Even if it was an illusion or a dream, Ron swore that he would never forget the bone-crushing ecstasy.

For a long time, Ron shook his head before suppressing these chaotic thoughts.

He looked down at the palm of his hand. The fragment of Ostara and all the information stored inside had disappeared after being poured into Ron's soul, as if they had never existed.

That is a complete set of cultivation methods, which is more complete than all the cultivation methods currently preserved by the Dawn Goddess Church combined.

It records the most exquisite meditation methods, recipes for refining magic potions, and some secret techniques that have been lost in the Church of the Goddess of Dawn.

Of course, the content in the fragment is not perfect. If Ron relied on the content in this fragment, he would be able to cultivate to the realm of disaster at most.

The subsequent content may be recorded in the middle and lower parts of the fragment.

Then, a very strange thought suddenly appeared in Ron's mind. Could his system be related to Ostara, the goddess of dawn?

Otherwise, why would there be a fragment of Ostara in the system rewards?

Ron looked at Elsa quietly...

With her small toes pointed on the railing, she looked like a naughty little girl, still pouting a little angrily, walking around on the railing with bare feet, not worried about falling into the dark ocean... after all. , she can fly.

Well, I don’t see any resemblance to the Goddess of Dawn at all.

After all, the goddess of dawn has a plump figure that is full of tolerance. Although Elsa is well-proportioned, she is still a bit off.

Not on the same level.

Ron felt his own situation again, and his soul strength had increased sufficiently.

In terms of pure level, he should have reached the extraordinary nine stars. With a bottle of magic potion, he could become a panic-level expert.

Although the panic-level strength is still not worth mentioning to those real masters, it is enough to excite Ron.


Ron stretched his arms vigorously and looked towards the forward deck... Let's finally take a trip and explore the ship a little.

There are huge secrets hidden in the Black Sea, and this soul-crossing boat shouldn't be that simple.

After looking around, Ron walked towards the captain's cabin.

The door to the captain's cabin is also carved from white bones. Perhaps due to years of sailing on the Black Sea, the door has become mottled, like a rusty iron block.

Ron was a little curious. If he could enter the captain's room, would it mean that he could control this soul-carrying boat and go in the direction he wanted to go? Ron was curious about what kind of world there was beyond the Black Sea.

Once this idea appears in my mind, I immediately feel a little uncontrollable.

There was no lock on the door, so Ron reached out and pushed it.

Soon, Ron frowned.

The Gate of Bones remains motionless.

No matter how hard Ron tried, there was no response. Ron tried to use his soul to penetrate through the gap, but was blocked by some invisible force.

Could it be said that he is not qualified to enter the captain's room now?

This is really bad.

Larnaca City.

Branch of the Church of the Goddess of Dawn.

In the large room, Ron's body lay quietly on a large bed. Irelia sat on the bedside chair, wrapping Ron's right hand in the middle with her two small hands.

There was some redness and swelling in her amber eyes, and it was obvious that she had been crying a lot these days.

On the other side of the bed, Serafina held the sword in both hands and leaned against the wall, motionless.

"Serafina, let's talk." Suddenly, Irelia spoke.

"You like him too, don't you?"

Serafina trembled slightly.

Even though Serafina is a heroic female knight, at this time, she couldn't help but feel a little timid in her heart.

Serafina felt like she was a third party involved. Although Irelia and Ron's relationship was not public, it was known to everyone.

This goes against the character Serafina has always upheld.

However, facing Irelia's gaze, Serafina finally mustered up the courage and nodded!

Serafina had never dated a man. Even her marriage to Snow was arranged by her family. She was very vague about the relationship between men and women, but Ron's figure always lingered in her heart.

Looking back on her contact with Ron, it was Ron who made her discover her husband's true face, and it was Ron's gentleness that kept her from going to extremes.

She could even engage in some ambiguous jokes with Ron unscrupulously. I don't know if that was considered flirting. These were things that had never happened when she was in contact with other members of the opposite sex.

She already knew that Ron was not the gentleman he thought he was, he could even be shameless, but she didn't hate him.

That man seemed to have a special charm about him, which had been attracting her attention. She had been staying at the bedside for so many days after Ron fell into coma. This was the first time that a man made her worry so much.

To say something unfilial, even to her father, she has never been so serious... although her father has never experienced this either.

Maybe she really fell in love with this man.

What will happen to Irelia?

Will she be very angry?

But what surprised Serafina was that Irelia didn't look particularly angry. She just stood up and walked to her side, tiptoeing, and a soft voice sounded in her ears:

"When he wakes up, let's go together..."


Serafina's body trembled violently, and her originally pale cheeks instantly became rich and irreversibly rosy.

At this moment, there was a burst of chaotic footsteps at the door. Irelia took a step back, as if nothing had happened. She looked at the person coming from the door and bowed: "Archbishop Gerald .”

Serafina took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness that suddenly emerged in her heart, and nodded slightly.

The person who came was surprisingly the person in charge of the Larnaca City branch of the Church of the Dawn Goddess, Archbishop Gerald.

