As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 27 The Nun Terminator (please collect, recommend, and reward)

A serving nun?

Ron felt like he was a bit unqualified as a player.

He didn't even know that there was a confessional for nuns in the backyard of the church, and he didn't even know that there were serving nuns in the Church of the Goddess of Dawn.

A serving nun... Just by hearing the name, you can understand what the job of this kind of nun is.

Thinking back carefully, most players probably don't know about the existence of serving nuns. If they really knew this, there would definitely be an uproar on the forum. I don't know how many players would leave the good poster in the post, hoping to get into the nun's confession room. method.

I don’t know, is it because the players really didn’t notice it, or is there a subtle difference between the game world and the real world?

Sitting on the chair, stroking the wine glass on the table with his fingers, and looking at the nun in front of him, Ron felt a little familiar with her pretty face and the name Cecilia.

Cecilia bit her lip lightly. It was her first time to serve. It was probably her luck to meet such a young and handsome man.

At least, she didn't meet an aristocratic old man like other sisters.

Those aristocratic old men often have twisted and sick personalities, and even their sisters were tortured to the point of being inhuman.

That's why Cecilia was startled when she first entered the room and saw Ron holding a low-temperature candle in his hand.

Fortunately, this gentleman seems to be just a little curious and has no interest in that aspect... At least, so far, this Mr. Ron has been quite quiet.

The white teeth bit her lip lightly, and Cecilia knew that she could not continue like this. As a serving nun, she had to complete her work.

Taking a deep breath, Cecilia said: "Sir, do you have any dissatisfaction?"

"You can rest assured of the sanitary conditions here. Special staff will clean it every day. Everything here is brand new. Moreover, the sound insulation effect of the walls is very good, so you don't need to worry about being heard by others."

"If you are dissatisfied with my dress, you can choose any clothing you like in the wardrobe and I will fully satisfy your requirements."

"As for me, you can rest assured that you are the first guest I serve. Although I have no experience, as a serving nun, I have learned this knowledge and I can definitely satisfy you."

Cecilia's words were somewhat sad.

It's like she's selling a product, her own body.

Probably no girl would want to do this, but Cecilia has become accustomed to it. This is the fate of serving nuns.

Ron let out a breath and looked at the nun in front of him with a slightly complicated look in his eyes. He finally remembered... this was a character in a side mission.

Among the players, Cecilia, codenamed Bloody Nun.

Only if you enter the Church of the Goddess of Dawn in Larnaca City at night within one month before the game time, can you have a chance to encounter this NPC.

Cecilia will entrust you to help send money to a man named Malte outside.

That was her boyfriend, and the money was also saved by Malte as a way to redeem himself, break away from the church, and get married.

But Cecilia had no idea that her boyfriend was a pure scumbag. He had another lover outside who was already planning a wedding.

As for the money required for the betrothal gift and wedding, it naturally came from Cecilia's money.

In the game, Cecilia's mission has two endings, both tragic.

The first line is to keep giving money to Marte, not telling Cecilia the truth, and maintaining the false happiness in Cecilia's heart until the city of Larnaca is destroyed.

The second line tells Cecilia the truth. The hope of the innocent nun was shattered. Her will collapsed and she was corroded by the Lord of Blood and Destruction. On her boyfriend’s wedding night, she broke into the wedding scene with a kitchen knife, killed her boyfriend’s whole family, and even caused A large number of wedding attendees were implicated and eventually guillotined.

Cecilia is very talented, and the Evil God is not just someone who would pay attention to her. Being noticed by the Evil God is a kind of recognition.

She was originally just a powerless nun, but after being contaminated, she was able to massacre dozens of people at the wedding scene with a kitchen knife. Even the entire law enforcement team that came to quell the incident was killed. In the end, It was Gerald, the archbishop, who appeared in person to suppress Cecilia.

If Cecilia had not embarked on this path, but practiced normally like Irelia, she would have achieved quite a lot, and there would probably be one more heroine in the Twilight Continent.

Thinking of this, Ron looked at Cecilia with even more pity.

Especially considering that Cecilia works as a serving nun, this woman is even more pitiful.

Ron remained silent, but the look he gave her made Cecilia a little uneasy. She didn't know Ron's identity, she only knew that he was a very distinguished guest.

Bishop Virgil specifically told us that we must serve well and never slack off.

If she couldn't satisfy Ron, then...

As if thinking of a certain scene, Cecilia's pretty face suddenly turned pale, and her slender body trembled.

Seeing Cecilia's fear, Ron smiled softly: "Miss Cecilia, please be confident. You are very beautiful. I have no dissatisfaction with you."


Perhaps because of Ron's gentleness, Cecilia's heart, which had been hanging on her head, was finally relieved.

