As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 56 Want to sleep with the princess (early morning)

Holt, you don’t want people to know about the back mountain, right?

As soon as he said these words, Ron felt a slight suddenness in his heart. This was not a good thing to say. Don't affect his majestic image in Agnes's mind.

It's all the fault of that guy Virgil. If he hadn't been trying to help Virgil with his advice, he wouldn't have said it smoothly all of a sudden.

However, Agnes did not feel anything wrong with these words at all. On the contrary, her eyes suddenly brightened. Ah, he is indeed the supreme captain. He knows everything in the world. The king of Granville is under Mr. Captain. In the eyes, there is no need to use force to suppress the ants, just a casual word can solve the ants!

In fact, Agnes discovered the secret in the mountains behind the Kingdom of Granville herself... She also used this secret to exchange freedom from the King of Granville. What Ron did was just to change this secret. The plot was just a little advanced, and then, I accidentally gained Agnes's admiration.

In the back hill of the palace, the bodies of thousands of female magicians are buried... The most important thing is that Holt was very weak at this time and he needed at least three months to recover.

In this case, Holt 473 would never do anything to Agnes.

The consciousness is a little heavy.

He knew that his spirit was almost exhausted.

It was indeed a long time before entering the Soul Crossing Boat this time.

Ron's voice came from the fog: "Go, the way, look for the notes and documents left by Archibald and Partridge."

Ron did not mention the reward. For Agnes, who had always wanted to be free, being able to leave the cage was already the best gift.

Agnes also understood this, she bowed devoutly, slowly retreated, and gradually disappeared into the black hole.

Ron's eyes were slightly solemn.

In order to kill Herman and for this confrontation with the repairman, he made all the preparations he could.

As I continue to improve my strength, Irelia has learned a chant, Virgil has been deceived, Serafina is a variable that is not included in the calculation, Agnes is the favored messenger of God...

If this still doesn't kill Herman, then maybe it's destiny?

Bullshit destiny.

I decide my own fate!


royal palace.

Agnes returned to the small room.

Looking outside, there seemed to be a light in the dark night sky...the light of hope.

A few seconds later, Agnes took a deep breath. She took out a pair of black boots and thin stockings from the closet that she had not worn for a long time. She took off her pure white dress and put on a slightly smarter one. clothing.


The rotten door seemed to have not been opened for a long time.

The faces of the heavy cavalry outside the door became very strange. They subconsciously looked towards the door. When they saw Agnes, their eyes inevitably showed a look of astonishment.

They knew that a princess was imprisoned here, but no one knew that this princess was so beautiful. The so-called goddess was nothing more than that. Her plump body exuded an intoxicating sense of tolerance.

In an instant, the brains of these heavy cavalrymen went blank for a short time. After several breaths, they finally reacted. Two heavy cavalrymen stood in front of Agnes: "Your Majesty, your Royal Highness, please go back. Without His Majesty the King, Order, you are not allowed to leave here.”

Although he said such words, he couldn't help but feel strange in his heart.

That bad old man... actually locked up such a beautiful princess here for more than ten years. It is so wasteful and cruel.

Could it be that His Majesty the King is old and frail and has lost his ability in that area. Seeing such a beautiful princess, he is worried that he will be criticized, so he simply puts the princess into the cold palace without doing anything else?

Isn't this too shameless?

These heavy cavalry did not have much respect for King Holt 473... In the eyes of most citizens of the Kingdom of Granville, King Huo was actually just a very ordinary bad old man.

Agnes's sapphire eyes were as cold as ice. Wherever she looked, the heavy cavalry felt like their bodies had turned into stiff ice. The invisible pressure made them take several steps back subconsciously, and their originally greedy expressions instantly turned into fear.

"Ask Holt 473 to come over and tell him that I want to see him." Agnes said quietly, her voice was calm and she could hardly feel the slightest fluctuation.

Several heavy cavalrymen looked at each other and could see that each other's expressions were solemn.

There is no doubt that Princess Agnes, who has always been obedient and docile in the cold palace, is by no means an ordinary noble lady.

If they refuse, the consequences are beyond their reach.

What's more, this is an internal matter within the royal family, and it naturally needs to be handled by members of the royal family.

The captain of the heavy cavalry squad winked at the men next to him: "Your Highness, please wait a moment. I will report to the king right away."

A group of heavy cavalry surrounded Agnes.

Although they had not drawn their weapons, their hands were already on the hilts of their swords.

Agnes's eyes dropped, and she waited quietly.

I don’t know how long passed, but there was a sound of footsteps. Agnes finally opened her eyes, and there was a row of figures on the cobblestone path.

