As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 89 Born to be rebellious (additional update for the leader)

Encouraging a daughter to kill her father... Ron felt more and more like a villain.

The area was deathly silent and silent.

No one knew what was going on here. A soundproof barrier had sealed off the surrounding area at some point.

Dolores's face turned pale, and her body was shaking convulsively, which she could not control.

What Ron said was absolutely terrifying.

Her little hands were trembling, and she thought that her eldest brother Antoine once mentioned that he saw the royal guards of the palace leading a group of women into his father's palace more than once in the middle of the night.

At that time, I just thought it was a woman that my father had found from outside, and he was preparing to marry a new princess.

The quality of those women varies, and some can be described as ugly... What's worse is that some women are already gray-haired.

Antoine kept sighing that his father's taste was getting stronger and stronger.

She thought about how her mother's family had been deprived of their aristocratic title and demoted to commoners due to inexplicable crimes. All the family property had been confiscated from the state treasury, and several uncles had been sent to the army. She had gone to her father to plead for mercy, but was severely reprimanded by him.

It occurred to her that her room had been broken into more than once.

Nothing of high value was lost, but all the relics left by my mother were gone.

Of course, Dolores would not believe what Ron said just because of these specious pieces of information, which were not even evidence.

However, the depression in my heart became more and more intense.

When the pot of tea in front of Ron was finally finished, Dolores suddenly let out a long breath and her complexion completely returned to normal.

Her skin was white and rosy, and her golden eyes were as bright as ever, no longer depressed.

The elegance and dignity of the princess resurfaced in Dolores.

"Mr. Ron, what did you just say, I didn't hear you clearly?"

Dolores is a smart woman, and he will not be surprised at all by making such a choice.

"It doesn't matter, it's just nonsense, meaningless."

Dolores smiled gently and said: "Sir, you just said that you want me to be the queen? Sir, have you forgotten that I have two brothers above me, so it's not my turn no matter what."

Her Royal Highness the Princess never mentioned her father again.

Ron knew that the eldest princess's thoughts had changed quietly. He rubbed the tea cup with his fingers: "You know better than me how stupid your two brothers are."

Dolores didn't answer, which seemed to be her acquiescence to Ron's words. Her two brothers were good at eating, drinking and having fun, but when it came to running the country... forget it.

Dolores breathed out: "I have no idea of ​​becoming a queen, but I am a little curious about sir's thoughts."

Ron nodded slightly, and then asked: "Let me ask you, what do you need to control a country?"

"Army!" Dolores answered without any hesitation.

Ron smiled: "Yes, it's the army. Who are the main members of the army? Nobles or civilians?"

"Almost all are civilians, and the middle and lower-level officers are almost all civilians. Senior officers and top-level officers are monopolized by the nobles."

Ron clapped his hands and praised: "Yes, that's it. Since you can understand this, the next content will be easy."

After a pause, Ron continued: "If you want to become a queen, you must have a force loyal to you."

"You can first use your own money to buy an army."

Seeing that Dolores wanted to speak, Ron waved his hand and continued: "Believe me, this matter is easier than you think."

"According to the kingdom, the deduction of military pay is very serious. Although it was basically impossible to have a war because of the Dragon Clan, things like bandit suppression in the country still happened one after another. However, many soldiers worked hard for the kingdom. Not only did they not get military pay, they even You have to bring dry food from home."

"The pensions for soldiers killed in battle were basically swallowed up by the nobles. These situations directly led to grassroots soldiers and officers complaining against the nobles."

"If such conditions exist, you don't need to pray to the nobles at all. Why not try to win over these civilians. These nobles have already created an excellent opportunity for you to bribe the army."

"If you take out enough money, treat it as an investment. The amount must be sufficient. Even if you sell off your property or go out to borrow debt, you have to collect it."

"Choose an army that has some combat effectiveness but is not taken seriously, preferably one that has just experienced unfair treatment. Bypassing the top officers held by nobles, contact the grassroots privately, and use the money to supplement the military pay for these grassroots soldiers. You Give me money and they will give you your life.”

Dolores's eyes became brighter and brighter, and her breathing became inexplicably rapid.

But soon, her beautiful brows wrinkled again: "Even so, I can only bribe a small group of soldiers at most. It is impossible to bribe the entire country's army. I have no money."

"Moreover, it is useless even if you can bribe soldiers from all over the country. These soldiers have not received any real training at all. Their weapons and armor are all incomplete. Such soldiers will just die on the battlefield and cannot exert much power at all."

As expected of Dolores, she quickly noticed a flaw in Ron's plan, money.

To put it bluntly, no matter how perfect Ron's plan is, it still requires a large amount of gold coins to support it.

"Money is not simple. The Kingdom of Granville is quite wealthy, especially the aristocracy. Their level of luxury is among the best in the entire Twilight Continent." Ron smiled and did not take money seriously.

