As Long As You Have A Health Bar, The Gods Will Kill You Too

Chapter 11 Opening The Personality And Touching The Extraordinary

The light curtain flows.

The three words [human, god, alien] flashed quickly, and then paused on "different".

Then it unfolded slowly.

[Name]: You Ling


[Level]: First-order median

[Introduction]: The inferior abyssal alien species belongs to the "Shadow" and "Ghost" species. It can exert super strength in the shadows. If you are targeted by it... please watch your back.

Note: This alien species... doesn't seem that simple.

[Killing Price]: Broken arm

[Shadow Bite Harvest]: The number of acquired abilities "Shadow Attack" and "Shadow Points" increased.

[This alien species is "included" and "the price has been waived"]

For a time, there were a lot of things that I didn’t understand.

This is the second creature that appears in the manual besides himself.

As long as you kill the opponent, will it be registered in the manual, or will it be registered after "Shadow Bite" has passed?

But let’s put this little problem aside for now.

With a slight movement of thought, Jiang You unfolded his newly acquired abilities.

"Sneak Attack": When launching an attack in the shadow where others cannot see it, you will be able to more easily detect the opponent's weakness, and the first attack will cause huge damage.

He carefully senses the usage of skills.

Then stand in the corner of the room...close your eyes, feel the shadows, feel the darkness.

"Nothing seems to have changed."

After standing there like a dumbass for five minutes, he walked out cursing.

Those who didn't know thought that some mummy was hiding in the corner.

"Maybe it's... an unactivated target?"

Jiang You guessed uncertainly.

Put these aside for now.

He opened the manual and scrolled to the "People" column.

Name: Jiang You

[Attribute]: Shadow

[Shadow point]: 14/14

[Personality]: "Stalker", "Can be opened"

[Ability]: "Shadow Devour", "Shadow Pupil", "Shadow Form", "? 』


[Stalker]: Kill in the shadows. You are a born assassin. When you hide in the shadows, you will be like a fish in water. "Sneak in the darkness, hunt in the darkness"

"It should be 'Safari in the Light'."

Don't you think I don't know this is a game line.

Jiang You's face darkened.

This cheating cheat, how come all the lines for the game have been spelled out? ?

He continued to look down.

[Shadow Form]: Your shadow has undergone transformation, and you find that you can control the "shadow", become one with yourself, and enter a special form.

In this form:

1. You do not have a fatal part. Even if you are beheaded, your blood volume will be greatly reduced instead of dying directly. (If you are beheaded: [HP] will be reduced by 99%, but you will not die directly)

2. Your aura is more restrained, able to blend perfectly with the shadows without being noticed by others, and your "physical fitness" and "healing ability" are greatly enhanced.

3. If you exercise in this state, you will have unexpected gains.

4. You can use this form in the shadow layer without consuming it; you can use this ability in the real world by consuming "Shadow Point".

I can screw you.

Jiang You was ecstatic when he saw the words "There is no fatal part".

Then when I saw the line of small words in parentheses at the end, I almost laughed angrily.

[HP] is reduced by 99%, how can you still save me?

Complaints are all complaints, this ability does not seem to be simple.

Jiang You stood still, waved, and his shadow emerged.

The two sides stand opposite each other.

He slowly raised his hand, and the shadow followed his movement and raised his fingers.

The index fingers touched, and in an instant, the shadow covered his body like running water.

Slightly cold, this perfect wrapping feeling is close to every inch of the skin and is extremely breathable. Clothes made of any material seem to be incomparable.

When I put this thing on... I was wrong, it seemed to be quite comfortable.

Jiang You lowered his head and saw that the palm of his hand was completely black, and his nails, blood vessels, and skin texture were all covered.

He looked into the room mirror.

The image of myself in the mirror was pitch black, and my whole body was wrapped in flowing, fog-like thick ink.

Even the two eyes have no luster, they are just darker than other parts.

Ability gradually becomes interesting.

Feeling the gradually decreasing shadow points, Jiang You dispersed the shadow form.

There are two abilities left, look down in order.

The three words "can be opened" came into view.

What's the meaning?

The thought moves slightly and touches it.

