was rising, he and Sister Isaiah had been together for more than 20 years. Even when Vergil was at his lowest, Isaiah never abandoned Vergil. Jill.

Virgil never dreamed that this woman who was almost his wife would betray him in the end.

Under Virgil's leadership, the Church of the Goddess of Dawn and the Kingdom of Granville prospered.

For the Spang Theocracy and the Heart of Nature Church, which had been seeking the territory and wealth of the Granville Kingdom, Virgil became the biggest enemy.

In order to kill Vergil, the Spang Theocracy and the Heart of Nature Church used various methods, but all ended in failure. Finally, they controlled remotely to have Isaiah reveal his identity, and then Vergil was burned to death for the crime of treason. .

Virgil's eyes suddenly turned cold. He didn't completely believe Ron's words, but when Ron reminded him, he seemed to really feel that Isaiah's usual behavior was slightly weird.

She offered her body and clung to the bishop.

But he never pursues power or wealth.

So what does she want?

Virgil didn't believe that there really were such pure and clean people in this world. It was impossible for a pure and clean person to sacrifice his body in order to cling to the bishop!

He took a deep breath and bowed to Ron: "Mr. Ron, thank you for your guidance. I, Virgil, will never forget this kindness."

"If you are of any use to me in the future, please feel free to ask. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

What a cunning guy.

It seemed that he was committed, but he obviously left himself some leeway.

Virgil ended his communication with Ron and took two steps back. Only then did Archbishop Gerald and Irelia step forward.

Gerald looked at Ron with very complicated eyes. Although he had changed his view of Ron once, he still underestimated this man.

Being able to suppress Virgil with just a few words is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Gerald quickly adjusted his mood and regained his kind-hearted look: "Mr. Ron, you seem to know us very well. This saves you the trouble of introducing yourself."

"I have a presumptuous question, I don't know whether to ask it or not!"

Ron smiled: "Please."

"I want to know, where is your current strength?" Gerald asked a rather pointed question.

Ron didn't hesitate at all: "Two Extraordinary Stars!"


A sound of disgust could be clearly heard from all around, even Irelia was no exception.

Extraordinary Two Stars? Who are you fooling?

The extraordinary two stars are not much stronger than ordinary people. Can they slap the panic-level Herman away with a slap? Can you shock the disaster-level Virgil?

If you are an extraordinary two-star, I, Gerald, will read the four characters backwards.

The dogs didn't believe it.

Unless you upgrade all your garbage equipment to 13... But this is even more nonsense than Ron's extraordinary two-star strength.

Seeing the suspicious eyes around him, Ron looked strange and spread his hands: "You believe me, I am really a second-star extraordinary person."

This is the one who just completed the mission and was just promoted.

Several people around were nodding their heads, OK, OK, if you say Extraordinary Two Stars, just Extraordinary Two Stars.

If you want to hide your strength, just say so. It will force you to show all your strength, and your lies won't even sound the same.

Ron was helpless. It was rare for him to tell the truth, so why didn't anyone believe him?

It's hard to be an honest person in this world.

"I have another question..." Gerald no longer struggled with Ron's strength: "What is your identity?"

"Ron Copperfield, concubine of the Copperfield family of Spang Theocracy, scholar of ancient writing!" Ron replied simply.

Gerald's smile did not change: "That's it?"

He believed that Ron's true identity and abilities were much more than what was recorded in the newspaper.

Although it seemed that Ron was kidnapped by the Eternal Freedom Sect, attacked by Herman, and surrounded by the Knights of Dawn, in fact, judging from the process and results, almost everything was under Ron's control.

Originally, Ron was no longer prepared to keep pretending, after all, it was a bit too much. But looking at him now, if he couldn't reveal anything, it would be difficult to reassure the old man.

A thought quickly flashed through his mind, and the smile on Ron's face gradually disappeared, replaced by solemnity and solemnity. His hands were gently raised, as if hugging something, and his eyes were slightly raised to stare at the sky above his head.

That gesture seemed to be able to see countless scenes in Ron's eyes that others could not see.

His voice was low and ethereal:

"Or, you can call me..."



As soon as these words came out, there was silence all around.

Everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened wide, but no sound came out.

After a long time passed, Herman was the first to break the silence. He grinned and smiled.

I laughed so hard that I felt like I had heard the best joke in the world.

There are indeed some people in this world who claim to be able to peer into destiny. They are astrologers who can peer into the future to some extent through changes in the stars.

But even the best astrologers can only perceive some vague and specious signs.

If you practice astrology to the extreme, you will be a great prophet.

The Great Prophet's control of the future is better, but he can only glimpse some fragmented fragments. There is a great prophet in the Spang Theocracy next door, who is revered as the national master. However, this great prophet's judgments about the future are wrong five times out of ten, which makes people seriously suspect that this guy is a liar.

As for the one who is better than the great prophet, that is the legendary prophet.

They are mysterious and elegant.

Know the future, understand destiny, and stir up the storm in the wave of time.

They are ethereal and cold.

It is clear that just a few words can change the direction of the world, but no matter how tragic the war, disaster, plague or famine, no matter how tragic the scene is, they cannot shake their rock-like hearts.

They regard themselves as the guardians of destiny, believing that everyone's destiny is determined at the moment of birth, and that all lives follow a predetermined trajectory.

They will not allow any deviation in the thread of fate, and they will kill all existences that try to resist fate.

And now, Ron actually calls himself a prophet?

