As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 59 Confronting destiny: Herman’s unforgettable hatred (2)

It's time to send Herman to hell.

Under the illumination of the magic street lamp, a long figure emerged.

Only in aristocratic areas would people have the luxury of hanging magic lamps on street lamp poles. In the lonely night, no one could be seen, only mosquitoes and moths surrounded the bright lights, making a buzzing sound.

Ron's steps are neither hasty nor slow!

Before long, his figure appeared at a crossroads.

Not far ahead is the villa where Hermann lives.

There are three figures at the intersection.

Irelia was as obedient as ever, standing quietly on the roadside, her body seemed to be emitting a hazy light under the magic lamp.

Virgil frowned, obviously troubled and under tremendous pressure. He was annoyed more than once as to why he was on Ron's side. After all, the person he wanted to kill this time was the only son of the Vice-Pope. Once the Vice-Pope knew He was also involved, so it would be strange if his skin was not peeled off.

However, Virgil also understood that his life and Herman's life... Of course, his own life was more important. Even if Ap Montgomery wanted to deal with him, it would be a matter of the future, and he could live one more day.

As for Seraphina, she held the sword in both hands, her muscular body leaning against the pillar in a posture that was detrimental to aristocratic etiquette, and her eyes were slightly squinted.

Hearing footsteps, he opened his eyes.

"Everyone is here." Virgil breathed out.

"How are the preparations going?" Ron asked.

"The exorcism circle has been deployed. In addition, strange roars are heard from time to time in Herman's villa, as if ferocious monsters are being kept in captivity. The little nobles around them cherish their lives, and they have many houses anyway. , have all moved to other places.”

"Now, I have sealed the surrounding area with a magic circle. No one can get close unless they are stronger than me."

Ron nodded and looked at Serafina.

"I'm also ready here, in the best fighting condition." Serafina said quietly, her eyes falling on Ron: "Are you sure you don't need me to kill Herman?"

Ron shook his head: "I'll take care of it Herman."

"You just need to stop those people who may jump out at any time and save Herman."

Serafina frowned slightly: "Who is the person you said would suddenly appear to save Herman?"

"Who knows." Ron smiled lightly.

It’s destiny!

This is fighting against destiny!

Irelia began to chant a long spell.

A halo of light swayed around the four people.

Psalm, Where the Dawn Shines.

Effect: It can eliminate the fear of friendly units in a large area around it, increase the physical recovery of all friendly units by 10%, and increase the magic power recovery by 10%!

Then, her tone suddenly became brisk, and there seemed to be a breeze blowing around her.

Psalm, the wind favors you!

Effect: Speed ​​increased by 30%!

In the next subject, Irelia's voice became passionate and fanatical...

Psalm: The roar of war!

Effect: Strength increased by 30%!

It took three days for Irelia to master another chant.

With the addition of three halos, both Virgil and Serafina can truly feel the changes in themselves.

They cast surprised glances at Irelia. Who would have thought that this little-known nun could actually have such hidden power! This is a psalm that many high-ranking bishops and archbishops have failed to master!

Ron also had a smile on his face, feeling the improvement in his body and his confidence increased a bit.

Irelia's chant, Vergil's magic blockade, the heroic knight Serafina's raiding formation, plus the divine favored messenger Agnes...

In order to kill Herman, Ron had prepared so much, which was considered an honor for him.

Without any further hesitation, Ron walked towards Herman's villa.

The huge villa seemed unusually empty.

Originally, none of the servants, guards, or servants in the villa could be seen.

The strong smell of blood filled the villa.

Inside and outside the house, scarlet blood stains were spread everywhere.

The dried flesh clinging to the floor, walls, and pillars announced the fate of those servants. They were all dead!

Inside the room, there was a suppressed roar.

In the past few days, Herman has never left the villa. The changes in his body can no longer be concealed by cutting his nails. Herman does not understand what is wrong with his body. His strength is getting stronger and stronger. His consciousness became more and more crazy, and his body became less and less... human!

