As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 36 The nun’s service (please vote)

The night is still long!

The blush spread quickly on his face, and his little ears were trembling.

Of course Irelia understood what Ron meant. She didn't answer and just walked silently outside the library.

As soon as she returned to Irelia's room, the holy nun immediately felt a hot breath coming from her back, and her slender waist had fallen into the man's arms.

The amber eyes suddenly became a little confused.

She had no resistance to Ron's contact.

The next day.

The sun shone on her face through the curtains, and Irelia opened her eyes drowsily.

The amber eyes were still a little confused. After a few seconds, they finally woke up. Looking at the mess on the bed, their little face turned slightly red.

The madness last night is still vivid in my mind.

She carefully climbed up from Ron's arms, trying not to wake the man.

Even though she was wearing a nun's uniform, her body was still chilly. Looking down, Irelia exhaled helplessly. The nun's uniform and pure white stockings were already in tatters.

What is this guy's hobby? Is her lover some kind of beast? It was like a pure animal, always wanting to leave his mark and his scent on every place on her body.

Like declaring ownership.

Every time she had fun with Ron, her clothes would always get torn a lot, but this damn bastard didn't allow her to take off her nun uniform.

Sooner or later he will be punished by the goddess, he will definitely.

It always felt like her expenses had increased a lot out of thin air since Ron appeared.

After all, stockings are really not cheap.

Slender fingers gently caressed Ron's cheek, and Irelia smiled foolishly.

Although she is simple, she is not stupid.

She could feel that the relationship between herself and Ron was too abnormal.

As the time I spent in contact with Ron became longer and longer, I fell deeper and deeper into Ron, and the number of in-depth exchanges increased, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

It was a very obvious distortion.

It was as if there was some kind of force that kept pushing him from behind to get closer to Ron and fall in love with Ron.

But, so what?

Irelia is not annoyed by this kind of obsession, she is even filled with happiness... No matter whether it is twisted or just let nature take its course, Irelia doesn't care.

All she knew was that she loved this man deeply.

Only this will never change.

Ron's fascination with her body gave Irelia a strong sense of satisfaction. She hoped that this happiness could last forever, forever.

At this moment, Irelia noticed some slight movements under her body. She looked down and met Ron's dark eyes: "Are you awake?"

"woke up!"

"What are you going to do today? Are you going to the library?"

"No, let's go to the city for a walk. I'm going to buy some equipment." Ron said softly.

Now that he has caught the tail of fate, then... in Ron's mind, there is still the simplest way to break the situation.

That is...becoming stronger!

If it is destined that he can only be a little villain who is bound to die, then...he, a little villain, will also turn his fate upside down.

Irelia helped Ron tidy up docilely and well-behavedly.

She didn't hate this feeling, it felt like home. After helping Ron tidy up, Irelia stood up lazily, washed up, and prepared to change into a set of clothes.

Although she kept complaining about Ron's rudeness, Irelia finally took out a new pair of stockings and put them on. This time they were thigh stockings. She felt a little helpless. Could it be that she really wanted to try all the stockings? ?

After washing, I opened the door, and the midday sun shone on my face, which even felt a bit dazzling.

There were other nuns living in the next room. When they saw Ron, their cheeks were slightly red and their eyes were silky. They seemed to be ashamed, but their slightly weird eyes still glanced at Ron's body from time to time. That was completely It's not like looking at a human being, it's like looking at a ferocious dragon.

The Church of the Goddess of Dawn does not prohibit marriage.

There are also couples living in the church, and these nuns will occasionally hear some different sounds...but it has never been so exaggerated. Two-thirds of the whole night was spent in trouble.

Isn't he tired? I really don’t know what it feels like.

No wonder Irelia would abandon Herman and choose Ron. If she were replaced, she would probably make the same choice.

Ron was thick-skinned and didn't care about those surprised looks, and even thought they were compliments to himself.

But Irelia was obviously not as thick-skinned as Ron. She couldn't bear the looks from other nuns. Her cheeks turned red. She couldn't help letting out a nice scream, grabbed Ron's wrist, and rushed He rushed outside the church.

