
With the melodious sound of the bell, time stopped.

Time is a terrifying force.

But before, Ron's strength was slightly weaker, and the time that time could stop lasting was too short, perhaps only a few seconds, which was not enough for Ron to destroy all the chains in the entire mausoleum.

But now, Ron has entered the realm of God.

He didn't know how he entered the realm of God.

When saving Ostara, Ron burned his soul, causing his consciousness to be disordered. He was in a daze, walking in the cemetery of the gods, burying gods one by one, and saving the seriously injured gods one by one.

This is a long process.

Ron didn't even know how long this process lasted, he even felt that he had experienced hundreds of years.

It was during this process that Ron's consciousness returned to normal little by little.

The moment his consciousness was completely awake, Ron realized that he had become a real god, and everything was so strange.

Perhaps burying the remains of the gods and saving those seriously injured gods were things that were recognized by the gods? Who knows.

As soon as he woke up, he learned from Ostara and Elsa that the third war of the gods had begun.

Ostara and Elsa rushed to the battlefield to support, while Ron's consciousness awakened in his own body.

In the realm of God, time can last for a long time, ten times longer than before. Although there are thousands of chains, it is enough for Ron.

He stretched out his right hand, used his hand as a knife, and suddenly cut forward.


In a flash, the space in front of Ron was neatly cut into two layers.

In the dim light, you can even see an invisible knife light sweeping across, silently piercing through all the shackles in the air. When the effect of time stillness disappeared, the chains seemed to lose their support and fell directly to the ground. The middle of the chain had been cut off, and the cut was unusually smooth.

Then, there was a bang, and a coffin lid flew into the air and quickly turned into fragments in the air.

A tall giant with a rotten smell all over his body has stood up from the coffin. His sturdy body and long brown hair made Ron even suspect that he had met the legendary King Kong.

Although he had been suppressed for tens of thousands of years, his eyes were still flashing with fierceness and cruelty.

With a roar, the figure flew out of the mausoleum in an instant and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the first Dusk King broke out of the coffin, the second, third, and fourth... appeared.

The lids of the coffins broke, and tall figures stood in front of Ron.

The tens of thousands of years of seals have not worn away their will to fight, but have accumulated more madness in their chests.


The difference in numbers is still very obvious after all.

The number of gods and administrators on the heaven side has an absolute advantage.

Although there are blasphemers, the last Dusk King to help, the Star God and the Moon God, and Partridge and Heferson have also achieved gods.

Ostara and Elsa led dozens of awakened gods in the Cemetery of the Gods to participate in the war, but the number of the other side was still six or seven times that of this side, not to mention that there were thousands of angels.

In the chaotic battlefield, angels were constantly torn into pieces.

In this level of war, angels have completely become consumables. Even if it is just the aftermath of the conflict, the angels' bodies can be easily crushed.

The Dragon God was wailing, and the dragon scales on his body had almost all turned into fragments, revealing the surging flesh and blood inside. The sharp dragon teeth bit an administrator tightly, and the teeth had penetrated the administrator's chest. Even if the administrator twisted his dragon horn like a madman and inserted it into his head, he would not let go.

When the dragon's mouth was completely closed, the administrator's body was completely bitten to pieces by the Dragon God's sharp teeth.

Before the Dragon God could find the next target, a sharp light swept over like a laser, and the Dragon God's body was instantly cut in the middle.

The wings behind Ostara had completely turned scarlet, and blood was clinging to her body, flowing slowly like a small stream. Two administrators grabbed Ostara's wings on the left and right, and pulled the two snow-white wings off her body, and blood fell like a rainstorm.

The spear thrown by Ostara also pierced through the chest of a god like a meteor.

As the power contained in the spear burst out, the body of the god was instantly blown into pieces.

The white giant hand representing the fate maintainer has completely suppressed the black giant hand of the blasphemer. Even Zhou Yang who helped could not gain any advantage in front of the fate maintainer.

You know, this is just one hand of the fate maintainer. If the fate maintainer's body really appears, how terrifying it will be?

The mountains and rivers are breaking.

The starry sky is cracking.

The entire Dusk Continent has fallen into unprecedented chaos.

An entire continent, unable to withstand the impact of the war of gods, was shattered into seven or eight pieces.

The endless sea was violently churning, and the tsunami swallowed up pieces of land.

The peaks were crumbling, and the mountain ranges were collapsing.

Even the hot magma in the earth's crust was surging out.

Perhaps, even the real end of the world is just like this?

Although the battlefield is tragic, it may not take long for the war to end. The number of enemies is too large. No matter how crazy the fighting spirit here is, under the suppression of absolute strength and numbers, defeat is only a matter of time.

Some awakened gods have begun to fall.

When they were about to collapse, angry roars came from the distant horizon, and meteors streaked across the sky.

They were like violent beasts, waving their huge fists and throwing themselves into the tragic battlefield.

They were the Dusk Kings sealed in the bronze coffin.

Each Dusk King was a master who had entered the realm of God. The seal for thousands of years did not deprive them of their power. With the addition of a large number of Dusk Kings, the situation on the battlefield changed instantly, and for a time there was a trend of being completely reversed.