Walking at the forefront was Holt, the 473rd King of the Kingdom of Granville.

Since the Dragon Clan became the ruler of the world, wars between countries and popular rebellions have occasionally occurred, but no one has ever succeeded. As long as the royal family asks for help from the Dragon Clan, the dragon's suppression will soon put an end to the war. calm.

The royal family has been passed down for hundreds of generations.

Right next to Holt were two old men.

They all have gray beards and hair, and one of them is wearing a magic robe that is filled with a mysterious atmosphere. The navy blue robe seems to be dotted with stars in the sky.

One man was wearing heavy armor. Although his hair was gray, his spirit was bright.

Hercules, the chief magic instructor of the royal family of Granville and the royal family!

The commander of the royal guard, veteran Antonio.

There was a trace of ridicule on Agnes's lips. After so many years, Holt was still so cautious when meeting her.

Holt's figure is a bit stooped... His age is actually not too exaggerated, fifty-four years old, but he looks like he is at least sixty-four years old...

The life of the royal family is luxurious and luxurious, and it is really puzzling to have such an appearance.

It is rumored that Holt is addicted to women, which leads to physical overdraft.

After all, this guy has three hundred and sixty-six princesses... one every day, and there is still one more.

Over the years, countless princes and princesses have been born. Every year, the cost of supporting the royal family alone is like a huge mountain, weighing on the heads of the people.

His eyes looked cloudy, he waved his hand, and the heavy cavalry near Leng Palace quickly evacuated.


Holt 473 finally spoke, and his voice was hoarse, as if his vocal cords had been damaged.

"What are you looking for me for?"

The first time we met in more than ten years since our wedding, we were also so indifferent.

Hercules and Antonio, one on the left and the other on the right, guarded Holt, their eyes falling on Agnes from beginning to end.

They dare not slack off at all.

Although they are both legendary level, there are differences in legends.

The corners of Agnes's mouth also curved. She was about to speak, but suddenly she felt an inexplicable sense of shame when she said these words.

The voice on my lips suddenly changed:

"Holt, Mr. Captain asked me to bring you a message..."

Agnes' words stunned Holt for a moment, Captain? He doesn't know any captain!

He didn't understand what Agnes wanted to say for a moment... He thought Agnes wanted to leave the cold palace, but he didn't expect a captain to pop up unexpectedly.

"What did he say?" Holt narrowed his eyes and asked slowly.

Agnes had a smile on her face: "The captain asked me to tell you... You don't want anyone to know about the back mountain, right?"


A crisp voice came.

Under Holt's feet, the stone slab instantly shattered and turned into countless debris.

A dazzling light burst out from his cloudy eyes.

Holt stared at Agnes, and at this moment, an unprecedented murderous intention surged in his chest.

But Agnes seemed not to feel this at all, because of her extreme trust in Mr. Captain, she firmly believed that Holt did not dare to take action against her.

With just a subtle mockery on his face, he swayed his sexy and graceful figure and walked outside minding his own business.

Holt's eyes flickered twice, but he didn't stop him after all.

His complexion began to turn gloomy, as if it was covered with rich ink.

If it weren't for the fact that his magic power was completely gone and he was still recovering, he would have really wanted to force Agnes to stay.

Agnes had caught Agnes too cleverly at this point. He had lost most of his magic power and could not exert much combat power. It was almost impossible for Antonio and Hercules alone to keep Agnes.

What happened in the back mountain was his secret. Except for Hercules and Antonio, not even the other princesses, princes, and princesses knew about it.

How did Agnes know the secret of the back mountain?

Who is Mr. Captain?

Obviously Agnes has been detained in the palace, why can she have contact with Mr. Captain?

Could it be that this so-called captain often sneaks into the palace secretly to meet with Agnes?

This is the palace, and there are three legendary existences like Holt, Antonio, and Hercules. How can Mr. Captain come and go freely?

Holt felt horrified at the thought of a super master coming and going freely in his palace. Is there really such a powerful master in this world? .

This is his harem!

There is actually a man who can come in and out of his harem at will, and even often come over to have private meetings with his princess?

Although Agnes did not say it directly, Holt could feel that when Agnes said the words Mr. Captain, her eyes were filled with sincere admiration and fascination.

As if...that is God!

This was the first time Holt saw this expression on the proud face of Agnes.

Could it be that this is the so-called desire to be a king and sleep with a queen?

For a moment, Holt felt as if his head was green.

The first chapter was sent in the early morning, thank you all for your support.

Thank you for your reward and your support.

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