As Long As You Have A Health Bar, The Gods Will Kill You Too

Chapter 27 I’M Afraid Of Being Far Away

[Hunting] Success can increase a certain attribute or strengthen a skill.

In the past few times, Jiang You never had a suitable opportunity.

After all, hunting can only last for 1 second, which is really useless.

He doesn't have much strength to begin with, so when facing a powerful enemy, he has to control the precise time of "1 second" to kill him.

Turtle, this is really a bit too difficult for Jiang You.

So he can only use [Mark] and [Sneak Attack] together.

Let the prey be startled, and then strike suddenly, thereby achieving the art of disappearing the blood bar.

Jiang You has been looking forward to successfully using [Hunting] once. After killing the [Predator] and awakening the [Shadow Claw Form] ability, this expectation became even higher.

If Lu Yaoyaofei hadn't pestered him to go shopping today, he would have lived in the shadow layer for a few days.

But he didn't expect that he would succeed in today's trip to the mall.

The appearance of the strengthened [Shadow Form] has not changed much, except for some more detailed shapes on the shoulders, neck, and cuffs.

And depending on the depth of the shadow, the lines of the clothes are clearer.

His whole person looked like he had finally gotten rid of the shadowy appearance in Conan.

It is true that the man silently sheds tears while the woman sheds tears.

The two alien species were afraid and did not dare to come close.

Little do they know that this is just right.

The alien species has strong recovery ability, but it can't compare with the current 1% increase rate of Jiang You.

Give him another ten minutes to get his blood back to full.

Just as Jiang You was about to launch another attack, a burst of orange fire suddenly lit up in the distance.

Is there still light in the shadow layer? !

Jiang You was stunned.

At the same time, the two alien species looked like wolf cubs who smelled the fishy smell, and their eyes suddenly changed.

He didn't even care about Jiang You in front of him, and turned his head to look behind him.

I saw five night watchmen approaching quickly, and the leader held his palm high, holding a ball of flame.

The fire was unreasonably bright and unreasonably soft.

Such a small group illuminates the mall in the shadow layer as if it were daylight.

Jiang You's heart moved slightly, and he even had the urge to pounce on him.

But he soon suppressed this strange impulse.

Is it the ability of the night watchman?

He wasn't sure.


The two alien species couldn't hold back any longer, with only the flame in their eyes, they howled and prepared to pounce!

Then, there was a boom.

It's like a strong wind blowing...

The clothes were blowing loudly.

Jiang You closed his eyes subconsciously.

Then open it again.

Of the two alien species in front of him, only one remained.

"?" He slowly typed a question mark.

Then he saw the first night watchman in the team raising his hand again, seemingly aiming at him.

"One of our own!"

When a huge crisis came, Jiang You screamed on the spot.

The night watchman paused slightly, then attacked again, killing another alien species.

Pinch the horse.

One of them dies in one go. Is this the strength of the night watchman? !

Jiang You's temples bulged.

Fortunately, I had always used Uncle Li and Lu Yaoyao to measure my combat power, and I didn't overestimate my capabilities to the point of comparing them to Uncle Lu.

It was a serious military position, and it was said that it was a high-level position.

Maybe he could kill himself eight hundred times with a snap of his fingers.

The night watch captain seemed to want to get closer and ask questions, but Jiang You had no intention of exposing himself.

"Brother, if you come later, the battle will be almost over."

"Who is your Excellency?" The night watch captain had a serious expression and was not in the mood to joke.

"My name is You, see you by chance."

He put his index and middle fingers together, pointed them at his temples in a salute gesture, then jumped back and disappeared little by little under the gaze of several people.

Where are the fog grass people? !

Several night watchmen were stunned.

"I know this 'you'. It has been very popular on short video platforms recently. Its ability should be the shadow branch, which can sneak into the shadows. It is not very strong, probably between the middle to high level of the first level."

Sneaking shadows?

Song Qingan, the night watchman captain's eyes twitched slightly.

I'm dragging a torch in my hand. How can there be any shadow here? And even if there is, in front of so many of us, we can't see the shadow. Is this something that the first level can do?

Song Qingan glanced at the team member, who paused for a moment and said, "Now it seems that there may be more than one level."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and rescue, and move everyone out."


"Jiang You..." Lu Yaoyao's face turned pale.

No matter how much information I read, she was still just a little girl who had never truly set foot on the extraordinary world, let alone experienced a fight with swords and blood.

The blood on the ground was still wet, the painful moans, the permeating smell of blood, and the corpses were all very clear under the illumination of the lamp.

But what can be done? There are so many people, the floors have collapsed, and rubble has accumulated. Without a larger light source, is it difficult to search with a flashlight?

The true scene of the extraordinary world was exposed to everyone without any blind spots.

"Where's Jiang You?"

The girl endured the discomfort and searched the surroundings carefully, refusing to let go of even the slightest bit.


A moan caught her attention and she quickly looked over.

A few fallen rocks were piled up to form a triangle, and half of Jiang You's body was pinned down.

"I remember that no one was crushed here before, right?"

Lu Yaoyao was a little confused, but now was not the time to care so much.

She exclaimed and rushed forward, "Get up quickly..."

"I...I feel so tight in my chest, I can't breathe."

Jiang You's expression was painful.

"I'll see if I can pull you out."

Lu Yaoyao also panicked and subconsciously grabbed his arm and pulled him out.

When I put my hand on it, my first reaction was: How could it be possible to pull him out when he was so crushed?

The second reaction was: Huh? Was it really that easy to drag it out?

She took a closer look.

The angle formed by the falling pieces of gravel just created a support point, and the remaining space was enough for a person to lie down straight in it, similar to lying in a sleeping bag.

"Well, it seems I can come out by myself." Jiang You looked at the pile of rubble and smiled.

"You were hit with a lot of blood." Lu Yaoyao noticed the wounds on his body.

"It's out of the way."

That wasn't smashed, that was chopped by A Piao.

Fortunately, he was injured in [Shadow Form], and his health bar was really buckled, so the injury didn't look that serious. In addition, he recovered for a short time, and the injuries on his body were not that scary.

Otherwise, everyone would have bruises, falls, sprains... You got a stab wound? ?

"Don't worry, everyone, the rescue team will be here soon. Don't panic."

the night watchman shouted.

The four of them stayed where they were.

After waiting for about ten minutes, more and more night watchmen finally appeared and directed the evacuation of the scene.

Whether you enter the shadow layer from the real world or vice versa, you need to go through the entrance and exit.

What the Night Patrol Division is planning to do now is to arrange for everyone to leave through the nearest exit.

Jiang You looked back and saw Ah Piao's body lying quietly on the ground, looking so beautiful.

[Shadow Dot] Ah, the lovely shadow dot, it was gone before it could be swallowed up.

"What are you looking at? Let's go quickly." Lu Yaoyao reminded, poking him.


Unexpectedly, Jiang You directly grabbed her hand.

Lu Yaoyao was stunned for a moment, and then he tried to retract his fingers like a fertilized rabbit, but found that the grip was so tight that he couldn't retract it at all.

Did this guy do it on purpose?

"Yaoyuan...I'm scared."

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