They were violent, crazy, and cruel.

They were like wild beasts, fearless of death.

They didn't care about the scars on their bodies at all. Even if they died, they would drag the enemy into the hell with them.

When he saw these Dusk Kings, Zhou Yang finally smiled. He raised his arm and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He knew that his brother had finally woken up.


Not bad, not bad.

When it's time to go crazy, how can you miss your brother?

But as soon as he was distracted, he was immediately targeted by the Fate Maintainer. With a bang, the giant hand directly smashed on Zhou Yang's huge body. A lot of flesh and blood was directly shaken out of his body, especially the chest. Under the pale ribs, there was only a heart that was contracting and expanding violently, which looked even more scary.

But at this time, the accident happened again.

In the distant sky, a dazzling, golden light began to flash.

A huge city was flying rapidly from mid-air and approaching rapidly. That was... the Dusk Temple.

That's right, it was the Dusk Temple. Ron brought the Dusk Temple directly. This temple, which had been strengthened and blessed by hundreds of Dusk Kings, was itself an infinitely powerful holy relic.

And Ron's figure stood at the door of the Twilight Temple.

Behind him, a huge ancient bell rose.

Ron's sight was scanning the chaotic battlefield in the distance, and each figure was branded by Ron.


When the bell rang, the battlefield of the War of the Gods suddenly changed.

In a moment, at least dozens of gods on the battlefield suddenly stopped moving and did not move.

In this kind of war, a moment of abnormality is enough to change many things. Many Twilight Kings and gods quickly seized this opportunity and attacked with all their strength, directly landing on the opponent's forehead. While the skull was cracked, the opponent's soul collapsed.

Even the white giant hand of the Destiny Maintainer was stagnant for a moment.

Although it was only a blink of an eye, it was at least enough for Archibald and Zhou Yang to temporarily escape from the giant hand's pursuit.

The battlefield was in chaos, and the blood had already confused everyone's eyes.

This was no longer a war that ordinary creatures could participate in. Dolores could only shout desperately and order everyone to defend against the impact from the sky. Although the whole city was crumbling, they still tried their best to hold up the protective shield.

Golden light flew over their heads.

The speed of the Twilight Temple had become faster and faster. Although it had already reached the battlefield, there was no sign of slowing down.

In this way, the huge Twilight Temple, with unparalleled power, crashed into the giant hand of the Destiny Maintainer at an incredibly fast speed.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to fall into a dead silence.

After several seconds, the rumbling sound echoed in the ears of every creature. The violent sound waves tore open the space, and a huge crack suddenly appeared in the space.

Then, this palace that had been passed down for tens of thousands of years finally came to an end and exploded with a bang.

Ron's body was shaken away for tens of thousands of meters.

Even the giant hand of the fate maintainer was smashed into a shadow, as if it could collapse completely at any time.

Just as he stabilized himself in mid-air, Ron immediately felt a look of resentment coming from his side.

Turning around, he saw a tall man. This guy should have a very handsome face, but now he looked particularly ugly. Half of his head collapsed, and both eyes were dug out, leaving only two black blood holes.

What Ron felt was not so much the repairman's gaze as the repairman's resentment.


A hoarse, resentful voice slowly spread from the repairman's mouth.

Vicious and cruel.

He wished he could skin Ron and extract his marrow.

"You're not dead yet, so good, so good, so I can kill you with my own hands, hehehe..." The repairman made a standard villain's voice, and the resentful voice made people shudder.

He knew very well that Ron was very cunning and had sinister means.

Now, Ron was directly blown to his side, which was a godsend. He was seriously injured by the impact of the Fate Keeper. This was definitely the best opportunity to kill Ron, and there could be no hesitation.

Before the words were completely finished, with a buzz, the repairman had already flashed in front of Ron and raised his right hand to grab Ron's head, as if he really wanted to crush Ron to death.

But... snap.

A crisp sound forcibly pulled the repairman out of his fantasy.

His wrist was grabbed by Ron.

Even though the repairman's strength was quite terrifying, when Ron pinched his wrist, he felt that all the strength in his body was suppressed and he couldn't move at all.

It was as if Ron was pinching not his wrist at all, but his lifeblood.

What a joke.

Although Ron had just entered the realm of God.

But his situation was completely different from those of Partridge and Heferson.

He had the will of hundreds of gods in his body. Although it was only the remaining will, these gathered together were enough to raise Ron's strength to a whole new level.

Ron had already stopped caring about a mere mechanic. With a tremor of his hand and a sizzling sound, the mechanic's right arm was pulled down by Ron.

Before the mechanic could scream, he felt a scarlet light tearing through his left shoulder, and his left arm also separated from his body and fell downwards.

Then, there was a sharp pain in his thighs, and his legs were completely separated from his body.

In a short time, the mechanic had turned into a human pig. The severe pain, anger and disbelief made the mechanic's face extremely hideous, and his throat was squirming non-stop. He suddenly opened his mouth, as if he wanted to utter a few curses, but it was too late. Ron's fingers had already locked on the mechanic's head.


The whole round head immediately shattered like a watermelon.

Red and white things were splattered everywhere.

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