[Can be turned on]: You already possess some of the authority of this person, but have not officially awakened. After it is turned on, this personality will be completely awakened. Others will not be able to awaken any branch abilities under this personality. It will belong to you alone. At the same time, there will be "certain risks" in this operation. Do you want to enable it?

[Note]: Sometimes, risks can turn into opportunities.


Reading it word by word, the four words "certain risk" are highlighted in red.

Be silent for a while and read it carefully several times.

Jiang You fell into long thoughts.

A full five minutes passed. He took a deep breath, looked at the [No] option, and then glanced at [Yes].

Then, the option representing [Yes] began to flash, and waves of warmth gradually filled the body.

No, I haven't chosen it yet. I'll give it a try.

The light curtain kept changing and finally stabilized.

[Hunter]: If you don’t break out in the hunt, you will perish in the hunt.

You are a natural hunter, and your attacks will always cause damage.

Note 1: Excludes attacks by foreign objects such as guns, bows and arrows, poisons, etc.

Note 2: Even gods cannot escape.

Note 3: As a hunter hiding in the shadows, the more mysterious you become, the more widely spread your evil reputation is, the more unexpected gains you will get.

[Beheading]: When the prey's blood volume reaches a certain limit, the blood bar turns to scarlet color, and you will be able to see the dying parts of the prey. By attacking here, you can activate "Behead" to completely kill the prey. The blood volume of "Beheading" depends on the strength, ability, personality and other factors of both parties.

Good guy, I'm just good guy.

His eyes gradually became fiery.

As for any skill involving instant death, there is no simple one.

There are certain restrictions on "Beheading", but this seems normal.

14 shadow points, 6 more than before the battle with Ah Piao.

This thing is not only the energy in the body, but also an advanced experience bar.

In addition, you can unlock your personality and gain new abilities.

Jiang You felt stronger than ever before.

It's not a problem to punch ten Ah Piao, thirty Uncle Li, and eighty Lu Yaoyao.

This newly opened personality... seems to be quite powerful.

"Attacks must cause damage, even to gods." This sentence is absolutely worth it.

What about the so-called “risk”?

He searched left and right, but couldn't find where the risk was marked.


Really unable to find it, Jiang You had to give up.

The wound was slightly itchy. He took off the bandage and pinched it a little, and a small blood scab fell off.

There is no difference between the tender meat and the normal parts. Even if you look closely, you can't see anything abnormal even with a magnifying glass.

Although this area had a small cut yesterday, it was not serious, but for him to recover on his own, even with the help of special medicine, it would take more than a day for the scab to fall off.

You know, it's only been a few seconds since I entered [Shadow Form].

"Enhanced healing ability", the effect is even better than imagined.

Jiang You's heart moved slightly.

He looked at his abdomen. The scar there was more than ten centimeters long and penetrated extremely deep into the flesh.

I guess A Piao wanted to give him a caesarean section.

With the blessing of [Shadow Form], I don’t know if this wound has healed or not.


"Yaoyao, what happened to Jiang You yesterday?"

"I saw him posting on WeChat, saying that he was brave enough to do justice, and he had a set of military-style boxing. He was stabbed eighty-eight times by gangsters without blinking an eye."

"What? What he told me in private was that he encountered a gang of human traffickers. He took a watermelon knife and killed people from the street to the end of the street without blinking."

The two friends were talking to each other in the elevator.

Lu Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, and said helplessly, "Don't listen to his nonsense, he was chased by wolves and dogs."


The elevator reached the floor and several people walked out.

Lu Yaoyao took out a key from his pocket.

"Hey, Yaoyao, why do you have the key to his house?" One of the slightly fat male classmates asked.

"Jiang You's uncle gave it to me."

"Oh~~" the two classmates said in a long tone.

With a click, the lock cylinder rotates.


A scream first reached his ears.

The door opened, and several people saw Jiang You, who was naked from the waist up, bleeding from his abdomen, and picking at his wounds with one hand, looking extremely hideous.


I believe you when you say that this guy hit Nantianmen with a watermelon knife yesterday.

The eyes of the slightly fat male classmate gradually changed.

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