There was also a faint smile on her face, and for the first time she took a serious look at the guest in front of her who was about to take away her virginity.

Only then did Cecilia discover that this gentleman named Ron was handsome and handsome, but he did not make people feel weak at all. On the contrary, he also exuded a strong and fiery masculine aura.

This is a very charming man.

This thought flashed through Cecilia's mind. No matter how handsome and noble Ron was, it had nothing to do with her, because there was already an irreplaceable existence in Cecilia's heart.

Maybe it was just a childhood joke... But in Cecilia's heart, it was also the purest emotion, which would not be changed by any temptation.

Ron stretched, then waved to Cecilia, pointing to the chair next to him: "Sit down!"

Cecilia sat aside a little uneasily. Ron was completely different from the guests the sisters said, which made all the responses Cecilia had prepared in advance come to nothing.

"Chat with me." Ron said: "In the Church of the Goddess of Dawn, are there many serving nuns like you?"

Cecilia bit her lower lip and nodded: "There must be more than a hundred people. They are all young nuns adopted by the church since childhood and carefully trained."

After a pause, Cecilia continued, with a slightly self-deprecating tone: "Are you disappointed that the Church of the Dawn Goddess shouldn't be like this?"

"But this is normal. The Dragon Clan is on top and the world is at peace. This is a good least, in the eyes of the royal family and nobles, this is a good thing."

Cecilia was very talkative, and Ron's gentleness made her put aside her worries: "Fear is the most powerful force that can spread faith."

"There has been no war for many years, people's fear has disappeared, and the number of church members is decreasing."

"The royal family does not have to worry about external invasion, and they are also trying their best to weaken the church's influence on the world."

"And if the church wants to maintain its existence, it has to think of some ways to maintain relationships with the upper class and expand the church's income. And holy nuns often make many powerful nobles and wealthy businessmen crazy about them."

"Actually, the situation of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn has been settled... some churches are about to become prostitutes!"

Ron chatted a lot with Cecilia, and he was surprised to find that this serving nun had unusual insights into the current situation in the Twilight Continent.

He verified each other in his mind with the information he knew, and picked out the information that didn't match.

In the real world, the situation of the Seven Orthodox Churches seems to be even worse than in the game.

Of course, it is also possible that these secrets have not been unearthed by the players, and Ron is temporarily unable to determine which situation it is.

"You volunteered to become a serving nun?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrows.

Cecilia nodded: "Yes, although I occasionally regret my decision, I know that if I had not chosen to become a serving nun, I would never have survived until now. Maybe one morning, people would be on the garbage dump Found my body.”

“Have the nuns been around long?”

"Yes, according to records, it has been nearly a thousand years. Only the most distinguished guests have been able to obtain the service of the nuns."

"The first guest we hosted was named..." Cecilia recalled: "Archie..."

Ron raised his eyes: "Archie Boulder?"

Cecilia immediately nodded her head: "Yes, that's right, that's the name, Archie Boulder."

Archie Bould has never appeared in the main line of the game, but is a frequent guest in various ancient classics and cipher texts.

This is a type of background board in the game that affects the direction of the world. It is said that Archibald invented the ancient universal text in the Dusk Continent.

He is a guest of the Dragon Clan that rules the world.

He modified the magic system to make the use of magic easier.

He is revered as a sage.

Also called a demigod!

I didn’t expect that this great senior had actually entered the nun’s confession room. I wonder what he confessed to?

"What did he do?" Ron suddenly became curious.

Cecilia's face became very strange, and she spread her hands: "He... took away all the twenty-seven serving nuns in the church at that time."


Ron almost squirted.

This old man is not a good scholar. According to the introduction in the game, he is a very old-fashioned scholar who likes research more than women.

I didn’t expect that there would be such a romantic affair.

Sure enough, there is often a big difference between the recorded situation and the real situation... Ron couldn't help but want to laugh, but the smile suddenly froze on his face.

He suddenly remembered that there was an ID named Archie Boulder on the official game forum!

Nickname, Nun Terminator!

Here comes the first chapter, 3,000 words, please collect it, recommend it, and give it to me. It’s already on the first recommendation list, and it’s just climbed to the bottom of the new book list on the whole site. Please continue to support me, Xiaofei wants to work hard and go further. Climb up, and if you like this book, try not to keep it. Reading it is the most important data.

Thank you for the reward of 1,000 points from Gu Sha Po Tian, ​​and thank you for your support.

Finally, I didn’t delete the comment, and I don’t know what happened. Several times this morning, I saw a red dot in the author’s background, and when I clicked on it, the comment disappeared instantly. What did you post? Or is the system having a seizure?

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