Until she was far away from the church and it was absolutely impossible for any cleric to see her, Irelia finally stopped, but her pink lips were still complaining about Ron's beastly behavior. This time, she I don't have the face to see people in church.

Ron just listened and said nothing.

He is smart enough to know that whatever he says now may be the trigger for Irelia to explode.

He never thought Irelia was nagging, so he would do it next time anyway.

Looking at the girl accompanying him, I felt a little warm in my heart.

Unconsciously, the corners of his mouth curled up in an arc.

"Why are you laughing?" Irelia asked angrily after noticing the expression on Ron's face.

"It's nothing, I just feel... you are beautiful." Ron shrugged and replied.

Irelia's heart trembled slightly, a red cloud floated on her face, her little ears trembled, her eyes wandered and blurred: "Humph, don't think that you can get away with just saying a few nice words, do you know How embarrassed am I in front of my sisters this time?"

"They will definitely laugh at me."

"In short, we must exercise restraint in the future and never do this again."

Even so, Irelia didn't notice it, and a smile quietly appeared on her face.

The sun is getting brighter and warmer, and the appearance of the temple at dusk does not seem to have much impact on the city of Larnaca. The streets of Praia are still bustling with people.

Under the high temperature, the air becomes more disgusting. Garbage piles, leftovers, sewage, and the corpses of dead cats, dogs, and rats are rapidly decaying under the sun, releasing a filthy smell.

Although Praia City is the commercial district of Larnaca City, the environment is not much better than Bruno Street, or even worse.

Because, here lives the largest number of people seeking life in the entire Larnaca City.

Perhaps only the upper-class aristocratic areas can enjoy true peace and freshness.

“Flavour-fried fish…delicious flavor-fried fish…”

"Fried cakes, freshly baked fried cakes..."

"Braised chicken feet!"

"Potatoes, freshly dug potatoes..."

The cries of small vendors came and went, greeting the customers who were in a hurry. I don't know why, but the normal hawking sounds always make Ron feel strange.

He was indeed a little hungry. After all, he had worked hard for most of the night last night and was still very physically exhausted. Ron bought two freshly baked baguettes and handed one to Irelia.

To be honest, the taste is not very good. I always feel that this thing can be used as a steel pipe to hit people.

"Irelia, do you want to go out to the city for a visit?"

Ron asked abruptly.

Irelia was slightly startled: "Do you want to go out and relax? Of course you can."

"Oh, damn." The two of them had just moved two steps when a scream suddenly came from the side. It was a businessman with a slightly monkey-like face, which seemed to show his shrewdness. He had a mustache and a mustache. He said with a trembling voice, "Goddess above, I can't get out of the city. Now I'm completely ruined."

Ron, who had just started walking, suddenly stopped. He turned to the businessman and made an impeccable and perfect courtesy: "Sir, I just heard you say that you can't tell the city? Can you tell me what happened? ?”

The businessman was in a depressed mood, and after hearing this, he wanted to drive Ron away, not to disturb his sadness alone.

However, when he saw the clothes on Ron and Irelia, he finally put the words on his lips back.

Ron now puts on a pure white priest's robe, looking like a cleric.

The priests of the Dawn Goddess Church were not something that a small businessman like him could afford to offend.

The businessman let out a sigh of relief, and then explained: "I heard that it was the fault of that thing."

The businessman glanced at the Dusk Temple hanging high in the sky: "Many monsters have become extremely active inexplicably. They come out of the mountains, forests and caves and attack humans crazily."

"I heard that many people have been eaten."

"In order to prevent monsters from breaking into the city, under the coordination of the city lord, the Magic Association gathered the power of all magicians and imposed a huge barrier on Larnaca City. Now the entire city is blocked, and no one can enter or leave."

"All the fruits I purchased are going to rot in my hands, wuwuwu..."

Ron raised his head and looked above his head.

It was hard to spot it without looking carefully before, but now that the businessman reminded me, I could see that just a few hundred meters above my head, the sunlight was slightly distorted.

It was as if there was a huge, translucent dome that enveloped and blocked the entire city.

The corners of Ron's mouth curved slightly, you see, it's such a coincidence.

When I was about to leave the city, the city was blocked...

Here comes the second chapter, 6,000 words updated today, please give me a vote (poor eyes)

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