The total number of people in the room came to eighteen. Fortunately, the conference room was spacious enough to accommodate them. Jiang You didn't expect to meet so many senior students today.

But it’s normal to think about it.

During the Chinese New Year, go out to buy new year's goods or go shopping with friends.

It was dinner time at that time, and the restaurant was full of people. A larger number would be considered normal.

A quick glance revealed that there were four or five people with red and swollen eyes. They had probably just cried and the swelling had not subsided.

The mall is crowded...not everyone is as lucky as the Jiangyou quartet.

The night watchman sister who had previously interrogated Jiang You walked in with documents in her arms.

There was no delay and the roll call started directly.





Come down one by one and make sure everything is correct.

She nodded, "Everyone already knows why we are gathered here and what is going to happen next. I will tell you some things to pay attention to in advance."

"The early awakening will be divided into two parts..."

Yes, that’s what Uncle Lu said.

The young lady was more detailed and professional.

Everyone listened attentively. It related to the future destiny. Regardless of whether they knew it in advance or not, they all needed to pay attention to it.

"And the ability rating that everyone is more concerned about... is comprehensively divided into: low, middle, high, and top based on development potential, destructive power, use cost, etc."

"Regarding abilities, there was a classification of types decades ago. Later, with the exploration of extraordinary paths and the improvement of the power system, this classification was gradually cancelled."

"The determination of extraordinary abilities is not as absolute as everyone imagines. With enough willpower, no matter how weak the ability is, it is possible to counterattack. On the contrary, no matter how high the ability rating is, but the willpower qualification is not up to standard, you can only work in civilian jobs. "

The other party's eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he thought of.

Jiang You listened silently.

"The division of willpower qualification levels is also not complicated. Levels one to six correspond to white, green, blue, purple, red, and the rarest orange."

Why don't you play online games?

Not only Jiang You, but other people also looked a little strange when they heard this, obviously thinking about it together.

"You don't need to remember the color, just remember the rank. This rank also represents your potential on the extraordinary path. For example, with a third-level talent, in most cases, you will not be able to reach the fourth level in your life."

"In previous years, first-level talents were not allowed to participate in the martial arts exam. This year, the rules have been changed. As long as you have a first-level white talent, you can participate in the martial arts exam, but you can only register for extraordinary liberal arts."

"That's about it."

Everyone was silent, digesting these complicated but not too complicated contents.

A door to the extraordinary world stands right in front of you. When you open the door, you will find a brand new world.

In previous years' martial arts examinations, people did whatever they asked, and the examiners themselves were very confused.

This year is really different from before.

"No problem, just come with me."

The night watchman walked out, and everyone stood up to follow him, with a bit of uneasiness on their faces.

After another round of twists and turns, we finally came to a waiting room.

One of the indoor walls was completely replaced with thick glass, allowing you to clearly see the outside scene: a closed room, very spacious, estimated to be two to three hundred square meters.

In the center, a piece of black cloth covers some uneven object. I don't know what it is.

There were a few audio-like instruments placed in the corner of the empty room, but other than that, there was nothing else superfluous.

The floors, walls, and ceilings are all made of masonry made of special materials. The gaps between the joints are so small that they are almost invisible unless you look carefully.

This brick alone is estimated to cost a lot of money.

How much can you sell for a stolen piece?

Jiang You was thinking wildly, and then he saw a male night watchman walking towards the room, coming to the center and taking off the black cloth.

It was a dark stone, as tall as a man, and uneven.

There are some blue stars on the pitted surface.

Although the shape is unremarkable, it looks pretty good-looking.

"Whoever's name is called, come with me, Feng Xiaoxiao."

Unexpectedly, the first person was Lu Yaoyao's best friend. She stood up in a panic and followed the night watchman anxiously.

Jiang You looked out the window.

After waiting for about two or three minutes, there was a bang, and the vast hall outside the glass window suddenly went dark.

The sudden change shocked everyone.

Then he vaguely saw a figure, with a fluorescent object tied to his feet, tentatively walking forward.

The speed is very slow, like a baby just learning to walk.

Others couldn't see clearly, but this shadow environment had no impact on Jiang You at all.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

There is indeed something tied to Feng Xiaoxiao's leg. It looks like... a stone?

And the stone seemed to smell something the moment Feng Xiaoxiao stepped into the room. The light spots scattered all over it flickered on and off, as if they were breathing.

Weird and mysterious.

Looking up further, there is a watch on her wrist, and her eyes are wrapped in black satin, whose purpose is unknown.

Is this extraordinary awakening?

Jiang You felt nervous for no reason.

Feng Xiaoxiao shivered for a while, then looked around, slightly panicked.

After traveling for more than ten meters, her footsteps suddenly stopped.

Jiang You didn't know what happened. Before long, she moved forward again.

This time, she walked more slowly.

Another dozen meters away, still a long way from the central stone, the steps stopped completely.

Others couldn't see it, but Jiang You could see it clearly.

Feng Xiaoxiao's body trembled slightly, as if he was struggling with something, and his expression was slightly painful.

For about seven or eight seconds, the surrounding lights were instantly turned on. Her feet weakened and she almost fell.

In the waiting room, everyone was in an uproar, wondering what the outcome was.

Then Feng Xiaoxiao stabilized his strength and walked outside.

When the lights came on, everyone could clearly see the bitterness on her face, and there was a hint of speculation.

Not long after, the announcement came, "Next, Liu Yuqiang, please come to the Spiritual Enlightenment Room."

Qiling Room, the name of the room next door.

"Is it up to me now?" The boy sitting in the wheelchair turned pale.

"I'll push you out." Jiang You stood up.

When the two of them went out, Feng Xiaoxiao happened to come out of the Spiritual Enlightenment Room.

"How is it?" Liu Yuqiang asked.

"I don't have the talent for willpower." She smiled bitterly, "I can't even apply for extraordinary liberal arts. I'll wait for you in the rest area."

There is a separate rest area where you can rest and relax after the test.

"It's okay. I guess I don't have any talent. I'll be with you right away." Liu Yuqiang said with relief, and then asked nervously, "By the way...does it hurt? Can you take an anesthetic?"

"It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't feel good."

After chatting for a while, Jiang You returned to the waiting room after sending Liu Yuqiang to the spiritual enlightenment room.

The large room used for testing went dark again, and soon, Liu Yuqiang pushed his wheelchair and moved forward with difficulty.

It’s true that life is difficult, even my legs are broken and I have to come here to get tested.

The situation was the same as Feng Xiaoxiao's in the front. He advanced for more than ten meters and then stopped.

The difference is that Xiaopang's expression is a little weird.

After a moment's pause, he moved on.

By the way, pushing a wheelchair while blindfolded will not cause any problems.

Just four or five meters out, Shi Shi suddenly reacted.

A blur of white light lit up, reflecting on his face.

His pace slowed down a lot, but he kept moving forward.

The white light turned from light to thick, and then a flash of green light appeared.

As he moved forward, it completely turned into a faint green light.

His steps also completely stopped and he was unable to move forward.

Qiangzi, he has extraordinary qualifications?

Jiang You was stunned.

Those who are thinking about it without the qualifications will not be able to touch the extraordinary in this life; those who resist in every way have the qualifications and are about to enter the new world.

It's really a mistake.

what about me.

What will happen to me?

One student came forward to take the test.

Finally, a voice came from the radio: "Next, Jiang You."

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