Irelia's favorability towards him increased too quickly, as if there was something behind her that kept pushing Irelia closer to her.

Understanding and devotion, this is the penultimate level of the emotional hierarchy, second only to the highest level of love until death.

It is also a level that most couples cannot reach in their lifetime!

Once you reach this level of favorability, you can basically unlock everything.

Ron's expression was abnormal, and his eyes involuntarily turned to the side. He didn't know how to face Irelia's burning gaze.


After a long time, Ron sighed: "Has your problem been solved?"

Irelia bit her lip and nodded slightly: "My innocence has been confirmed after the examination by the church nuns."

"Well, great, haven't you reconciled with Herman?" Ron blinked.

Irelia shook her head quietly.

"Why?" Ron spread his hands and said, "I can tell that that guy probably prefers you."

Irelia snorted coldly, the curve of her mouth showing slight contempt: "What he likes is my chastity, not me."

"Once I understand this, Hermann will leave no trace in my heart."

Ron admired in his heart, it was indeed Irelia.

Underneath her seemingly weak appearance, she has an extremely strong heart. When she loves someone, she will love him to death.

When she is completely desperate for someone, she can cut off the obsession in her heart without hesitation.

Her amber eyes kept staring at Ron, showing no sign of moving away. She was waiting for Ron's answer.

I like you... Although a long time has passed, Irelia's clear voice still seems to be echoing in Ron's ears. Just thinking that this was the first time in his two lives that a girl confessed his love, Ron felt a little bitter in his heart.

However, Ron knew that he had to respond.

He let out a long breath: "You know, I am a prophet. I can see some futures. I may have many women."

This is the absolute worst answer for a girl to get from her crush. Before they even confirmed the relationship, they just made it clear that they would definitely cheat on each other in the future. Is there anything more stupid than this?

With Irelia's character, she would probably just turn around and leave, maybe she would spit on the scumbag again, right?

But what Ron didn't expect was that Irelia's body only swayed slightly, and then immediately stabilized again. She had no intention of leaving at all, and even opened her long legs and actively approached Ron.

The most natural body fragrance wafting from Irelia could be smelled in her nose.

The soft hair swayed gently with the movement of the body.

The approaching body even gave Ron the urge to retreat, but Irelia's slender fingers had already grasped his collar, and then, her slim body stood up on tiptoes.

Pink cherry lips lightly pressed against Ron's lips.

The blockade was easily broken.

After a long time, they finally separated.

Irelia's eyes had become blurred, and her pretty face was flushed, releasing a temptation that drove Ron almost crazy.

Faintly, it seems that there is a special fragrance on Irelia's sexy body, which is sweet and greasy, constantly teasing Ron's already sensitive nerves. Slender and soft fingers gently stroked Ron's cheek, and a silly smile appeared on Irelia's face: "I don't care."

This is Irelia's answer, this is Irelia's attitude.

She just wanted to have Ron. As for other things, Irelia had never considered them.

"love me!"

These two words are more intense than the stimulation of the love potion.

Could it be said that this is the effect of world line convergence?

damn it.

Ron completely let go of the shackles in his heart and gave up.

Irelia's sexy and graceful body seemed to become the most perfect map in the world in Ron's eyes. He wanted to explore this new area. He wanted to know how many mysteries were hidden on this map. With so many treasures, he tried to leave his own footprints on this map.

Irelia's long and pointed chin rested on Ron's shoulder, her body twisting uneasily and expectantly.

The warm air blew Ron's ears, and his soft breathing revealed silky charm.

She wanted to take off her nun uniform and pantyhose.

However, this move was firmly opposed by Ron.

That’s how it is.


never mind.

the other side.

The main street of Larnaca.

Hermann was leaning against a wall to avoid the scorching sun above his head.

His face was gloomy to the extreme, and he was very dissatisfied with Virgil's arrangement. That damn idiot actually left Irelia with Ron. Didn't he know that this was a very dangerous move?

What is so good about that Ron that he can actually make Gerald and Virgil look at him differently? Two idiots who have no idea who is worthy of fawning over.


Yes, there is indeed a disaster coming.

Herman does not deny Ron's ability in prophecy...but, can't Virgil and Gerald see Ron's attitude towards him?

Why did Ron say the prophecy in front of him, and why did he apologize to himself?

There is only one possibility, and that is that he, Herman, is the hero who can suppress disasters and save the world...

Ron was almost completely spread out, but the two guys just couldn't see it, they were blind.

As for Irelia...

I thought that as long as I lowered my attitude a little and apologized a little, Irelia would come back to me. I really didn't expect that she would reject him with an unprecedented cold attitude...

But the more Irelia refuses, the more Herman wants her.

When Irelia was always by his side, Herman was used to it.

But after losing Irelia, he realized that this woman's position in his heart was far more important than he imagined.

What you can’t get is always in commotion!

No matter what, he must get Irelia and win back Irelia's heart!

I don’t know what Irelia is doing now?

It couldn't be that he was doing this or that with Ron... A series of bad images suddenly appeared in Herman's mind.

His face suddenly turned pale, and he stood up suddenly, wanting to rush to Ron's side...

However, the steps he took soon stopped.

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

He is simply overthinking!

Irelia is a very conservative girl. No matter what, it is absolutely impossible for her to hand over her pure body and most precious virginity to a man she has just met for a day.

The first chapter is presented. Please recommend and collect.

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