Twilight Continent is a world full of mysterious power.

There is magic and secret arts here.

There are elves, giants, and dragons.

There are angels and gods.

Here, there are seven major orthodox religions and countless cults.

People all believe in the existence of gods.

But does God really exist?

Except for the most devout believers in the church, most people occasionally have such doubts in their hearts. After all, for many years, although they have always believed in the existence of gods and angels, gods and angels have never appeared in front of them, let alone shown any miracles.

God has never sent down any miracles, nor has he ever made any move to save lives. Twilight Continent is not stable. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and droughts occur almost every year.

But even these disasters will cause countless deaths and injuries every time, but God has never guided his believers on how to move forward.

However, most of the creatures on Twilight Continent have been tamed.

They have become accustomed to disasters and oppression. They work hard every day to make a living. They have no time to think about other messy things. Instead of thinking about whether there are gods, they might as well think about when they can eat white flour buns.

Even if there are one or two awakened people who have the courage and courage to question whether gods really exist, they will soon be sent to the stake by the church.

The existence of gods is the foundation of the church and the basis of the church's power.

The clergy of the church will never allow the foundation of the church to be dug up.

But in fact, even many clergy are worried, and they occasionally have some very bad thoughts in their hearts.

Until this moment, they finally believe that gods really exist.

Angels have appeared, how far can gods be?

At this moment, I don’t know how many clergy are about to shed tears, as if the persistence in their hearts has finally been recognized. From now on, even if they leave the church and walk in the outside world, they can straighten their backs more. They can tell everyone else with confidence that they are believers of God and servants of God.

However, if this god does not appear, it will be fine. Once he appears, it is really scary.

Good guy, more than 200 angels, is it too exaggerated?

This time, how many gods will appear? Will all the gods of the seven orthodox religions descend on the Dusk Continent?

With such a big battle, how many gifts and favors will be bestowed?

Some clergymen have even begun to look forward to it in their hearts.

However, none of these people noticed that the angels' faces were so indifferent. Each angel had eyes like gold, but there was no warmth like gold in their eyes, only coldness and ruthlessness.

Looking at the lives kneeling on the ground in the lower world, they were full of contempt and disdain.

That was not a normal look at life at all, it was more like looking at a group of insects, a pile of garbage, and some things that were worse than pigs and dogs.

Poor people in the lower world, all kneeling on the ground, their foreheads pressed tightly against the ground, wishing to prostrate themselves, and not noticing that in the sky, angels had raised their spears.

Their golden eyes began to flash with flames.

The next second, a low roar came from the sky, echoing above the Dusk Continent.

Then, sharp spears flew out of their hands.

The spears were all wrapped in milky white light, like meteors tearing through the sky, falling towards the bottom.

As the spears fell, the light became brighter and brighter, as if turning into miniature, blazing suns one after another.

The light of countless small suns intertwined together, like weaving a big net, falling towards the world below.


In an instant, all the mountains over 3,000 meters high on the entire Dusk Continent collapsed.

It was like the end of the world.

More than 200 spears with stones of different sizes bloomed with absolute destruction.

Boom boom boom, deafening roars continued.

Poor people kneeling on the ground and trembling, they didn't even know what happened, they just shivered subconsciously under the fierce sound, and those who were brave enough looked up and saw the scene before the destruction of the world.


Angel, why do you do this?

They only had time to think of one thought, and the spear wrapped in dazzling white light had already pierced the ground.

The next second, the energy contained in the spear spread out like a flood.

The fierce impact instantly shredded everything within a radius of thousands of meters into pieces. The thick stone slabs on the ground were lifted up layer by layer, rolling in the air, and turned into thin powder before falling to the ground.

Tall buildings and low houses, there was no difference at this time.

It was like encountering a force 16 gale, everything was gone, the roofs and walls, and the people living in the house, were all shattered.

The low hillsides and towering boulders were all turned into fine dust.

The strong winds generated by the impact carried dust all over the sky, like a sandstorm covering the sky and the sun.

Poor people kneeling on the ground, life becomes especially fair at this time, whether beggars, civilians, nobles, royal family members or even clergy of the church... there is no difference.

They didn't even have time to figure out what happened, their lives were harvested.

Before they died, there was only a thick doubt in their minds... Angels, don't they bring down gifts? Don't angels symbolize luck? Why is this happening?

More than 200 fallen spears instantly brought countless casualties on the Dusk Continent.

And this is just the beginning.

As the spears flew out of their hands, the angels had already landed from the sky.

They ignored the wind and dust around them, as if they were gods high above, walking in the most crowded areas.

After all, these angels are basically two-winged angels.

Because of the war of gods, a large number of gods and angels defected, causing the administrators of the heavens to be quite afraid of the power of gods and angels. They once tried to wipe out all the gods and angels. Although they did not execute it in the end, most of the six-winged angels died.

In the heavens today, there are basically only two-winged angels and four-winged angels left.

Although these angels are very powerful, and it is not difficult for one angel to destroy a country, it is still impossible to destroy a country with one move.

There are still many people alive on the Dusk Continent.

But these people were obviously frightened by what happened before. They were panicked, dragging their weak legs, screaming in despair and fear, and desperately running away.

Even those who were still asleep were awakened by the huge movement here.

The angels who landed on the ground specifically went to the most crowded places. They didn't even need to do anything, just walking through the crowd, and the unique breath of the angels would be released involuntarily.

Madness, cruelty, bloodthirstiness, fear, despair...

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