As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 85 The family must be neat and tidy (1)

Ron's face did not change. In Larnaca, you can sue him however you want, whether it is to the City Lord's Mansion, which symbolizes the government, or to the Church of the Goddess of Dawn. If you frown, he will lose.

So what if we report it to the headquarters of the Dawn Goddess Church?

Isn't there a great saint named Christian standing there?

Originally, Ron thought that this was just Malte's own behavior and had nothing to do with his parents. But now looking at the behavior of these two old guys, Ron understood that his parents must also be participants, and maybe they were. These two shameless old guys have been making suggestions.

They want to keep deceiving Cecilia until Cecilia leaves the church and can no longer squeeze out any profit!

What a shameless family.

Malte's parents finally saw clearly that Ron was wearing a priest's robe, and the expression on his face suddenly became stiff. The priest...the real priest, unlike Cecilia, was an existence they could never offend.

Ron didn't show any mercy because Malte's mother was a woman. He raised one foot and kicked the noisy woman out, and squatted down in front of Malte.

Seeing Ron's figure, Marte's hair stood on end, and he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to continue screaming. He could only clench his teeth and tremble.

In comparison, Ron seemed very easy-going. He gently held one of Malte's fingers: "Where is the money Cecilia gave you?"

Ron didn't care about ten gold coins, but if these money fell into Marte's hands, Ron would feel sick.

"Money? What money? That was given to me by Cecilia herself...ah..."

Before he could finish his sentence, there was another earth-shattering scream.

A pig that is about to be slaughtered is nothing more than that.

The second finger was moved to the back of the hand by Ron.

The position of the finger joints is almost ready to explode.

The intense pain caused his whole body to twitch continuously. The movement here also attracted the attention of many civilians around. Every pair of eyes looked at this place with horror. No one expected that Ron would do this. Ruthless, without any hesitation at all.

He is obviously a priest.

Looking at the two twisted fingers, almost everyone felt a dull pain in their fingers.

Ron was too lazy to talk to Malte. He reached out and groped around on Malte, and soon found a money bag. With a shake of his hand, several yellow copper plates fell to the ground with a clanking sound.

Just a few copper coins?

Although Cecilia's monthly salary is not much, she still has a few silver coins, all of which are given to Malte. In ten years, at least dozens of gold coins!

It was a civilian family with wealth that could never be used up in a lifetime.

Not to mention these, there are still the ten gold coins that Ron gave to Cecilia just before...

So much money, but only a few copper coins left?

"Where's the money?" Ron asked again in a gloomy voice.

Waves of tingling pain continued along his fingers, arms, and into his brain. There were scarlet bloodstains between his clenched teeth.

People who have never experienced it have no way of knowing what it would feel like to have their fingers cut off. It is even more unbearable than having your fingers chopped off.

But facing the ferocious Ron, Malte could only endure it with all his strength, and replied in a hissing voice: "The money is there... give me another chance, I will definitely make a comeback, I will definitely win next time, and I will pay everything back then" For you guys……"

Ron laughed contemptuously, he was still a bad gambler.

Fortunately, Cecilia was not really with Malte. Even without the existence of the woman Ava, Cecilia would never be happy with Malte.

Looking at Malte's parents, they were obviously not surprised by Malte's answer. They had known their son's character for a long time. If Cecilia hadn't sent money every quarter, they would have been unable to survive, right?

This family is all parasites lying on Cecilia's body sucking blood!

"Last question, what are you going to do to Cecilia after she leaves the church?" Ron raised his eyebrows.

This is not a necessary question, but Ron doesn't want Cecilia to still have any attachment to this man.

Cecilia had been standing quietly by the side, watching Ron torture Malte, without any sympathy in her heart, but when she heard this question, her eyes couldn't help but shrink slightly.

"Of course I will marry her, I will definitely marry her..." Malte replied subconsciously.

Ron exhaled slightly. Why can't this guy learn well after such a long time?


Malte screamed heart-breakingly, and the sound made everyone's scalp numb.

"I don't like hearing lies."

"I said, I said..." Malte screamed loudly: "Yes, there is a noble who is interested in Cecilia. If Cecilia really breaks away from the church one day, I plan to sell her to that noble... "

As soon as these words came out, Cecilia's pupils suddenly shrank.

A pair of plain hands subconsciously hugged his shoulders, and his slender body began to tremble.

Cecilia simply couldn't imagine how she would have ended up if it hadn't been for her husband.

The lover I thought I was was far more cruel than I imagined.

Ron's eyes also narrowed. This family was really prepared to eat up Cecilia and wipe her clean. Not even a bit of dregs would be left.

Although there are many shameless people in this world, those who can be so shameless are definitely the best in the world.

Is this guy really a human being?

Ron's right hand finally moved away from Malte's wrist. There was almost no intact finger in this guy's palm.

