
Sun Wukong wanted to call Master, but remembered that Xu Fan had told him that he was not allowed to mention him, and he was busy with his mouth.

Xu Fan smiled, and said in his heart that this monkey was still obedient.

Goku ran forward a few steps and said happily, “… Mr… Why are you here?

Goku waved his hand and said to the monkeys, “It’s not called sir yet.”

The monkeys were stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly knelt down

: “Hello sir!”

“Go, bring all the delicious and delicious food in our Huaguo Mountain!”

After a while.

Liu Xin looked at the washed peaches, cold peach, sliced peaches, and peach cubs in front of her…

I couldn’t help but fall into deep thought, “Why are they all peaches?”

At this time, a monkey came over with a plate, “Welcome to taste, stir-fry…” Liu

Xin’s eyes lit up, stir-fried… Meat?

“Stir-fried peaches.”

The monkey places the plate on the table.

Liu Xin: ………………

“Giant turtle?”

Sun Wukong scratched his head, “Division… Sir, what are you looking for giant turtles for?

Xu Fan took a sip of peach juice, “There is something that needs its help, can you find it?”

Sun Wukong said, “You can go and ask the Dragon King and ask him to help inquire.”

So Xu Fan and Liu Xin temporarily settled down in Huaguo Mountain, waiting for news from the Dragon King.

During this period, the two were not idle, and Liu Xin tried to use magic to spy on the location of the black dragon.

The black dragon appeared with Shenzhou, and it is said that when the flood poured.

The black dragon will lead the flood to destroy the heavens and the earth.

But after trying a few times, it was just in vain, and he couldn’t spy on the whereabouts of this black dragon.

This made Liu Xin very distressed.

Xu Fan asked, “Since you are a wisp of her thoughts, what will happen if you can’t complete the task she sent you?” The

two sat on the mountain peak, looking up at the bright moon.

Looking at each other from afar.

The stars are flat and wide, and the scenery of the moon and the river

is not too beautiful, making people want to freeze this moment.

Liu Xin was stunned when she heard this question.

“How? I don’t know

But I had a command in my head to complete this task and not let the flood destroy that little world.

Xu Fan remembered that when he used to play a certain game, he created a subordinate

If you don’t give instructions to your subordinate, he will follow you, or whatever you want.

When you give him any instructions, he will finish it to the death.

The mountain breeze is gentle, and Liu Xin’s hair is fluttering in the wind.

“It’s so beautiful~”

Liu Xin stretched.

At this moment, it seems that all the troubles are no longer a problem.

Xu Fan squinted his eyes slightly.

A lifetime of ups and downs.

Poor is also leisurely, and Tatsuya is leisurely.

Hidaka Sanzhang I sleep, not a god, who is a god.

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Xu Fan turned his head, only to find that Liu Xin had fallen asleep at some point.

She lay flat on the mountain peak, her hands in front of her little belly.

His black hair was scattered like a cloud, and the cloud-like sorrow between his eyebrows had long dissipated.

I slept very quietly, the corners of my mouth rose slightly, as if I had some sweet dream.

Eyelashes rise and fall with breathing.

The wind blows the fairy robe and floats, like a neon dress dance.

Xu Fan suddenly thought of a lot, but didn’t seem to think of anything.

He looked quietly at her side face.

This guy is definitely a goblin, this has been felt since Xu Fan first saw her.

That face was so flawless, as if it only existed in the imagination.

Then, his gaze fell on the twinkling stars in the sky.

Pillowing the gentle breeze, I fell asleep.


After another two days, news came from the Dragon King’s side.

Found the location of the giant turtle, on an island on the edge of the East China Sea.

Xu Fan and Liu Xin set off immediately.

Before leaving, Sun Wukong told Xu Fan to let them be careful of this giant turtle.

Listening to the East Sea Dragon King, this giant turtle is not easy to mess with, even the Dragon King is not willing to provoke this guy.

Other demons eat people by number, and giant turtles are by island.

Island by island!!

Although this heaven and earth were under the direct jurisdiction of the saints of the three religions, they had never seen those bodhisattvas and Buddhas, the old monarch Jade Emperor, in charge.

Relying on the method of vertical golden light, it will not take an hour.

The two came to the location of the target.

Xu Fan looked at the vast sea, the water and sky in the distance, and the view was endless.

As far as the eye can see, there are small islands.

Xu Fan and Liu Xin landed on a huge island.

“Do you think the giant turtle will be under the water?” Liu Xin said.

“It’s possible, giant turtle, giant turtle, listen to the name is very big.

This kind of thing should be hidden underwater.

Liu Xin agreed, so the two dived into the water and searched for the legendary giant turtle.

However, after searching for several days, there was no whereabouts.

On this day, the two also searched for a day, and they were inevitably a little physically and mentally exhausted.

Time passes in the hourglass, but they don’t even know where the giant turtle is now.

At night, I finished drinking coconuts.

Xu Fan was asleep, and in a daze, he felt that something was moving with him.


Xu Fan sensed something was wrong and got up to take a look.

Only then did I realize that the ground was moving.

To be precise, the whole island is moving.

Xu Fan’s brows frowned slightly, the first thought was

who TMD stole the island?

Is there a bit of public morality.

After thinking about it, such a huge island, it is estimated that even moving mountain apes may not be able to carry it.

This island….. It won’t be alive, will it!?

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