The next day.

Looking at the thirty-plus-story building in front of him, Jiang You felt helpless.

Beside him, Liu Yuqiang looked longingly.

"I said, that flyer must be a lie."

Jiang You spoke.

"Who said that?" Liu Yuqiang retorted, "Chuyang Group, such a big company, there is no need to make false propaganda about this kind of thing, otherwise the night watch department will definitely have to check the water meter."

"I mean, the effect may not be as good as you think."

"We'll see how the effect is." Liu Yuqiang said, "Don't mention anything else, just treat it as a meeting with the world. Didn't it say that there will be a martial arts explanation? I just want to know about it in advance."

"All right."

Jiang You had no choice but to follow him in.

Enter the building.

At first glance, the oval ball in the center of the floor caught their attention.

The ball is made of an unknown material. Its surface is not completely smooth, but slightly pitted. At the same time, it is surrounded by "flame"-shaped embellishments.

This is the logo of Chuyang Group.

All around, white floor tiles are spread, column chandeliers hang down, and there are no unnecessary counters. The entire first floor looks grand and simple.

Chuyang Group, a company established nearly 50 years ago, has really developed in the past 20 years.

Mainly engaged in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, it is quite famous in the surrounding areas of Yunhai.

The flyer yesterday came from Chuyang Group.

The general meaning is that we have developed a new type of nutritional solution and the future employment direction of the civil and military departments, mainly attracting students and parents.

Liu Yuqiang has been very interested in this information since he decided to take the martial arts exam in the future.

Not long after the two entered the front hall, a young lady in uniform approached with a smile.

"Hello, do you two want to go to the exhibition hall? This way."

She led the way.

"Are you two...high school students?"

"Yeah." Jiang You nodded and looked around.

For some reason, as soon as he entered the Chuyang Group, he felt a little frightened.

It was like there was a pair of eyes watching me carefully in the dark.

As expected of a large group, this security measure is really awesome.

"It just so happens that the exhibition hall on the first floor is introducing the newly developed supplements of our Chuyang Group. Whether it is liberal arts or martial arts, it will be helpful in the future. You two can listen to see if you are interested."

"Okay, okay." Liu Yuqiang couldn't wait for a long time.

The exhibition hall is very open, a bit like a museum.

According to the area, it is divided into alien debris, obsolete standard equipment, historical relics, Chuyang Group research inventions, etc.

The two of them had only taken a few steps into the corridor when a man in a white coat and glasses held a teacher's microphone and explained to everyone.

"This drug, code-named T-1928, is called Manna. It was developed by Mr. XXX, a doctor from Beidu, and led his team after ten years of research and development. It can effectively relieve fatigue and increase brain activity..."


Jiang You's heart moved slightly and he looked to the side.

There seemed to be a dim red light flashing away.

His eyes suddenly hardened.

"Xiaoqiang, you listen here, I'll go over there and take a look."

Liu Yuqiang was listening carefully and waved his hand, "Call me if you have any questions."

Not quite right.

Jiang You walked to the edge.

"Husband, this supplement seems to be good. Would you like to buy some for He He to try? Maybe it will be useful."

"You, just believe this. I'm telling you this is all IQ tax. Let's make an agreement first. Let's only buy a little..."

Some familiar voices came and Jiang You looked over.

Good guy.

Deng Ke!

This man didn't look much older than Jiang You, but he didn't expect that he was already married.

Looking at the little girl sandwiched between the couple, she was estimated to be only four or five years old.

It's miserable to be arranged by your parents at a young age.

Jiang You passed by the three of them without attracting attention.

Bypassing the crowd here, he came to the cultural relics exhibition area.

Pictures, texts, maps…

There is a broken broadsword covered in rust, which our ancestors used to fight aliens in the past;

There are the tattered uniforms of the night watchman, and every damage is a symbol of glory;

Jiang You stopped in front of one of the scrolls.

In the painting, a man wearing a tattered night watch uniform holds a ball of fire in his hand.

There were countless pairs of eyes staring into the fire beside him, most of them with tears in their eyes.

This raised fire ball is the only light in the vast darkness.

There is a line of small words next to it: [Chu Yang, by XXX, this painting is dedicated to the founder of Chu Yang Group, Mr. Zhao Chuyang]

This pharmaceutical group still does these things...

"Zhao Chuyang used to be a night watchman."

Next to him, a voice suddenly sounded.

Jiang You glanced to the right, his eyelids suddenly twitching.

An unshaven old man stood next to him. He was 1.8 meters tall, had strong features, and had the charm of a middle-aged man.

It was the night watchman who came to support from the shadow layer of the mall that day.

Thinking of this, the scene of the other party slapping an Ah Piao to death loomed before Jiang You's eyes.

The old man was accompanied by a little girl, who seemed to be about the same age as the Deng Ke family's children.

Good guy, I went to a group exhibition today, and there were all acquaintances there.

He obviously did not recognize Jiang You as the "shadow man". Looking at the scroll, he spoke softly, "In the fiftieth year of the Catastrophic Era, we encountered a sudden change. It was another bloody evacuation."

"During the evacuation, some people were bewitched by alien species from time to time and were separated from the large army."

"The team led by Zhao Chuyang was one of them. After they were separated, the surroundings were dark and dead, and there were alien species restless in the shadows."

"As a night watchman, Zhao Chuyang resolutely chose to hold the fire ball high, and together with several other night watchmen, diverted the alien species away, successfully saving the lives of nearly a hundred people."

"Of course, he didn't come back, and he didn't even leave his body behind. Fortunately, his descendants succeeded in making the Chuyang Group he founded bigger, and they made corresponding contributions in both people's livelihood and extraordinary fields."

I see.

This story is not a legend, and even seems a bit ordinary under the man's dry explanation.

But Jiang You could still imagine that difficult era.

From a country with a land area much larger than that of China in the previous life, to now a dotted area on the map.

A hundred years of catastrophe cannot be summarized in just a few pages in a textbook.

"What does the Night Watch represent to you?" he asked suddenly.

"Dad?" The girl didn't hear clearly.

He gently rubbed his daughter's head, "At the beginning of the millennium, the abyss descended and alien species invaded."

"The Great Zhou Dynasty is devastated, and despair has dragged the world into the abyss. The land beneath our feet is being invaded by the enemy."

"Either surrender or perish, there is never an in-between option."

“We are a safe haven for most, a beacon to the darkness.”

"There are many of us, men, women, elders, and young people, who are at a loss in the darkness and suffocating in despair."

"There is no light behind me, and there is white mist in front of me."

"But there are always those who hold the fire and step forward to light a candle for others."

He turned around and looked at Jiang You, then smiled and stretched out his right hand.

"Song Qing'an, third-level night watchman of the Yunhai Night Watch Division, this is our first meeting. Hello..."

"General Li's nephew."

Jiang You was stunned for a moment, then tentatively stretched out his hand and held it together.

Li... General?

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