Malte thought he finally no longer had to endure that kind of torture, so he let out a heavy breath... However, Ron's right hand suddenly drew an arc in mid-air and clasped Malte's head.

The next second, under Malte's extremely surprised gaze, Ron's entire head was lifted up from the ground.

Malte seemed to have figured out what Ron wanted to do, and his bloodshot eyes widened: "No... don't..."


The head that was raised high was hit hard on the ground by Ron.

There was only a dull sound, and the stone slabs on the ground shattered, along with Malte's head, and red and white sticky stuff sprayed everywhere.

There was deathly silence all around, except for Malte's dead body, which was still twitching like a toad.

This guy doesn't care about the laws of the Kingdom of Granville at all.

Cecilia's heart also trembled slightly, but in the next moment, she felt that some kind of heavy burden that had been pressing on her body seemed to have disappeared at this moment, and was replaced by unprecedented ease.

When Malte said that he was going to sell her to a noble, the last thoughts in Cecilia's heart were completely cut off.

Malte's parents' expressions changed even more.

They didn't even have time to grieve over their son's death. Just like pure instinct, the two of them screamed almost at the same time and ran out of the house.

They want to run, they just want to be farther away from this demon, farther away...

A sharp blade, with a scarlet light, silently passed through the throats of the two people.

Their bodies immediately stayed in place, and the next second, they fell to the ground with a thud.

The throat was obviously cut open, but no blood spurted out. All the blood was swallowed up by the bloody knife.

Cecilia finally put away the bloody knife, dragged the two corpses back to the room, and threw them next to Malte.

This was her first time killing someone. She had no fear, but instead felt a sense of excitement in her heart that she was eager to try.

Destroy the whole family!

A family must be neat and tidy.

Ron finally stood up and stretched his arms vigorously, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

It seems that the repairman doesn't like all trash... At least, Malte's family was not attracted by the repairman.

They are not even qualified to be pawns.

Without the intervention of the repairman, it is so easy to kill a few people.

This was Cecilia's matter. It had nothing to do with Ron originally, but after killing these three people, Ron felt particularly happy in his heart, as if some of the depression accumulated in his heart was swept away at this moment.

Could it be that killing someone is a good way to vent their depression?

This discovery is indeed a bit not good.

Shaking away the blood beads on his hand, Ron walked towards the door on his own. Cecilia immediately followed behind. Ron didn't do anything to Ava. In some ways, this woman was just After being deceived, she did not do anything to harm Irelia, and Ron did not kill innocent people to that extent.

The crowd gathered at the door dispersed immediately. No one had any dissatisfaction with Ron for killing the three members of Malte's family, and they were even a little happy... It was obvious that this family of three, even in the civilian area, were not very good people. , no one even went to notify the city guard.

"Do you feel better?" Ron tilted his head and glanced at Cecilia.

The idiot nun who had been deceived for ten years exhaled heavily: "Much better."

"That's good. By the way, you go to the City Lord's Mansion and report the situation here. Believe me, nothing will happen. After all, after killing three people, it would be a bit inappropriate not to inform the City Lord's Mansion. suitable."

Ron still had to go to meet Dolores, which had already delayed a lot of time.

Cecilia nodded.

Ron took out a few more gold coins from his pocket and handed them to Cecilia.

"Sir, what do you mean?" Cecilia bit her lip lightly and asked in a low voice.

"Nothing, I just want you to run an errand for me and help me buy some herbs from the medicine store." Ron carefully explained the type and quantity of herbs to be purchased.

That is the magic potion used to break through the panic level.

Only then did Cecilia's face burst into a smile, she took the gold coins and left.

Seeing Cecilia's leaving figure, Ron chuckled slightly. He knew that although Cecilia looked normal now, she must be very confused inside.

The best way to stop Cecilia from thinking wildly is to find something for Cecilia to do. Even if it's just a little thing, it can make Cecilia feel needed.

And this is what Cecilia lacks most at the moment.

The smile on his face gradually faded away. After a brief plan in his mind, Ron walked straight towards the Sykes Hotel...

In the letter sent by Princess Dolores, the agreed meeting place was at the Sykes Hotel.

Although, from Ron's perspective, this might seem inappropriate.

After all, that was the Sykes Hotel, right? The famous gun house in Larnaca City!

It was only the first time that he and the eldest princess Dolores met, so they booked a room directly in the hotel. Is it too fast?

Ron, he is not such a casual person, he is a gentleman!

Today the first chapter of Three Thousand Three is presented. The next chapter is an hour away, and we need some time to review the manuscript, and we need to spare some time to have a chance to revise it if it is rejected.

Thank you Hui Shuozhi, book friend 20181019214257887, Xue Yue Guhan, book friend 20230617114518949, book friend 20201025174602424 for the reward, thank you all for your support.

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