As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 66 The Call of the Goddess (Early Morning)

Ron's soul disappeared?

"This is impossible!" Serafina's face changed drastically. Originally due to Ron's recovery from his injury, her face gradually gained a trace of rosiness, and suddenly she became as pale as paper.

The tall body was trembling, and his white teeth were biting his lips hard. Just now, Ron smashed Herman's chest with the iron staff, telling them that the rotten, downy flesh was the body of the black beast. .

How much time has passed, how could Ron's soul disappear for no reason?

Next to him, Virgil's expression was extremely gloomy, and his hands were clenched subconsciously.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what's going on. I've never encountered such a weird thing." Deina sighed with regret.

"I need to go back to find the Great Saint... Perhaps, Her Majesty the Great Saint will come in person."

After all, Ron killed Herman, but for this reason, the Great Saint would not just sit idly by!

Virgil's expression suddenly turned strange... He knew that his good brother's life and death were unknown now, and he shouldn't have such thoughts, but he couldn't help it.

Saint Christian, the wife of the vice-pope.

It’s someone else’s wife!

If the Great Saint approaches Ron, will the vice-pope's crown be dazzlingly green?

Virgil looked at Serafina, and then he shook his head, no, absolutely not, after all, that is the Great Saint!

There is no wind, but the black ocean is filled with tiny waves.

The pale bone ship is still sailing in the center of the Black Sea. No one knows where it is going. Perhaps it has never moved and is just floating quietly on the sea.

Ron's soul appeared on the Soul Crossing Boat, and he grinned... No matter what, he won this confrontation with the repairman.

Although this was only a small victory, it was enough to make Ron happy. It at least proved that fate was not invincible.

Thanks to the arrangement of Agnes as a back-up man in advance, otherwise, he really wouldn’t be able to withstand Vice-Pope Apu.

Agnes is not as strong as the great saint Christian... If she can contact Christian, it is definitely the safest, but Agnes is fine. Ron really doesn't want to have anything to do with the great saint...

After all, the great saint likes to kill the goose and lay eggs... If possible, Ron wouldn't even want to see the great saint.

Ron will not relax because of this victory. He knows that the next time the world line is closed, it will definitely be even more cruel.

He heard the sound of Elsa's prompt from the system.

[System prompt: ***** is trying to reshape the world line and is casting its gaze on you. 】

[*** interfered with *****’s attempt! 】

This is the second time that the messy asterisk has appeared, and it has a little more content than the first time.

*** and ***** may be two beings at a higher level than the repairman, and he can't even know the names of these two beings!

First, ***** tried to reshape the world line and cast his gaze on him, while *** interfered with this.

There is no doubt that the *** and the repairman should exist in the same system, and their purposes are the same.

*** should be on his side, at least for now. *** is very powerful, but after stopping ***, he is no longer able to interfere with the repairman's actions!

Ron rubbed his head helplessly. There was too little information and it was difficult to analyze much useful content. This may be an existence that he currently does not have the strength to understand.

Looking at the stars hanging high in the sky above his head, he felt lonely for no reason. The last time he came to the Soul Crossing Boat, the sound of "Ron, you are coming" startled him.

But this time, the peaceful space made Ron feel lonely.

Fortunately, Elsa is with him.

It's just that Elsa talks very little, and even if she wants to communicate with Elsa, she can't do it. Apart from issuing death warnings and mission rewards, Elsa won't say one more word to him.

You are aloof, aloof and aloof, you are amazing, okay?

Seeing Elsa quietly flying out of him, her white toes gently stepping on the railing, Ron complained in his heart.

Although it would never talk to him, this system would often make some inexplicable actions without his orders as the host.

For example, she suddenly emerged from his body, hooked her hands around his neck, and lay on his back.

For example, sitting on his shoulders, a pair of calves dangling on his chest.

Did this guy use his body as a seat or something?

He is obviously the host, right?

Ron felt that he had to find an opportunity to train Elsa and let Elsa understand who was the master. Otherwise, Elsa might always be on top.