He has returned from the headquarters. It is obvious that this journey is not perfect. Gerald looks older than before, and his waist is more bent, so that he looks smaller and shorter.

Following Gerald was none other than Virgil.

Virgil's situation was a little weird. Although he was also worried about Ron's situation, deep in his eyes, there was a kind of extremely twisted excitement.

"How is the situation?" Gerald glanced at Ron on the bed and asked in a hoarse voice.

Irelia shook her head: "It's been seven days and I still haven't woken up."

Seven days have passed since Ron fell into a coma and was diagnosed by Deina as having lost his soul. Ron has still shown no sign of waking up. Every day that passes, Irelia and Seraphina's worries will increase. one cent.

Gerald sighed: "It doesn't matter, you don't have to worry too much, Ron is a prophet, this situation must be within his plan."

After a pause, Gerald said again: "In two days, Princess Dolores and Saint Christian will come to Larnaca City, and Her Majesty the Saint will come specifically to visit Ron. With the strength of the Great Saint, she will definitely be able to awaken Ron."

Irelia and Serafina finally had a little more hope in their eyes.

The great saint, Christian.

That is the most powerful being in the entire Granville Kingdom, stronger than her husband Apu Lawn Montgomery, and only the Valkyrie Arianna can rival her.

If Her Majesty the Great Saint comes in person, maybe she can really wake up Ron.

Serafina finally spoke. She looked at Virgil: "How is the situation in Larnaca City?"

"Just like the future Ron saw, people have started to disappear one after another these days. The bodies found have all had their chests cut open and their hearts missing."

Virgil spoke slowly, his voice a little low: "I tried to track in reverse to find the location of the young god, but the effect was not very good."

"The only good thing is that there are currently thirteen black beasts like Herman that have been locked." Virgil rubbed his forehead. To be honest, he didn't know if this was something to be thankful for, although it looked like he was looking for something. Thirteen black beasts appeared, but how many more could not be seen?

Virgil couldn't imagine it.

"One of the black beasts has been captured alive by Archbishop Gerald and is currently being used as a test subject. I am trying different methods in the hope of finding their weaknesses."

It is much easier to capture this black beast alive than to strangle Herman. Without interference, the black beast that has not yet grown up is no match for the Archbishop.

As he spoke, Virgil licked his tongue.

While torturing... ah no, conducting experiments with the black beast, Virgil felt that he was about to open a certain door. The black beast's shrill screams made him inexplicably excited.


At this moment, the ground suddenly began to shake violently, cracks were torn out in the wall in an instant, and dust fell overhead.

The magic lamp shook violently.

The sound seemed to span thousands of kilometers, dull, depressing, and terrifying.

More violent than an earthquake, more crazy than a falling meteorite.

The expressions of everyone in the room changed. Irelia, Serafina and Virgil acted like pure instincts and instantly guarded Ron.

Gerald looked out the window.

He rushed out of the room like a madman, looking into the distance with cloudy eyes.

The magnificent energy distorted the space.

A bright halo of light appeared around the dusk temple suspended high in the sky.

Dragon Valley is collapsing, and towering cliffs are falling in pieces. Even from a distance of hundreds of kilometers, thick clouds rolling in the air like blooming mushrooms can be clearly seen.

Immediately, the energy like a volcanic eruption began to spread in all directions with the Dragon Valley as the center in an extremely crazy manner.

The bright sky seemed to be shrouded in the thickest layer of haze!

Gerald's vision went dark and he almost fainted.

Dragon Clan, it’s over!

On the soul-crossing boat, Ron didn't know that the end of the dragon clan had come.

The entire Dusk Continent was affected by the demise of the Dragon Clan. The earthquake-like impact even shook the continental plates, but only here in the Soul Crossing Boat, it was still calm.

No one in the Dragon Clan is qualified to board this ship.

After trying unsuccessfully to open the captain's cabin, Ron came to the cabin.

There are two skulls inlaid on the bone gate, and the skulls' eye sockets are shining with scarlet luster.

Shining like a living thing, it was staring at Ron.

That sight made Ron feel a little hairy... After a short period of time, Ron calmed down again, and then reached out and placed his hand on the door.


It's not loud.

However, it still seemed very harsh on this silent soul-crossing boat.

This time, the door opened smoothly.

This shows that although he is not qualified to enter the captain's cabin now, he is already qualified to enter the cabin.

Ron had a strong curiosity in his heart. He wanted to know what surprises were waiting for him in this cabin.

Even though Ron wore a ring on his finger that could affect the Soul Crossing Ship to a certain extent, he was still cautious and did not let the curiosity deep in his heart destroy his reason.

He crossed the threshold leisurely and glanced across the cabin.

The next moment, Ron's body stopped at the door.

He even took a step back.

On the first floor of the cabin, Ron didn't even have time to take a closer look at other places, but two coffins already filled his eyes.

A mouthful of darkness.

A mouthful of silver!

Damn, I’ll check the card in the early morning. Fortunately, I have a writer membership, so it’s pretty easy to make changes. I sent the second chapter in the early morning, and it’s done. I went to bed.

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