As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 75 Christian, you don’t want to die alone and miserable, right? (early morning)

Under the moonlight, Father Abraham's wrinkled face was covered with a layer of silver frost, as white as gold paper, with no trace of blood visible. If you encounter him suddenly, you may even be regarded as a walking corpse.

However, the clergy of the church branch were already familiar with Father Abraham's situation, so they were not frightened by it.

The only thing that surprised Irelia was that Father Abraham seemed to blend into the surrounding shadows. If she hadn't happened to come from behind, she wouldn't have even noticed the presence of the priest.

Irelia even suspected that when she came out before, Father Abraham hadn't come yet, or she hadn't noticed it at all.

A dry smile appeared on the old priest's face: "It's Irelia, it's nothing. I just saw a bright light here, and there seemed to be a lot of people. Come and take a look."

Irelia had a gentle smile on her face. She respected the old priest and every cleric in the church very much: "It's a little cold outside, so the old priest should go in and sit down. Ron is also awake."

"Awake?" A look of surprise appeared on Father Abraham's face: "That's really a good thing, but...what should I do in there?"

"You young people, come together, I, an old man, will not make magic lamps. But you still have to be careful. Ron has just woken up and is weak, so don't overdo it." Father Abraham said to Irelia and Sisi Leah winked: "Let's go, old man, I'm going back to sleep."

He waved his hand casually, and the old Father Abraham's rickety body swayed three times and slowly disappeared under the moonlight.

His body seemed to be stiffer, like a doll.

In those turbid eyes, it seemed that he could see countless chains, like twisted snakes, crawling all over his body.

Irelia, on the other hand, flushed with shame, mumbled something, walked into the room with the porridge in her hand.

As soon as she returned to the room, Irelia could feel that the atmosphere in the room was extremely strange.

Gerald, Virgil, Saint Christian, and even Seraphina looked shocked.

The sage Partridge from thousands of years ago is still alive.

This news was like a thunderbolt to everyone.

It was a funeral for a sage from thousands of years ago, with five kings, seven popes supporting the coffin, and tens of thousands of masters and scholars attending.

If Partridge is really still alive, it is simply an unprecedented and shocking scam.

This former sage has fooled everyone in the world.

But, why?

Why did Partridge fake his death? As a sage, his strength is at the top of the world. Even if he is really alive to this day, there will be no problem at all. I can't think of any need for him to fake his death.

Christian's face looked even more ugly.

For others, the news that Partridge is still alive is shocking, but that's all. But for Christian, the meaning is completely different...

The prophet predicted that she would enter Partridge's tomb and then... die at Partridge's hands.

Rao Shitian was very confident in his own strength, and he was definitely not arrogant enough to think that he could compete with the sages from thousands of years ago.

Thousands of years ago, the sage Partridge was already the second best in the world. Except for Archibald, the blasphemer, no one could rival Partridge.

After a long millennium, no one could imagine how exaggerated Partridge's strength would be.

After a long time, Christian sighed quietly.

She finally understood what Ron meant.

You have a glimpse of your destiny, and you know when and how you will die. You want to change your destiny against the will of heaven, but you have no hope at all. You can only wait for death to come in depression and despair.

This may be the cruelest punishment in the world.

For a moment, Christian's look at Ron became complicated. For the first time, she understood what kind of weight Ron was carrying.

This man's will is far stronger than imagined.

Christian admired few people, Ron was the only one who admired him.

There was silence in the room.

Irelia gently placed the porridge in front of Ron. Ron didn't care about the atmosphere around him. He picked up the bowl and drank slowly, and his cold body gradually became warmer.

His eyes drifted quietly to the window, but quickly turned away.

After filling his stomach again, Ron finally felt completely alive.

He seemed to feel that the deception was not enough. Christian's shocked, depressed, and even frightened eyes made him feel inexplicably happy.

Deceiving people is really addictive.

He got worse.

"My Majesty the Great Saint, you have been immersed in the anger of the past. You will not forgive Apu. You hate every man in this world and reject every woman."