Do you dare to be a little more crazy? Why don’t you claim to be God?

In the empty hall, only Herman's wild laughter echoed, becoming more and more harsh.

Ron didn't feel offended at all. He just smiled and looked at Herman quietly, as if he were a clown.

Gerald just frowned slightly, but he was the one who accepted it the most. After all, he had suspected Ron's identity before.

Although Irelia was shocked, there was no doubt in Ron's eyes at all. No matter what Ron said, she seemed to believe it unconditionally... except for the extraordinary two stars.

Virgil's expression was quite strange.

When he first heard the word prophet, his first thought was that it was impossible. The prophet was just a legendary existence. How could it really happen?

But, thinking about what Ron just said, he knew that Gerald would come to him. He knew that Sister Isaiah was beside him. He knew that Isaiah was a spy of the Spang Theocracy. He knew that he would come to him because of Isaiah. He was accused of treason and apostasy and sent to the stake...

It wouldn’t be surprising if Ron really was a prophet!

After a long time, Herman's laughter finally stopped, and he was the only one laughing loudly around him, which was a bit embarrassing.

Clearing his throat, Herman said coldly: "Since you are a prophet, tell me when will our world be destroyed?"

"Sorry, this is beyond my ability." Ron replied honestly: "Actually, the world will not be destroyed easily. What will become extinct are the creatures living in this world."

"For example, humans, dragons, giants, elves..."

"In the near future, a great race will die."

"What followed was a disaster that swept the world."

As soon as these words came out, except for Ron, the expressions of the other three people all changed.

"What disaster? When? Which great race is it? The dragon race or the giant race?" Gerald asked quickly. He didn't believe in any prophets, but he didn't know why. The moment Ron said these words , there was an indescribable fear deep in his heart, which made his hair stand on end.

Today, there are two races in the world that claim to be great, the dragons and the giants.

Among them, the dragons are the rulers of the world. They exercise authority on behalf of the gods and maintain the order of the world. They are proud and powerful, and believe that the dragon family is the most noble and perfect existence in the world.

The giants, on the other hand, consider themselves to be descendants of a master who once ruled the world, and have great blood flowing through them.

"No, Gerald, do you really believe it? Wake up, he is lying to you." Herman said angrily, forgetting even the honorific.

Gerald was in a irritable mood and glanced at Herman. If it weren't for Herman's father, he would never have allowed such a useless guy to stay in Morol Cathedral.

He prayed that Ron would reveal more information.

Ron, on the other hand, cast his gaze towards the scorching sun in the sky. After a long silence, Ron finally spoke slowly, his voice low but not deep, with a hint of etherealness:

"The eternal city is hidden in the gray sky!"

"When the scorching sun loses its light, it will come to the world and bring death!"

"Look, it's magnificent!"

"Behold the lost power!"

"But a dark wind blew by, leaving only blood and a vast expanse of blood!"

Ron improvised a prophetic poem based on his inferior literary skills, and suddenly felt much better.

The prophetic poem should be ambiguous and let the other party guess. This is called the demeanor of a master.

You guessed it, that’s my prediction.

If you guessed wrong, it’s because you don’t have enough understanding and your understanding is wrong. It has nothing to do with me.

I don’t know if Ron is pretending to be too similar, but the sun is obviously scorching, but Irelia, Virgil, and Gerald can’t feel the slightest warmth. It’s as if there is a real wind blowing, and their whole bodies are chilled.

A furry feeling of fear crept into my heart silently. The prophetic poem did not provide much substantive content, but the scorching sun lost its light, bringing death and blood, all symbolizing ominousness.

The deep depression makes it difficult to breathe.

Only Herman curled his lips in disdain. In his eyes, Ron was just pretending.

"Huh..." After a long time, Gerald seemed to finally recover a little from the fear. He glanced at Ron: "When?"

Ron didn't answer. He just turned around and glanced at the clock hanging on the wall of the living room, then slowly stretched out five fingers:


"Five years?"

But at this moment, Ron suddenly curled up a thumb: "Four!"

Everyone's eyes widened. It wasn't five years, but... five seconds?

Who is the prophet who has nothing to do to predict what will happen in five seconds?

Are you sure you didn't come here to make a joke?

Even Irelia, Vergil and Gerald were all bluffed by Ron's mysterious and depressing atmosphere before, and were about to believe the prophet's words, but now they all couldn't help but feel that their minds were It's not a show, otherwise how could you believe such nonsense?

Herman even sneered: "If your prediction is accurate, I, Herman, will kneel down and call you grandpa!"

Five seconds?

You are really asking for humiliation!

He couldn't wait to see Ron in such disgrace.

When nothing happens after five seconds, he will definitely laugh at this idiot.


Ron, on the other hand, didn't care at all about the expressions of others around him, and just counted down slowly.



The moment Ron's voice just fell, the world suddenly darkened.

Looking up at the sky, there was a gap in the previously radiant sun, as if a giant beast was opening its bloody mouth to swallow up the scorching sun hanging high in the sky.

When the scorching sun loses its light...

Recalling the prophetic poem Ron had just written, an indescribable sense of fear instantly climbed into everyone's heart. Looking at Ron again, the figure standing quietly on the spot, unmoving in the falling eternal darkness !

The second chapter is 5,000 words long. It was updated to 8,000 words today. I wanted to break this chapter into pieces. After all, it is too long, but... it is unethical to break the chapter. I hope I can remember it.

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