As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 72 You won’t let the vice-pope’s wife go either (2)

With a wave of his hand, a black hole appeared simultaneously behind Agnes and Dolores.

Agnes saluted Ron again and slowly backed away.

Dolores imitated Agnes' appearance, and her figure was gradually swallowed up by the darkness. Just when Dolores was about to disappear into the black hole, a voice floated into her ears.

"Go find Ron. Your fates have been intertwined for a long time. He can solve the confusion in your heart!"

There was that weird spinning feeling again. When she opened her eyes again, Dolores found that she was back in the room.

It's still Larnaca City, the Sykes Hotel, and the dim magic lights.

Yes, Dolores is in Larnaca City at this moment.

Everything she had just experienced was like a dream to Dolores.

Dolores did not expect to get guidance from Mr. Captain, she just wanted to get familiar with him. After all, this was only her first time attending this party, and knowing the rules of the party was already a major gain.

What's more, some of what I heard at the party also had extraordinary significance.

However, she did not expect that the mysterious captain would still guide her on the way forward.

Go find Ron.

This Mr. Ron is being watched by many big shots.

However, she didn't understand why the mysterious Mr. Captain said that her and Ron's fates had long been intertwined?

This was impossible. After all, she had only heard of Ron's name but had never met him. How could their fates be entangled?

By the way, entanglement?

These two words sound inexplicably ambiguous.

Thinking of the order given to her by her father, if Ron was really a prophet, it would be best to be pregnant with Ron's child... It would not be wrong to say that it was entanglement.

The mysterious captain really had great powers. This was obviously just something his father had told him in private, but the captain had already seen through it.

Shaking her head, Dolores suppressed these thoughts.

The mysterious captain is not something she can spy on now. Perhaps, she should think more carefully about how to complete her father's mission.

A bottle of magic potion appeared in Dolores's hand. Inside the transparent glass bottle was a light pink liquid, crystal clear and beautiful.

This magic potion is called ecstasy.

It is used by the concubines in the harem of the father and the king. When sprayed on the body, it can produce a special fragrance.

This kind of fragrance can stimulate men's impulses... It is said that the effect is ten times that of infatuation!

The only trouble is that the fragrance is very light and can only be felt when there is skin contact, or kissing.

the other side.

On the Soul Crossing Boat, after seeing off Dolores and Agnes, Ron also let out a heavy breath.

He was not mentally exhausted. Originally, he wanted to continue exploring the ship.

But now, Ron had to give up.

Christian has appeared... Ron doesn't want to have much interaction with this great saint, she is a woman that Ron absolutely cannot attack.

If Seraphina is the easiest woman to deal with in the game Goddess X Black Beast, then Christian is the hardest to deal with.

All players who dare to take action against Christian will be named warriors.

Christian's character is extremely twisted. After analysis by many players, Christian may have severe misogyny. It may be because her husband has an illegitimate child. Christian hates all men, especially those who have multiple partners.

Among all the male players who tried to conquer Christian, more than 90% became testicleless, and the remaining 10% could not even collect the corpses.

But, even so, there are still players who want to try to climb this mountain. There is no way, this great saint is so beautiful, with a soft and hot figure, the type that can drive men crazy in bed.

As of Ron's time travel, no one has been able to succeed.

On the contrary, on the forum, pictures of people who had become testicles appeared one after another, and each picture made Ron's scalp numb and his vagina ached.

Now Christian personally goes to Larnaca City to treat himself?

Are you kidding me? I'm not sick.

What kind of amnesia is it? It's just that his soul entered the soul boat... But this time, the time spent in the soul boat may have been a bit too long.

While thinking in his heart, Ron silenced his soul.

the other side.

Although it was late at night, the sound of rapid footsteps could still be heard from the Dawn Goddess Church branch.

A graceful, plump body was walking on the cobblestone ground surrounded by Gerald and Virgil.

The extremely plump body is graceful and graceful when moving. The long golden hair shines with a holy light under the moonlight. The pure white saint's dress wraps around the body. It is obviously a very holy dress, but the clothes are worn out of curiosity. Costume effect.

She is plump, but not bloated.

That figure will only make people feel tempted.

The light pink lips were pursed slightly, the golden eyes were emotionless, and the boots were wrapped up to the calf, making a clicking sound when stepping on the ground.

"Your Majesty the Great Saint, this is where we are." Gerald stretched out his hand to push the door open and said in a deep voice: "The prophet has been in a coma for ten days and has not yet awakened."

Christian nodded, raised his calves and stepped into the room.

In the house, Serafina, Irelia and Cecilia, who had been guarding Ron, heard the sound and looked over at the same time.

Christian frowned slightly when he saw these three beautiful girls.

What a carefree person.

This man, not long after he arrived in Larnaca City, already had three such beautiful girls gathered around him.

Christian's fingers trembled slightly, and he had the urge to crush something... But Christian resisted.

After all, he still bore the title of prophet, and it was he who killed Herman.

I glanced at the man on the bed. He had a gentle and bookish air. Although he had been sleeping for ten days, he didn't look too haggard.

She should have hated this kind of philandering man, but for some reason, Christian didn't feel this way.

She even felt that this handsome young man seemed to have a very special and indescribable temperament.

"Irelia, Serafina, you don't have to worry, this is the Great Saint." Gerald showed a kind smile on his wrinkled face, looking at Irelia and Serafina He was losing weight day by day, and he couldn't bear it.

The eyes of the two girls suddenly brightened. During this long wait, they finally saw hope.

That kind of look made Christian a little stunned. She really couldn't understand why these such outstanding girls were so deeply in love with the same man.

He is even willing to share his lover with other girls.

What's so good about such a carefree man?

Shaking her head, Christian put away the distracting thoughts in her heart. She walked to Ron's bedside, looked at the man on the bed, bent down, and put a small hand on Ron's forehead.

Christian didn't notice that she didn't have the repulsive feeling that usually caused goosebumps all over her body even if she just shook hands.

The power seeped in, and soon, the expression on Christian's face gradually became serious.

No, nothing!

There was no trace of soul at all in his head...

Normally, the soul will dissipate after death.

But now, the man lying on the bed was obviously still breathing and heartbeating normally, but his soul had disappeared. Even Christian has never encountered this weird situation.

Christian couldn't help lowering his body again, leaning closer, trying to open Ron's eyelids with two fingers, so that he could get in touch with the soul through the eyes.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened.

The man who was lying quietly on the bed suddenly opened his eyelids.

This time, the soul had been separated from the body for too long, which directly caused the stress reaction when the soul returned to its original position. It was as if it was a conditioned reflex of lying down for too long. With a sigh, the upper body sat upright like a spasm.

Then, there was a "Dung" sound, and Ron's head was buried in something soft.

You can feel the softness on your cheeks, and you can smell the alluring fragrance in your nose.

Suddenly, the whole room fell into dead silence.

Irelia, Serafina, and Gerald all opened their eyes and opened their mouths, clearly demonstrating what it means to be stunned.

Virgil was full of admiration.

Good guy, you are worthy of being a brother, even the great saint dares to blaspheme.

This is the wife of the Vice-Pope.

You, this kid, even if you kill the son of the vice-pope, are you saying that you are not even willing to let go of the wife of the vice-pope?

It's so enviable... Ahem, no, it's too shameless, too despicable, and too shameless.

I posted the second chapter in the early morning, and I saw some friends saying that our update time is too late... When do you want to update?

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