"This is a huge whirlpool. If you don't struggle hard, you will only sink deeper and deeper. Your future will be very bleak, and you will be alone until you grow old and die."

Wiping the corners of his mouth, Ron spoke unhurriedly. He was like a master who had seen through everything: "This is the cage you built for yourself, and only you can break it. If you can't even break the cage you have set for yourself, If you can’t break through the restrictions, how can you break free from the shackles of fate?”

Boom... click.

Christian's body shook violently, and his face instantly turned pale.

Her pretty lips pursed softly, and she wanted to retort: ​​"But..."

"I know what you want to say, and I'm not trying to defend Apu Lawn Montgomery. With what that bastard did, it wouldn't be an exaggeration to think that he would be cut into pieces and scattered to ashes..." Ron shrugged: "Even though I am a man, I also think that guy is very shameful... But, Apu is Apu, why do you need to implicate other people because of Apu? Why do you have to punish yourself because of a shameless man?"

"Your biggest enemy is not Apu, but you."

"Those who can defeat themselves are truly powerful."

"Christian, you don't want to die miserable and alone, do you?"

Ron smoothly repeated the words he once said to Agnes and then to Christian. Those words could fool Agnes, and it felt like they could also fool Christian.

The room was quiet except for Ron's voice!

Virgil was shocked. He really didn't expect that this wonderful way of speaking could be used here.

The expression on Christian's face gradually changed from heavy to confused, and then he seemed to understand something, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Defeat yourself?

Seeing Christian racking his brains and thinking seriously, Ron's lips trembled slightly.

He had to admit that the poorly used lines in the second-rate anime and second-rate online articles he had seen in his previous life were really effective in deceiving people.

A being of the level of the Great Saintess was fooled, but she actually started to think seriously.

Not only the Great Saint, but also Serafina, Gerald and others had solemn expressions on their faces, as if they were carefully savoring what he just said.

Even Virgil, who had always thought Ron was a charlatan, put away the frivolity on his face...

Is this what it feels like to be a master when you fool a large group of people at once? That scene made Ron want to laugh...but he had received professional training and would not laugh easily unless...

Ron really didn't smile. He could hardly hold back his smile, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth froze in the next moment.


A strange wind sound suddenly came from the room with the doors and windows closed.

The magic chandelier on the ceiling swayed, and the light in the room was misty.

Whether it was the moonlight outside the window or the light emitted by the magic lamp, they all seemed to be attracted by something. The light bent in mid-air, drawing round arcs and focusing on the Saint Christian.

Under the light, Christian seemed to turn into a little sun.

However, it is not as dazzling as the scorching sun, but as gentle as the rising sun.

Christian's eyes were slightly lowered, his face was solemn, and his beautiful cheeks looked more beautiful, holy, and elegant at this time.

Her long golden hair swayed and her skirt flew.

A small vortex seemed to form around the plump body, swallowing up the light gathering around it.


Then, the small room shook violently.

The energy further away has also been mobilized, through the walls, through the door, through the glass, surging in the room.

The curtains rattled.

Those energies gathered together and seemed to evolve into trickles, following different trajectories and converging into the same goal.

And the aura released by the Great Saint Christian is getting stronger and stronger...

Virgil left the house immediately and stood guard at the door, strictly prohibiting anyone from getting too close.

As long as you are not blind, you can see that Christian is at the critical moment of breaking through the realm and must not be interfered with in any way.

Ron's lips were really trembling.


He just said a few random words, is he really so powerful?

Could it be that this great saint really defeated the other self in her heart and defeated herself?

Do you want to be so nonsense?

When did it become so easy to break through the realm?

Especially for a legendary master like the Great Saint... Shouldn't it be extremely difficult for such a being to break through a star level every time?

Given Ron's temperament, he couldn't help but feel strong jealousy in his heart. It was obviously him who said these words, but why didn't such a good thing happen to him?

However, this jealousy only lasted for a moment.

Ron knew that this great saint would become his from now on... Ron meant someone who could be used by him!

Chapter one in the early morning, next chapter will be delivered in one minute. Thank you Eve for your time and your support.

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