"Ai..." Ron wanted to call Elsa and let Elsa learn how to respect her master.

As soon as he made a little sound, he immediately took a sharp breath of cold air.


Soul trembles.


It hurts!

His soul felt as if it had been stuffed into an eggbeater and was spinning violently, twisting it into paste and suffering severe pain.

Only then did Ron realize that his situation was far worse than imagined.

The emptiness and suffering caused by a highly overdrawn soul made Ron extremely uncomfortable.

Then, Ron thought of a very strange question. Why could he continue to stay on the soul boat when his soul was in such a bad state and his spirit was exhausted? According to the previous two experiences, he should be forcibly sent back when his spirit is exhausted.

Doubts flashed through Ron's mind, and the torment in his soul soon made it impossible for him to continue thinking about this issue.

His soul body trembled, and then he felt his toes touch something.

Holding back the severe pain, he looked down and saw that it was a book with a shimmering silver cover.

Ron was very sure that there was no such thing on the deck of the Soul Crossing Ship. Shivering, he squatted down, picked up the book, and rubbed his fingers over the cover. With a little warmth, Ron's eyes caught the words on the cover:

Fragments of Ostara (Part 1)!

This is his reward after completing this death warning.

Ostara, the honorable name of the goddess of dawn.

As expected of a broken chapter, we actually got an upper part. Could it be that there is a middle part and a lower part? There won't be any extras, right?

Although it hurt, Ron still couldn't help complaining.

He didn't think too much and subconsciously opened the fragment of Ostara... As soon as his eyes fell on it, Ron frowned.

The paper inside is pure white, without any color.

A wordless heavenly book?

Is it necessary to use some special method to make the writing appear on the paper?

Or do we have to collect the upper, middle and lower parts to unlock the true secret of Ostara's fragment?

Several different guesses appeared in Ron's mind, but before Ron could judge the specific situation, he felt that the picture he saw in front of him suddenly changed, and the originally pure white paper seemed to turn into a whirlpool.

Twisted and obscure words jumped out of the whirlpool one by one, like tiny tornadoes pouring into Ron's eyes.


The soul body swayed violently.

The surging flow of information poured in instantly, and Ron's soul swelled.

If Ron could still endure the stinging pain in his soul before, now he was really about to reach his limit, and his soul seemed to be bursting.

A low and depressed groan began to come from his throat.

The movement here finally caught Elsa's attention.

His eyes were covered with dense text, and he didn't see Elsa, who had been very quiet on the railing, suddenly opened her arms, as if she was hugging something.

In the sky above our heads, countless stars bloomed with unprecedented dazzling light, the darkness was completely dispelled, the black sea showed a quiet blue, and the whole world was eccentric.

It's like a pair of eyes, staring at the small figure below.

Purple, red, blue, green, orange...

Wisps of light fell from the starry sky and silently gathered above Ron's head.

In an instant, Ron's head seemed to become the center of various lights, and a melodious melody seemed to ring in his ears. It was soothing, peaceful, and the tearing pain gradually dissipated, and his restless soul was calmed.

Ron's soul began to move.

Circle after circle, absorbing the soft light blooming from the stars, with every circle, Ron's spirit became stronger.


At the same time, a certain sound kept echoing in Ron's ears faintly!

As if it was some kind of guidance, Ron followed it subconsciously.

It was a very strange feeling, as if he had left the Soul Crossing Boat.

He could feel some soft liquid sliding around him.

That's the water of the Black Sea.

Here comes the second chapter, let me tell you a funny thing... We posted a single chapter on Tuesday, please read it. I always thought that Sanjiang was looking at Tuesday’s data, but today the editor told me that Sanjiang was looking at Monday’s data. I……

Fortunately, I still went up, hehe.

Then the editor asked me how much I would update every day in the future. I said 10,000 per day, and then the editor criticized me. Who can read this book if 10,000 per day is enough? My dear, isn’t that 15,000 per day? I...

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