As a villain, I really can't become stronger anymore

Chapter 96 Will Ron’s heart be removed? (2)

Serafina pressed her ears hard, trying to stop the murmurs from infiltrating, but it had no effect. The illusory murmurs echoed directly in her mind.

It was as if a sharp-edged steel cone was embedded in my mind.

Spin and scratch!

Dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and blue veins popped out.

The indescribable severe pain made her unable to stand firm, and she stumbled onto the bed, sometimes tense and sometimes limp. Her tall body tossed and turned on the bed, her amethyst-like eyes full of pain.

In the depths of those eyes, countless words are still squirming.

These strange words that Serafina could not understand were gradually distorted, as if hazy lights and shadows overlapped together, as if to construct a strange painting.

Serafina's body was still twitching, but her eyes were wide open.

The picture peeking in front of me became more and more clear.

There, is the church.

It's the Morol Cathedral.

The church that was originally simple and full of sacred atmosphere has completely changed into something else.

Desolate, decayed, and filled with the smell of decay.

There seemed to be a layer of light red mist floating in the air, like blood mist, covering the entire world.

The statue of the Dawn Goddess collapsed on the ground and was in pieces. The church was so quiet that it was eerie. The scene that Serafina spied in front of her eyes was moving at a slow speed.

Finally, she saw a figure.

It was a nun. She fell to the ground, her body surrounded by scarlet blood. Her chest was cut open and her heart was missing.

No, not a nun...

As the scroll gradually unfolded in front of her, more and more corpses appeared in front of Serafina. Nuns, priests, and priests were all lying quietly on the ground, as if they were asleep, with thick blood covering the ground.

Crunch, crunch, click, click...

The weird chewing sound replaced the mumbling, echoing in Serafina's mind.

She couldn't help but have a dense layer of pimples all over her body.

She saw it, saw Irelia's figure, leaning against a pillar, breathing heavily, her amber eyes filled with deep sorrow and despair.

Her eyes were getting redder and redder, like blood.

She saw Cecilia's figure next to a mutilated statue. She seemed to have just escaped from the sea of ​​blood, and her whole body was bathed in rich scarlet.

Her body was trembling, her mouth opened wide, and she seemed to be screaming something, but her voice could not be heard clearly.

She saw that Virgil's body fell to the side, and his slightly rising chest seemed to prove that he was not dead yet.

However, there was a huge crack between the chest and abdomen, and the sticky internal organs were almost spread out.

She saw it and saw a female knight covered in blood.

That's herself!

The purple gem's eyes were dull, like a doll that had lost its vitality.

She saw it, saw Ron.

His body stood in the middle of the church, and a skinny claw penetrated his chest from behind and took out his heart.


Serafina finally couldn't bear it anymore and let out a sharp cry.

She sat up from the bed with a cry, panting heavily, and her body was soaked with sweat.

His widened eyes were filled with unbreakable fear, and his body couldn't stop shaking at all.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Serafina’s body finally slowly returned to calm. She slowly left the bed, squatted down, and picked up the pages of notes again.

The scene just now was so clear, as if it was really happening in front of you.

It was so real that Serafina despaired. In a daze, she could still smell the rich blood.

His eyes were silently staring at the page of notes in his hand, which was Archibald's notes... However, when he saw this page of notes again, that weird scene never appeared again.

Ron will have his heart removed at Morrow Church.

When she saw Archibald's notes, she briefly saw the future.

Serafina clutched the note tightly, stood up suddenly, and walked out of the house. She could not allow this scene to happen, never.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw an old man standing outside the door.

That's the old butler of the York family!

He raised one hand as if he was about to knock on the door.

Seeing Serafina suddenly appearing at the door, the old housekeeper was stunned for a moment, and then stood up straight: "Miss, what happened to you just now? I think I heard you scream?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I saw a cockroach." Serafina forced a smile on her pale face: "You know, I am most afraid of things like this crawling around."

"This is really bad. I will tell the maid to tidy up your room again." The old housekeeper said immediately.

Nodding, Serafina walked towards the outside of the mansion. After taking just two steps, Serafina suddenly stopped again. She looked at the old housekeeper with some suspicion and hesitation: "Uncle Anthony, what do you mean? …Is it possible that Archibald is still alive?”

The old housekeeper didn't seem to expect that the eldest lady would suddenly ask such a question, and his face was full of astonishment. After a brief hesitation, he gave the answer: "That person is, after all, a blasphemer more powerful than a sage. No matter what, Not surprisingly."

"That's it."

Serafina raised her head and glanced at the night sky. The clouds blocked the sky and there was no moonlight.

Withdrawing his gaze, Serafina's figure quickly disappeared into the night.