He kills anyone who sees him in his current form, no matter how close that person was to him before.

He desperately tried to lift off the scales that appeared on his body, but the speed at which the scales were peeled off was far slower than the speed at which the scales grew.

His ears could hear strange sounds, like some kind of mysterious call.

A strong desire emerged in his heart, an impulse for new flesh and blood.


Roaring Hermann paused.

The entire villa fell into an eerie silence for an instant.




The crisp footsteps seemed to be accompanied by some mysterious power, trampling on his chest step by step.

His nose kept twitching as he smelled a smell that disgusted him to the core.


The door of the villa was pushed open by Ron. The smell of blood that hit his face made Ron frown. His eyes scanned the courtyard full of minced meat. Ron was not surprised that he had been prepared for the situation here.

Look towards the main house.

A tall figure emerged from the curtains.

Ron continued to maintain a steady pace and walked forward.



Just when Ron was still more than ten meters away from the door of the main hall, the door of the villa suddenly turned into pieces, and a dark figure, like black lightning, with five sharp nails, comparable to the sharpest scimitar, was approaching Ron 's throat.

Ron didn't hesitate at all. The ironwood staff appeared directly in his palm and swung it towards the opposite side.


dull sound.

The whole world seemed to have entered a strange stillness.

It wasn't until a circle of invisible waves spread around that the silent world was shattered... It was the impact caused by the confrontation of pure power.

Underfoot, the floor was lifted layer by layer, like an earthquake wave sweeping over.

The villa behind him made a loud bang, and most of it collapsed.

Under the violent impact, Ron's body took three steps back before stopping.

The figure on the opposite side flew backwards and hit a stone pillar with a bang. The stone pillar broke suddenly, and three fingernails about half a foot long were smashed into pieces by the iron and wood staff.

Herman's strength has indeed increased a lot, but he is still no match for Ron.

Looking at the opposite side, Herman's body, which was obviously different from ordinary people, was struggling to get up from the ground. Although this was not the first time he saw the black beast, Herman's current appearance still made Ron's hair stand on end.

He was more than three meters tall, and his body was pulled up by two heads out of thin air... His entire body was attached with a layer of armor like a snapping turtle, his limbs were unusually thick and covered with dark mane, and his sharp claws were like a giant wolf. The twisted neck was covered with dense black scales, and two long, venomous snake-like teeth were revealed in the grinning mouth.

The entire existence, except for having a human body and face, hardly resembles a human being. It is like a snapping turtle, a jackal, a venomous snake, a lizard... a combination of countless monsters.

Perhaps, Herman's appearance is considered handsome among black beasts... Ron will not forget that a special black beast once appeared in the game, like a millipede magnified a thousand times.

The vertical pupils that had completely turned dark red were filled with resentment. His eyes were still staring at Ron, his pupils kept dilating, and a suppressed voice came out of his throat: "Ron..."

Although his consciousness was confused and some things had been forgotten, he would always remember the name Ron and the man in front of him.

As long as he smells his scent, hears his voice, and sees his person, the strong hatred will make Herman want to tear him into pieces.

"Ron, I'm going to send you to the ground..."

Before he finished speaking, Herman only felt a flash of light and shadow in front of him.

Ron's body had disappeared from where it was.

Brutal collision!

Although Ron is a priest, in order to be able to enter the battlefield in time and treat injured companions, it is completely understandable to learn one or two skills that can move quickly.

The stronger the force, the faster the collision.

Coupled with the blessing of the chant, the figure is like a flashing arc.

Sneak attack!


The lowered shoulders hit Herman hard.

At that moment, Herman felt as if he had been hit by a giant King Kong elephant. Before he could finish his sentence, his whole body left the ground uncontrollably and flew backwards.

Before he could adjust his posture in mid-air, Ron's body had already ejected, and he swung the round iron-wood staff and hit Herman on the head.

"You are the one who deserves to go to hell!"

Here comes the second chapter, thank you to the Bookworm of the Conflict Emperor for the reward, and thank you for your support.

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