Dolores frowned: "But those nobles can't just take out the money so easily. They would rather squander the money than invest it in the construction of the army. It can be said that even if one day, The Kingdom of Granville is facing destruction, and these nobles would rather give their money to the enemies who trample the kingdom in exchange for their future wealth than invest their money in the army to resist the invasion of the enemy country."

The kingdom is so corrupt.

Ron shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I can give you a little tip to save money."

"You first summon the nobles to the scene in the name of a banquet. You are the eldest princess of the kingdom. These nobles will give you this face no matter what. Then use the troops you bought before to block the scene. If you don't give money, you won't leave. If you don't cooperate, Then find something that violates the laws of the kingdom from these nobles. I think it is very simple. It is easy to find enough crimes in these filthy stupid pigs to put them on the happy platform of Louis XVI."

"What is the Louis XVI Happy Station?" Dolores interjected.

"I mean the guillotine." Ron sighed. It felt really bad that no one answered.

Dolores had obviously begun to think seriously about what Ron said. The man in front of her seemed to be no longer a prophet, but a strategist.

"However, even if these soldiers accept the military pay I distribute and are loyal to me, they may not dare to resist the nobles."

Ron smiled while stroking his hands. He admired Dolores more and more. This princess could get to the point of the problem every time.

"What you said is very good, so there is one thing you must complete before preparing for the banquet."

"What?" Dolores asked immediately.

"Ideological transformation."

Ron quickly explained: "In this world, the concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted. Nobles are nobles, and civilians are civilians. There is no way to transcend them. Nobles can kill, kill, and rob civilians, but civilians have no sense of resistance at all."

"You have to change this idea, at least make the soldiers believe that following the eldest princess is right and is destined by fate, so as to offset their fear of the nobles. At this time, you can use some extraordinary power, such as One night, a fox near the military camp suddenly uttered human words: The empire is rising, the princess is king!"

"A piece of brocade silk was cut out of the belly of a certain fish, and it was written that the nobles would be destroyed and everything would be prosperous, and the princess would be king and the world would be at peace!"

"A stone man was dug out from the bottom of the Seine. The stone man had one eye. The nobles had no virtue and the whole world rebelled."

Ron didn't ask Dolores to promote equality for all. People's wisdom has not reached that level yet.

"When they believe that the nobles are immoral and that Her Royal Highness is destined by fate, they can become your force against the nobles."

"And this army is enough for you to control the situation at the banquet. Once you get more money from these nobles, you must disperse the money in the shortest possible time to buy more soldiers."

"Of course, there is another thing you must prepare for. Although the nobles are corrupt, there are still some masters."

"So, you have to recruit someone who can control the situation."


"Ariana the Valkyrie."

"But what if the released nobles convene a parliament to impeach me..." Delores asked subconsciously.

Ron was helpless: "Oh, my dear Princess, don't forget, you have an army."

"Remember, out of the gun... I mean, out of the sword comes the power."

"As long as your military power is strong enough, your father may confer you the title of General Tiance."

"And this is just the first step to achieve your goal. You must understand that even if you supplement the military pay for these soldiers and make these soldiers loyal to you, for a long time, they have lacked weapons, armor, training, and have very poor combat literacy. , it is almost impossible to rely on these soldiers to protect the Kingdom of Granville."

"You need to train their physical fitness and combat capabilities, and most importantly, cultivate their determination and courage to sacrifice for their country."

"The simplest way is to cultivate the soldiers' sense of honor and publicize that being a soldier is glorious and that the families of soldiers should receive various preferential treatment. To improve the status of soldiers, use the conflicts between a few nobles and soldiers as an example, kill a few nobles, and show the The soldiers proved that you are firmly on their side.”

"Give soldiers the opportunity to be promoted. Those with meritorious service will not only receive official and monetary rewards, but they can even become nobles."

"Provide good care and support for the families of soldiers, especially the families of deceased soldiers. For the children of soldiers who died, we can arrange to take some idle positions in the royal government agencies to ensure that there will be no problems in their lives in the future and that the soldiers will have no worries."

"If there are, then introduce a few models. If not, then create a few models yourself. Promote the whole country that this is an excellent soldier, a hero, and the highest honor. It will set off an upsurge in the worship of soldiers in the Kingdom of Granville."

"At the same time, continue to suppress the nobles, elevate the status of the common people, and gain the support of ordinary people."

"It can be said that as long as you can do half of this, the soldiers in the army will work wholeheartedly for you, and the people will become your solid backing."

"When you completely suppress the nobles and take control of the army, your two brothers may be worried about being deprived of their right to inherit the throne. They are preparing to rebel. They were met by you at the palace gate, and then died tragically in the battle."

"Your men felt your sadness. Seeing that the weather was cold and you were wearing very thin clothes, they thoughtfully put a yellow coat on you."

Ron's voice, like the whisper of a devil, still echoed in the ears of the eldest princess.

Dolores was shocked and looked at Ron as if she were looking at a devil.

This guy is naturally rebellious.

Thank you to the leader of the reader 2021020920420014... for adding the second update to the leader.

Today’s update volume is 19,000 words, which is quite a lot.

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