The Sykes Hotel.

This was originally a gun cellar.

But now, it has become a hunting ground.

The entire hotel seemed to be shrouded in a light layer of scarlet, and the screams from time to time were even more terrifying.

A young man wearing businessman's clothing was walking quickly through the garden in the backyard of the Sykes Hotel. His face was very gloomy.

He is a clad secret guard of the Spang Theocracy.

Of course, his apparent identity is that of a businessman walking between the Kingdom of Granville and the Theocracy of Spang.

Everything was going smoothly at first. There were also many nobles from out of town living in the Sykes Hotel. It was said that they were all here for a purple weapon that would be strengthened and increased by ten at the auction the day after tomorrow.

Damn Granville people, they are so damn rich, they are actually willing to spend a lot of strengthening stones to strengthen a purple weapon to plus ten.

This kind of behavior would definitely be called a prodigal in the Spang Theocracy.

These nobles were arrogant and difficult to get along with, but under their deliberate tolerance, no irreconcilable conflicts occurred.

It was all normal at first, but as soon as night fell, these damn nobles suddenly turned into a group of lunatics, hunting people from the Spang Theocracy everywhere, and turned the largest hotel in Larnaca City into a mass grave.

In order to avoid being too conspicuous together, they originally lived on different floors and in different rooms and waited until late at night to gather for action. As a result, they now had to hide here and there, like mice being targeted by night owls.

Thinking of those gazes, the guard in brocade clothes was horrified. The gaze was even crazier than that of a strong man who had been in prison for ten years and was extremely energetic when he suddenly saw a beautiful girl taking off her clothes.


He spat, stretched out his hands to push aside the leaves in front of him, and peered ahead.

It was quiet in front of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to leave the flower bed, a heartbreaking pain suddenly came.

Looking down, he saw a gun head covered in blood in front of his chest.

His heart was drilled through.


The spear was retracted, and the unsupported body fell to the ground. After several struggles, there was no movement.

A slender and handsome young man walked out of the shadows behind him, took off the corpse's storage ring, and quickly found a token of a brocade-clad secret guard.

Bah, those barbaric idiots from Spang Theocracy actually dare to go to the Kingdom of Granville to cause trouble. If not, who will you kill?

These idiots probably don’t know yet, but their heads have already been opened...

A mysterious person has issued a bounty. Whoever can get the most Spang Theocracy spies' tokens will receive a bounty of up to 10,000 gold coins.

Ten thousand gold coins doesn't matter.

As the earl's son, he didn't care about the money.

What he wants is the honor of being the spy killer!

That was enough to make him hold his head high in the aristocratic circle. No one would dare to call him a sissy anymore, and Mrs. Bonnard would definitely look at him differently!

On the top floor of the hotel, Dolores quietly stared at the scene below.

"Perhaps the nobles of the kingdom are not so hopeless. At least the younger generation has not been completely corrupted. This is something to be thankful for, right?" Dolores said quietly.

Right next to her, a female warrior wearing armor and a silver mask covering her face appeared quietly. The mask was engraved with a sky full of stars.

"He said he didn't want you to take action." The female warrior finally spoke slowly, her voice slightly hoarse.

"I didn't take action. I stayed in the room quietly and didn't do anything." Dolores looked innocent. After a brief pause, a slightly obsessed smile appeared on the face of Princess Dolores again. : "Haha, that is the husband that I, Dolores, have chosen."

The smile on his face gradually changed, becoming cold and bloody:

"If you dare to touch my husband, I want to see how many lives they have."

A few more seconds passed, and Dolores asked again: "Is there anything going on at the palace?"

"According to the information from Liv, the Seventh Princess Agnes, who has been detained in the Cold Palace and under heavy guard, has left the Cold Palace in the past few days, or even left the palace directly, and her whereabouts are unknown."

"It doesn't matter." Dolores shook her head: "She can do whatever she wants, as long as she doesn't get involved with my man."

"And..." The female warrior seemed to hesitate briefly, but finally spoke: "After we informed Liv of the clues provided by Ron, Liv had already found a way to spy on the secrets of the back mountain and the dungeon. The ability of the Whisperer is very useful at times like this. No matter how tight the blockade is, you won't care about a mouse or cockroach crawling on the ground."

Dolores's eyes narrowed slightly: "How?"

"The back mountain is full of bones..."

"The dungeon is a corpse bound by chains, and a rotten... blood book!"

Dolores's throat squirmed slightly, and she spoke again in a slightly trembling voice: "What is written in the blood book?"

"The blood book has decayed, and most of the handwriting cannot be read. I can only make out a few words, which are written..."


The second chapter is here, the next one will be in an hour.

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